I'm not sure if this is just a normal start and I'm just second-guessing myself, or if I really should have started with Little Hearts instead. I was struggling from the beginning because on the placement chart he really does place with Beyond, BUT just barely. We didn't do this much reading last year with MFW, so he hasn't had the prep. My main goal is for him to learn and be challenged, but also to feel successful. What would you guys recommend? DH wouldn't really be thrilled about spending more money, and I'm not thrilled about the thought either, but I think I figured out a way to get everything we'd need for about $100, and then next year would practically be covered. (Edit: I put everything we don't have have in the cart and it would be around $135.) I just don't know what to do. For now I gave him the rest of the day off so I can think and pray about it.
I figure I have three choices here. Either we keep going as is and hope he catches up. OR I proceed at half-speed somehow. OR I just order the things we'd need from Little Hearts before we get too far into Beyond.
*Edited to add: Well, I just got off the phone with DH and he agrees that doing Little Hearts would make more sense...especially when I told him that next year we wouldn't have to spend much for curriculum since we've already purchased almost everything we'd need for both DS and DD. I feel better knowing that he's supportive of making the switch.