Anyone use Homeschool Tracker Plus for scheduling, etc.?

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Sue G in PA
Posts: 246
Joined: Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:09 pm

Anyone use Homeschool Tracker Plus for scheduling, etc.?

Post by Sue G in PA » Sat Jun 05, 2010 5:15 pm

I have the Basic version that was free and it is a pain to use for anything other than attendance and reading logs. Even that is quite tedious. I have heard the Plus version (for $50) is so much better and more user-friendly. I want to have a schedule for ds12 and ds10 so that they can be as independent as possible using Preparing b/c I KNOW I will need to do a lot of hand-holding with ds9 while he uses Preparing. I'm just being realistic. :) Does anyone use this to schedule HOD or for anything else. I could just copy the guide pages for my ds12 and ds10, I know. However, HST+ is so much more than just schedules, kwim? Thanks!

Posts: 224
Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:39 pm

Re: Anyone use Homeschool Tracker Plus for scheduling, etc.?

Post by juliekay » Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:05 pm

Hi Sue!

I use this only because the state of PA requires me to hand in a log at the end of the year. So, I really only use the following parts of it:
1. Attendance
2. Children's individual reading lists
3. Resources - I type in every book we "use" for school. It will print out alphabetically under Art/Math/Science/Etc.
(This list & my attendance is my "log")
I do not use it for any type of schedule as I feel that HOD already did that for me. I do make a simple schedule on a 3x5 card to be a constant reminder of what I (mom of 5 plus household duties) needed to be doing! :)
You will love Preparing! I just allowed my dc to share the guide. When they finished a “box” I wrote their initials beside the box so I knew which child had indeed finished his task. This is easy to do as most of the independent history and science had them either writing in their notebooks or reporting to you with an oral narration.
ds 13 RTR plus
ds 12 RTR plus
ds 8 RTR
dd 5
ds 2
We loved using Bigger & Preparing

Sue G in PA
Posts: 246
Joined: Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:09 pm

Re: Anyone use Homeschool Tracker Plus for scheduling, etc.?

Post by Sue G in PA » Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:19 pm

Thank you. That is helpful. I only use attendance and reading log for HST Basic as all the other features are tedious. I like HST Plus for the High School transcripts, grade reports, etc. My ds12 will be playing football at our local ps next year and I will be required to turn in grade reports for him every 2 weeks. :shock: HST Plus would make my life so much easier! I would love to know more about your 3x5 card system!

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