Just wanted to see if you sweet ladies would join in prayer for our family. Last month my mother in law passed away and we had to take some time off work, to go back to where we just moved from in Jan. The company that my husband works for, was very sympathetic and agreed to let him have the time off. So, we were gone 4 weeks, because the doctor gave his mom 1-3 weeks. However, he didn't have vacation, which put a crimp on things a little. But, the Lord was good and provided for us during that time. When we returned to work, the following week, however, he was told that they company is going downhill and this Friday, the 14th, would be his last day. So it's been a bit rough, trying to catch up on things from our trip and then to be told that he only has two weeks left of work. We know that God is in control, and believe he has something better for us, but we are waiting to see what that is, and trying to not worry about it, and leave it in His hands. My husband would like to go back to school, for some sort of ministry, so we are praying for a job that would meet our financial needs, and a job that would allow him to go to school. Praying for His direction!

God bless you!