Gah! Not going to finish!?

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Gah! Not going to finish!?

Post by georgiamomof3 » Wed May 05, 2010 2:30 pm

This past year has been wonderful with HOD, however, teaching all 3 kiddos proved to be much more challenging than I'd originally thought. :? We ended up taking the entire month of December off, and between scheduled and (ahem) unscheduled days off, we are now looking at not finishing Preparing by the end of this month as I'd originally planned. It pains me to not finish a guide, especially since we are SO loving the Bible and history and read alouds and poetry... :D So my dilemma is this: do we start 5th grade in the fall with the last 6 or 7 units of Preparing, thus putting us 'behind' for CTC, or do I just stop where we will be at the end of the month and begin CTC in the fall? When I pulled DD from ps two years ago, I started her language and math from the very beginning, so I already have a mental 'thing' that she's still behind. I would love to feel that she's caught up to where I think she should be by this fall, but schooling during the summer will just not work for us. (not full-time school, anyway)

Was this clear as mud? Any input or advice?

BTW, my ds, 6 in kindergarten, will not finish LHFHG either (we're over halfway finished right now), but I'm ok with using it next year for 1st grade as well with the first grade options. My other ds, 4 in preschool, will also still use LHTH next year for pre-k.

Thanks everyone!

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Re: Gah! Not going to finish!?

Post by amysconfections » Wed May 05, 2010 2:42 pm

I would finish it, either half paced this summer or next fall. The lessons seem to build and you will miss something. You really could do it slowly over the summer with your oldest at least.
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Re: Gah! Not going to finish!?

Post by jenntracy » Wed May 05, 2010 3:34 pm

I would finish it too. Either half-paced in summer or just continue in fall. who says you HAVE to finish a guide by the end of a typical school year? we actually took off all of December, as planned. We will finish sometime in June with LHFHG for my son's "k". we actually have art camp and VBS in June (2 separate weeks). so hopefully at the end of June we will be done. tomorrow we finish unit 29. so 5 more to go. My hubby and i go on vacation the week of the 4th of July so i hope to be finished by then. My kids don't know what "summer break" is, so it won't matter if we finish after public school. We plan on starting around August 1st for the next school year. Just plug along. Life happens and you sound like you are doing just fine with schooling.

Jenn D.
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Re: Gah! Not going to finish!?

Post by water2wine » Wed May 05, 2010 5:18 pm

I am about finishing too. :D I have sometimes combined days where we do the Bible, history and science in one day and do one lesson of LA and math. That works as well. On the other hand if you are going to lose your mind trying to finish then I might consider another plan. I can't handle missing any of it. We are way behind, or I guess I should say behind in my mind. We tend to start late and finish late and I spend the rest of the year in denial that we are not on a normal schedule. :lol:
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
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Re: Gah! Not going to finish!?

Post by inHistiming » Wed May 05, 2010 5:31 pm

Due to purchasing Preparing in December and not truly starting until January, we will not be finishing by the end of May either....we're not nearly as far as I'd hoped we'd get. :oops: We tend to have 'unscheduled' days off as well, but I'm learning that life is just that way. :? I am also learning, after 4 years of homeschooling, that I don't need to 'keep up' with the ps grade/age groups. It can be tough to get over that mentality...I still struggle with it some days....but realizing that one of the reasons we homeschool and one of the best things about it is that we can work at the pace that fits our life has been a huge help. Each of my children has their own areas of weakness. However they are miles ahead in other areas, so that sets my mind at ease some. My plan is to continue with Preparing over the summer, except when we have our two weeks of vacation time. Then, we will get much of it done and only have a few units left when the new school year starts. I think you could do one page of plans a day (if you don't have time to go full-speed) and get much of the work done. Then, you'll have a minimal amount left to complete when fall gets here. For me, with three to school, a 14-month old to keep content, and having number 5 due in October, I have had to let go of my 'plan' quite a bit and try to give it all to God, realizing He is the Master planner anyway and it's just easier to go with Him. So, be encouraged! You're not alone, nor are you the only one who has gotten 'behind'. It happens to all of us at some time, if not in schooling then in other areas. It will be okay. I think if you keep plugging along as you can, then you'll find you're not really as behind as you think....but in the long run it doesn't matter that much anyway.....we are all at varying levels in every subject, even as adults. :wink: HTH

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Re: Gah! Not going to finish!?

Post by DHT1999 » Wed May 05, 2010 8:07 pm

We won't finish Preparing until the end of June, possibly even the middle of July! I wish it were a bit sooner but we are going to finish it before we take our official break. Lately, I have been doubling up on some of the days and it's been fine. My son is a 5th grader so he really doesn't mind doing a little more most days.
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Re: Gah! Not going to finish!?

Post by georgiamomof3 » Wed May 05, 2010 8:25 pm

You ladies are awesome, as usual! :D Thank you for your words of encouragement. We've only homeschooled for two years and I still struggle with 'getting my days in.' We live in Texas, and have no paperwork to submit on how many days we actually have school, which sometimes is a good thing, other times not so much. :oops:

I think I will take a week or so off, then try to squeeze in the schoolwork in the mornings before lunch. My dd loves the curriculum (even though she'd never admit it to me :) ) so I think continuing is the best thing for us. I had thought of transitioning to all year schooling next summer anyway, so maybe now is the best time to start!


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