I am new to HOD and I am very excited about this school year.

I was just wondering if anyone has used Reading Made Easy with success?
I have a 6 yo. d, starting beyond and she is a very reluctant reader. She can read and sound out some
words. WE have tried , 100 e-z lessons when she was younger and we both disliked it and also
the Key to Reading. When I purchased Reading Made EZ I did not realize I had purchased the CD-Rom.

Has anyone tried teaching this with the CD-Rom????? I am a true bibliophile and I would much rather
be holding a book in my hands than reading it on the computer screen.
We will also be starting bigger with my 8yo s, we have tried R&S in the past and he gave
me a really hard time using this text. I only made him do 1 set of excercises. Does anyone
have any tips on using R&S with a wiggily , hates to write kid ?? I don't want to purchase anything else because
(ouch) we just bought our HOD materials. I also think that my son was rebelling with our previous textbook
style .HHMMMMM?!?!?!?