Need advice in Hschool "to do" list-time mngmt

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Need advice in Hschool "to do" list-time mngmt

Post by striving2Bprov31 » Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:53 pm

To all,

I need some advice from any of you out there. One of the things I love about HOD is the low prep time for the parent. But...having 4 children is-as you know- a FULL day in and of itself. Even though HOD is low prep, I still have a lot to do to prepare to begin homeschooling (I'm a newbie!). I have been chipping away at this "to do" list for several months-orginization of home, school materials, gathering materials, record keeping, you know the drill. THIS is my dilemma: WHEN in your day do you guys work on all of this stuff??? My ideal time is in the evening when all of my dc are in bed for the night--no interuptions!! But, I am then exhausted!!! Our youngest is 7 months old. I have found that since we had the baby I am just not sharp anymore in the evenings, so I've had a very hard time being productive during the most opportune time of the day! Also, I take medication daily for an ongoing condition that I have, so from that I fight sleepiness as it is. How do you all handle this? I know many of you have multiple children. Also, another detail about my life....from April to almost Christmas my husband works 70 to 90 hours a week. He is a full time firefighter and we own our own business. This is the way it is right now. It enables me to be a stay-at-home mommy! He is amazingly good at being there for us even though he works alot. But the point is, he is not readily available to help out with life here at home. Most days I'm on my own with that. I have a little help from family but not usually. So this gives you a little insight to what my life is like so maybe that puts my question in perspective. Sorry for the long post!!! I hope someone will read this and offer advice that you have-again my question is how do you get the hschool prep and "to do" list done when you are busy with little ones all day?? I know my post is wordy--sorry!
Thank you in advance!!! You all are wonderful and I really value your opinions!

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Re: Need advice in Hschool "to do" list-time mngmt

Post by mamaloves4 » Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:09 am

Hi Liz,

I think you will find once you get a rhythm, things will fall easily into place. Whenever I right things down in a schedule I get so overwhelmed when I see just how much I need to do, however when I step back and let the Lord lead my day while accomplishing certain set priorities it all works. For time management, I have 'set' things that get done at the same time each day--rising time, our meals, our school, and nap times for the two younger ones. I schedule everything else around those times. I also use breakfast time to do some kitchen housekeeping and/or start laundry so that I am accessible to the kids, but am able to get some of those things done. I also use lunchtime for read a loud time and scripture memory time. I also work into our afternoon an hour just for me to read/relax, where I am by myself. (we have trained our kids to take naps/rest times/entertain themselves) That time is very rejuvenating and I need it. Unfortunately I am not the best housekeeper and we do not live in a mess, but we usually have the clutter of 6 people floating about. I try to 'clean' (and train my kids) for about 1/2 hr a day 4-5 times a week. As for organizing our school supplies--I will go through everything about twice a year and reorganize it, I usually only spend a day. One year I went and bought a bunch of craft supplies and for a couple of years bought a few things at the start of the year, but didn't need to do that this year. For record keeping--I have kept a journal of what we did each day, but when switched to heart of dakota, I stopped because I was basically rewriting the guide and felt I could use my time more wisely if I stopped. Now I simply mark off the boxes as I do them. I think record keeping is different based on your states rules and regulations. In my state I have three options--supervising teacher, annual assessment, or portfolio option. I have chosen the supervising teacher option and the state requires that we meet 8 times/year. I will take along samples of the kids' work. I do like to save a few things from year to year as a record of progress. Whatever we can fit in a 2inch binder is what we keep. This is a little bit of how I manage our day and I know there are areas where I need to improve.
I hope you enjoy this homeschooling adventure. You have so many blessings in store for you! In that light, I would encourage you to sit down and think about what is essential for you to run your homeschool and what is negotiable. do you 'need' to organize every aspect of your home before you start, or just where you will keep you school supplies? what is the simplest way you can keep records? find the simplest yet most efficient way or storing your supplies. I have learned that organization is great, but if what I am doing doesn't fit my personality it was a waste of my time and energy. Right now, you have a little one, so let yourself get the rest you need--when I am tired things are a lot harder--a lot of the other stuff can wait for a little while. My dh is gone a lot in the fall and it is in those times when I get a new awareness of the Lord's grace as He holds my hand through this mothering/homeschooling journey.
May His grace be with you today!
I hope all this rambling helped!
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Re: Need advice in Hschool "to do" list-time mngmt

Post by MomtoJGJE » Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:41 am

I do my prep either on Sunday afternoons or in the mornings. My 4mo is a late sleeper, and the biggers understand somewhat that from when we wake up until 7:30 is mommy's time. They almost always get up before me and watch tv in the playroom. I'll get up, sneak downstairs, fix their drinks and "morning snack", put them on the counter. Then I do my devotional, fix my coffee and do my prep work, email, playing on the computer, whatever I want. When they realize I'm downstairs I just direct them to their food/drinks and remind them it's mommy's alone time. Then at 7:30 I get their breakfast and start our day :) So I have about 1.5 hours in the morning with limited interruptions...

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Re: Need advice in Hschool "to do" list-time mngmt

Post by water2wine » Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:15 am

I can definitely say BTDT. I have six kids and my dh usually works two jobs, one FT and one 25 to sometimes 30 hours a week. I've also had it when he has been out of town for work. So I completely understand. I understand the physical limitations because I have some of that myself. So knowing all that my fits gut instinct is that maybe your to do list needs to be shortened and some semi survival methods put in place. Some things that have really helped me are some habits we have. Everyone cleans before they play. We have a chore chart and chores get done first so we have peace. I try to correct as much as I can on things like Math and LA as we go. Not all of it get;s done but at least I have a good idea of how they are doing until I can get to it completely. I would also say let go of the extras until the basics are underhand and try to do things as written in HOD. There is not a ton of prep that needs to be done really if you use HOD as written and have the basic systems in place like a place for copywork, vocabulary etc. Keep those systems simple. Some people love to make it very detailed and that is great if it empowers you and gives you energy but if it sucks the life out of you know it is not necessary. Take a look in the front of the manual and read the descriptions If you have to plug the kids into an educational video or let them play in a safe place while you do it then fine. I mean sometimes if I need it an early bedtime with reading aloud is an OK thing around our house.

One thing that really helps is to make a list of what really has to be done and what really matters to you most to be done. Make those first priorities, an honest list not a super mom list. :lol: The kids are learning more than enough if you are just doing the program as is. :wink: Let all that come together and then if there are extras that you want add them in after you have a good flow one at a time slowly. A thing that helps in the house for me is cooking in bulk. If you have the energy you can cook for three months in about three days time. I have been out of that for a while but I have began back at making six meals every time I cook one to try to store some things up. We get our chicken in bulk from the plant and buy ground beef in bulk as well. If that is too much then get into simple healthy throw them together things and elect each night a sous chef to help among the kids. Pretty soon they will know how to make something quick in a pinch. Your 7 and 9 your old might really surprise you. But those are just some household survival things.

I think you might need to take it easy on yourself. It is hard when your dh works that much especially when you are not at your full speed. This is going to sound crazy but one thing that really helps me is to have a hobby. I sew and that relieves frustration and revives me. I know that adds work but oddly I get more done when I allow myself to do it. It's something that is me, well not completely because I sew mostly for the kids, but it feels that way. Another thing I do is take a book to bed. I have a reading light and I read until I am relaxed. I try to keep that usually spiritual or something that is going to refresh me. I take time every day just about or at least I would say a good 4-5 times a week to play two short games with two kids and we rotate. Right now it is Yahtzee. I make them pick up all the clutter do their jobs then we play.

Other than that for your prep just pick one item a day to tackle and get that one thing done. For me I just categorized all our books into reading level and genre. It does not really have to be done ahead but I like zero prep and thought in the school year so I make all my copies of things and organize first so I know where my books are and I can just fly in the school year. Today's task is to decide on 4 genres (which won't be hard becasue after categorizing I see I have a limited imagination as far as that goes in selecting books, hahaha!). Then after that I am going to copy all the pages out of the student book for each child and comb bind them. The next day I will pick a new task.

Anyway sorry this is all over the place just trying to think of all the things that help me. I just want to also say tune out all the extra cool stuff other people are doing and just get the basics in place. :D That is all you need and it is enough. I get the feeling you may be adding a little too much. :wink: I say this becasue I tend to think more is more and sometimes it is but sometimes it is just more. :lol: If you just get the basics done and do that well you are doing a great job. Sometimes you have to compromise in one area to get things done in another area. And learn to say no to extra things. When you have a dh that works as much as yours does and you are not feeling at full speed your family is the only ministry that you can handle most of the time and that also is enough. :D Hang in there when you get all prepared and get going with HOD you are going to realize what a blessing it is and that you can do it even with dh gone a lot. Hope there is something here that can be helpful for you. We are all different and different things work for different people so if not hope someone hits the things that will work for you and your family. :D
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
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Re: Need advice in Hschool "to do" list-time mngmt

Post by Tansy » Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:59 pm

I only have my 2 but I have a friend with 5 kids.. she amazes me.. 13, 11, 9, 7, 6 and 6 months.. I can let you in on her secret.. delegation... all her kids pitch in to help her do her chores. There are laminated chore lists for each child and the eldest is allowed to boss the younger ones around to get them done.

She also takes a nap form 2-4:30pm every day to keep her energy up. her kids are trained to occupy them selves and the baby if need be. most of her kids are phlegmatic in temperament which I think really helps. Her house is clean but kid clean.. the streaks on the mirror tell you the 11 year old proudly washed it.

she frequently uses a crock pot. And supper is usually a stew or soup. She doesn't stay up late but does get up early. I'm a night owl myself.

I would if possible use the book as your record of school. I have used my book multiple times. for my first I checked off every thing and dated it... for my second i keep a 1/2 inch stamp (strawberry) and stamp the activities as we go. date the corner with the stamp and my record is kept.

For my eldest i have to keep a record of her therapy so I have just today finished perfecting her tracking sheets. i check off each activity as i do it and keep my "black book" with her stuff. this way I don't have to go back and do anything later, they are ready to submit to LGS as is. Which keeps me up to date on the paperwork.

My sister does the once a month cooking and 2x a month cosco type shopping.. she loves it and says it gives her huge chunks of time... but her house hold is very predictable wednesdays is meatball soup, thursdays is tacos, fridays is chicken pot pies, saturdays is homemade pizza. you get the idea. and if you keep the meals boring the kids will be so much more appreciative when you get creative..
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Re: Need advice in Hschool "to do" list-time mngmt

Post by my3sons » Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:20 pm

I'm a mess at night - much more of a morning person. So, I get what you are saying here! I get up fairly early (around 7:30 AM). The boys' start on their chores. It's helped to train the boys to do the same chores the same time of day. I have them do the chores that have to be done for the day to work (i.e. dishwasher unloaded, garbages taken out, dogs fed, counters swiped, etc.). I only add new chores when we're not doing school (i.e. in the summer), and then I train them to do the new chore all summer. We have a checkoff for each of them on the fridge. This keeps them accountable.

I need a schedule to function and get through our day smoothly. While I'm not always right on track, the order an approximate time increments remain the same. This helps the kids know what's expected and keeps things moving. I have 2 clear tubs for each child. One for school books we are using today, and one for the others to come. We switch them out as the finish a book and need a new one. I also have mobile basic art supplies (in a tool turnabout). We have 2 of them, one setting on the kitchen table and one on the dining table. This makes it easy for the boys to work several places without moving stuff.

I train the boys to use the manual to get their supplies ready. As they get older they check off the boxes themselves. I don't answer the phone (or try very hard not to), no t.v. on, no radio on. We are all about the business of school during school. At the end of the day before bed, the dc must "cleansweep" the house and basement, picking up everything so it's clean to start school the next day. These are some things that help me. I don't organize the night before. I truly pick up the guide and teach, but it's the rest of life I have to plan ahead for. :D

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
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Re: Need advice in Hschool "to do" list-time mngmt

Post by striving2Bprov31 » Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:28 pm

Dear ladies,

Thank you all so much for your valuable input. I've really been trying to focus on one thing at a time and lots of prayer to help with feeling overwhelmed. I've always struggled with this!!! Thank you again, and I would welcome ideas and thoughts from anyone else who would like to chime in!!

dh of 11yrs.
dd9,ds7-Bigger with ext.
ds3-Little Hands
ds7months-busy guy

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Re: Need advice in Hschool "to do" list-time mngmt

Post by momof2n2 » Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:04 pm

For HOD last year I did my prep work about 10 minutes before we got to it. We did Bigger and LHFHG. Are you going to do Bigger this upcoming year?
May I suggest that when you are working with your 7 year old with say, math, spelling, or reading, [things that are more individual or age specific] that you have your 9 year old play with the three year old, and vice versa. That worked EXCEPTIONALLY well for our family this last year.

When I see we are getting near the end of a reader, etc., I take a few minutes and order the next books from the library.

We have daily chores that the kids do. That helps out a lot with MY work. I'd be happy to share our work schedule if you like - Our older ones are the same age. :)

Fall 2015
DS 17 -gr.12 full time college student
DS 15- gr. 10 favorites from World Geo and World Hx.
DD 13- gr. 8 Rev to Rev
DD 11- gr. 6 CTC
DD 7 - gr. 2 Beyond
DD 4 - pre-K Rod & Staff and Phonics Pathways

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