It seems to me there was a discussion about this one time or another, but I can't put my finger on it... I am wondering when testing generally starts, and what your feeling is of it. Is is necessary? My oldest is just in 1st grade, but I have some persistent family members who think it is very important. I on the other hand, don't know that it is... at least in the early grades. But, I am wondering if I really need it, since I know that they are learning, right? And, how does that work for some of testing in the area of phonics, etc. because my kids just learned to read, using The Reading Lesson... didn't learn concepts such as "long vowels", "short vowels", etc. Know what I mean? Also, history is going to be different too. As, in public schools, it is more social study type learning, rather than history, right? Anyway, help?!?!
Love my husband of 18 years this year;
Love my 3 teenagers--13, 15, and 16. They keep me young, but hanging on for dear life!
Used HOD in the earliest years with all three of them!