How do you start your school day?
How do you start your school day?
Just curious how you start your school day. Do you open in prayer? Do you say the pledge of allegiance? There are 2 things we will include. Is there anything else you all do to get your day started? Thanks!!
wife to Scott since 2001
step-mom to ds (14) in private school
mom to ds (5 1/2) will start LHFHG 2009-2010
mom to dd (2) who is speech delayed and has just started speech therapy
wife to Scott since 2001
step-mom to ds (14) in private school
mom to ds (5 1/2) will start LHFHG 2009-2010
mom to dd (2) who is speech delayed and has just started speech therapy
- Posts: 1078
- Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:40 pm
- Location: Tennessee
Re: How do you start your school day?
We open our day with Bible lessons. My older son does a CLE lesson and once he finishes, we do HOD Bible study. My younger son (almost 6) starts with his calendar and then goes straight to Bible lessons.
ds13(8th) - Rev to Rev w/ TT Pre-Algebra, R&S English 6, CLE Reading 8, Rosetta Stone French
ds9 (4th) - Preparing Hearts, TT Math 4, R&S English 3, CLE Reading 4, & Writeshop Jr.
We have completed LHFHG, BLHFHG, Bigger, CTC, & RTR.
ds13(8th) - Rev to Rev w/ TT Pre-Algebra, R&S English 6, CLE Reading 8, Rosetta Stone French
ds9 (4th) - Preparing Hearts, TT Math 4, R&S English 3, CLE Reading 4, & Writeshop Jr.
We have completed LHFHG, BLHFHG, Bigger, CTC, & RTR.
Re: How do you start your school day?
We do our family devotions in the morning. (We tried switching that to the evening last year, but that didn't work for our family. Because it just didn't get done very often when we tried moving it.
We're planning on some Bible study, memorizing some verses as a family, singing. Then we'll jump into HOD for the day. Now, we have yet to see if Dad can be home at a consistent time in the morning. Last year was better than the year maybe, but farm life is so unpredictable. He really wants to do our family devotions in the morning though, so hopefully he can pop in at 8 every morning.
(If not we'll start our day and stop when he does come in.
Last year I had a "teacher calendar" on the wall that we put the days up on. We usually did that in the morning, too. (It was fatally injured last spring though, so we won't be using it again.
Grant and I started Bigger every day with a hug.
I was surprised how great of an idea he thought this was when we started it.

We're planning on some Bible study, memorizing some verses as a family, singing. Then we'll jump into HOD for the day. Now, we have yet to see if Dad can be home at a consistent time in the morning. Last year was better than the year maybe, but farm life is so unpredictable. He really wants to do our family devotions in the morning though, so hopefully he can pop in at 8 every morning.

Last year I had a "teacher calendar" on the wall that we put the days up on. We usually did that in the morning, too. (It was fatally injured last spring though, so we won't be using it again.

Grant and I started Bigger every day with a hug.

Homeschooling mom to 6:
Grant - 19 Kansas State University
Allison - 15 World Geography
Garret - 13 Res2Ref
Asa - 8 Bigger
Quinn - 7 Bigger
Halle - 4 LHTH
Grant - 19 Kansas State University
Allison - 15 World Geography
Garret - 13 Res2Ref
Asa - 8 Bigger
Quinn - 7 Bigger
Halle - 4 LHTH
Re: How do you start your school day?
We start with potty time
But then we do the pledge to the Bible, Christian flag, and American flag because that's the order of importance in our lives.

Re: How do you start your school day?
Lora Beth-
I had to laugh at starting your day with potty time
We are potty training the youngest...and I would love it if this is what we started our day we...instead I get "I don't want to potty" in her own language of course...the girl can hold it until the full light shows "overflowing" love the little "stinker"...
Thanks for the addition of the pledge to the Bible, Christian flag, too....something we do at Awana, but need to add to home.
I had to laugh at starting your day with potty time

We are potty training the youngest...and I would love it if this is what we started our day we...instead I get "I don't want to potty" in her own language of course...the girl can hold it until the full light shows "overflowing" love the little "stinker"...
Thanks for the addition of the pledge to the Bible, Christian flag, too....something we do at Awana, but need to add to home.
wife to Scott since 2001
step-mom to ds (14) in private school
mom to ds (5 1/2) will start LHFHG 2009-2010
mom to dd (2) who is speech delayed and has just started speech therapy
wife to Scott since 2001
step-mom to ds (14) in private school
mom to ds (5 1/2) will start LHFHG 2009-2010
mom to dd (2) who is speech delayed and has just started speech therapy
Re: How do you start your school day?
If I don't remind them to go before we start then we get a million times out of the room to go to the bathroom. But if I tell them to go now because they won't get up until we are done with history they'll go and be done.
About the pledges... I don't do them because I really think they are that important, but because it is a wonderful "ok, now we are in school mode", and if we are going to do pledges I want them to have their priorities straight.
pardon the horrible typing, got a sleeping baby on one arm.
About the pledges... I don't do them because I really think they are that important, but because it is a wonderful "ok, now we are in school mode", and if we are going to do pledges I want them to have their priorities straight.
pardon the horrible typing, got a sleeping baby on one arm.
Re: How do you start your school day?
We start with prayer, the bible readings from the daily Mass, and a reading about the saint of the day. The whole day always goes better when we put God first.
Combining 8 yo DD and 6 yo DD in Beyond and DITHR for 2009/2010
Combining 8 yo DD and 6 yo DD in Beyond and DITHR for 2009/2010
Re: How do you start your school day?
We started last year with the Pledge of Allengience, God Bless America, a prayer/poem and then our calendar notebooks. Generally my daycare kiddo arrived about then and we would have a bit of recess, a snack and then back to HOD until lunch. After lunch we would do our storytime and then settle the little ones down for an afternoon nap. Quiet time then entailed some independent work choices.
I cannot anticipate what time my daycare kiddo will arrive once the public school is back in session...but since she is nearing three, I will want to include some preschool activities for her...have not yet organized this, however!
I cannot anticipate what time my daycare kiddo will arrive once the public school is back in session...but since she is nearing three, I will want to include some preschool activities for her...have not yet organized this, however!
Wife to Patrick, mom to Jessica, Joshua, Alyssa, Jordan, Josiah <--- all graduated
Bethany (WG) and Benjamin (Rev2Ref)
Grandmom to Gabrielle, Isabella, Gianna and Joe-Joe.
Wife to Patrick, mom to Jessica, Joshua, Alyssa, Jordan, Josiah <--- all graduated
Bethany (WG) and Benjamin (Rev2Ref)
Grandmom to Gabrielle, Isabella, Gianna and Joe-Joe.
Re: How do you start your school day?
We start with breakfast/family devotions, then quick morning chores, and then schoolwork.
Melissa, wife to Jim for 28 years
3 graduated, 2 using US 2, 8th grade dd using Missions to Marvels
Isaiah 40:11 ...He gently leads those that have young.
3 graduated, 2 using US 2, 8th grade dd using Missions to Marvels
Isaiah 40:11 ...He gently leads those that have young.
Re: How do you start your school day?
We havent started yet, but I would like to start with prayer and pledges when we start in a couple of weeks.
Merchi...what are calendar notebooks? Sounded interesting, so I thought I would ask:)
Merchi...what are calendar notebooks? Sounded interesting, so I thought I would ask:)
Carol Ratliff
Wife to dh of 15 years
dd 10
Wife to dh of 15 years
dd 10
Re: How do you start your school day?
Do you days often go as soon as they sound? I am working on myself to not talk on the phone or get on the computer in the morning. I think our day/morning would go better if I didn't.
I plan on starting out and playing it by ear the first few days then making schedule. Last year I just had an order schedule, not by time.
I plan on starting out and playing it by ear the first few days then making schedule. Last year I just had an order schedule, not by time.
ds 9, Preparing
dd just turned 6, LHFHG
dd 3
and 15 mo old 3 days a week
ds 9, Preparing
dd just turned 6, LHFHG
dd 3
and 15 mo old 3 days a week