combine or not to combine...

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combine or not to combine...

Post by Mom4Him » Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:17 pm

Hi ladies!
I was just wondering how each of you decides whether to combine your children or not. After reading through a lot of the message board, it seems there are families who have children in close age-range (just one year apart) & are doing different programs with them all, & there are others who have a few years in between and are combining for as much as they can (and those of you that are in between or the opposite as well). How did you decide for your family?? :roll:

When thinking over this decision, I am struggling to know what is "best"... if I combine my children we get to do history, science, Bible & story time together (for the olders at least)- which sounds wonderful. We would have to slow down a bit, but it could be very nice for our family & being able to spend quality time with all our children. Yet I fear I would have to move too slowly for my older girls (10/04), or too fast for my younger dd(5/06) & am not too certain of how much flipping to the Appendix I want to do :wink: One could get pulled along behind or the others could be in a position where they are not challenged enough... if I do not combine my children we don't do those things together (Bible, history, etc.), but I can make sure each one is at the level (doing the program) exactly when it fits them best- (according to the placement chart :D ) slowing down or speeding up when necessary. Yet with a toddler & a baby on the way, I am not sure I would have the time or energy to do a seperate program for each of my children.

I guess I am just curious as to how each of you makes this decision, & to hear what has really worked for your family! :D
(I am trying to decide whether I should move quickly through LHTH now & start my older dds in LHFHG as soon as we're done- giving little sister time to do LHTH more at her pace & starting LHFHG when she is in Kindergarten- or- taking it slowly & using this whole next year to go through LHTH with all of them & then also moving slowly through LHFHG & possibly Beyond.)

Thank-you, in advance, for letting me in on how things work for your family. I am so new at this & have so many questions. :wink:

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Re: combine or not to combine...

Post by momontheprairie » Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:22 pm

Well, I can tell you what we do. I am not very good at multitasking. I also like school to be done by noon. :) I have always tried to combine kids, but my reasons are for family continuity as opposed to simplifying. I really like having everyone gather around the couch. This year we are doing two programs (Preparing and Little Hearts) but Preparing is our MAIN program. Everyone does the projects and things, but I set aside time to do Little Hearts with my youngest later in the day. She can get lost in the shuffle and I like to have an hour with her by myself.

Everyone does math and English/dictation on their own level. Younger kids read aloud to me while older ones read to themselves and then narrate. This forms a block of time where everyone is doing their own thing. Then we all come together to learn about history and science.

When my kids get to high school things will change. At that time I will pick and independent program that will be used for all of my children. I hope HOD has something, but if not I will choose something as close as I can. :D
Married to Major Dan for the last 13 years. :)
Preparing with ds 11, 9, and 7
Little Hearts with dd 4
Everyone does MUS, Queen's LL, Latin, and Bedell at mealtimes :)

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Re: combine or not to combine...

Post by pollo_la » Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:11 pm

Well, I can tell you what I plan on doing with my kids. My first dd is almost 5 and we just started doing LHFHG with her. She is on the young end of the guide, so we are only going at half speed, but it is a great fit for her. She really is beyond LHTH at this point. My next dd is right at 2.5. She in no where near ready to start school yet (LHTH that is). My first dd is reading at a second grade level. My next dd doesn't know one letter from another. They are just over 2 years apart, but skill wise they are miles apart!! I also have a 1 year old, so my two youngest are just 16 months apart. I plan to keep my oldest going at her own pace as she is clearly too advanced to "wait" for her younger sister to catch up. I do plan on keeping my next 2 that are just 16 months apart together though. My tenative plan is to start LHTH with them when they are 3 and 4 and take 2 years to go through it. Then they will be 5 and 6 when I start LHFHG with them. Anyway, that's my story. I hope I was able to help you out in some way.
Wife to Daniel since June 2002
Mom to: Odessa (5) using LHFHG and Emerging Readers from BLHFHG,
Sophie (3), Nadia (2), and Elliana (newborn)

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Re: combine or not to combine...

Post by jenntracy » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:36 pm

i am also planning on combining my now 4 yr old and now 5 1/2 yr old in January. they are 16 1/2 months apart.i did not start them together in LHTH, because my son started it at age 3 1/2 (he was ready) and his sister wasn't. i was doing LHFHG with him half-speed and my daughter LHTH this year. i have been doing some other bible studies and plan to do some science with him because he does seem ready for that part, but i want to keep him at half-speed in LHFHG so that he and his sister can combine in January. if he gets done early with his phonics, we can just move him up to the next level without it interferring with the two doing BLHFHG together. they will do the History, Bible, and Science together and do thier own level at math, language, phonics,(the Basics part). hope that helps.
Mom to 4 Blessings
DS 14.5 yrs World Geography
DD 13 yrs MTMM
DD 10 yrs CTC
DS 7 yrs Bigger


Re: combine or not to combine...

Post by WigglesMom » Sun Jun 07, 2009 5:12 am

I knew I was going to combine at least 2 of my children. I didn't want to face trying to do 4 programs. My oldest 3 are close together. dd8 and dd7 are 13 months apart and dd7 and ds6 are 15 months apart. My biggest thing was figuring out who to combine. I kept thinking I had to combine my oldest 2, but in the end combined my dd7 and ds6 b/c they get along better together and it really was a good decision. dd7 could have done BHFHG with big sis, but they do not get along well together and are competitive. They would have been racing to see who finished first as if it was a mark of who was smarter (been there done that).
We are doing LHTH (when I can with ds2 (12/06)), LHFHG (full speed daily) and BHFHG (1/2 speed left side one day right side the next) this year. With my kids being older, I could factor in their personalities together in a school environment as well as their learning styles and strengths and weaknesses. This helped tremendously with who to combine and which program to combine in. I had debated about doing BLHFHG with dd7 and ds6, but felt that would be rushing him. Instead, I chose to beef up LHFHG for dd7 on the right side.
As for moving too slow and too fast for each kid, it really hasn't been a problem for me. I was worried about doing the LHFHG with my dd7 and ds6 b/c of dd7 and wondering if it would move too slow for her and then if I sped up for her would ds6 get lost in the shuffle. The history and science really moves at a steady pace and it isn't too hard or too easy for mine. Sometimes I have dd7 read the history aloud to us and that is really fun and a self-esteem booster for her (she feels like she is teaching). You can really adapt it to fit your needs.
I was looking back at your previous posts to get an idea of what you had shared about your dc.
Mom4Him wrote: *Twin 4 1/2 year-old daughters (5 in October)- both know their letter names and sounds & are beginning to read very basic words- they are practicing writing both upper & lower case letters (usually in "letters" to their friends)- they are not ready for formal grammar study yet- & they know some basic math concepts...
*3 year-old daughter- learning letter names & sounds & excited to try to write her name
*1 year-old son- likes watching his big sisters
*Daughter due early September
Your twins really sound like they would be ready after completing LHTH. Your dd3 sounds like she has a great start to learning. This is just some advise from someone who did a pre-k year with her ds who was 3 turning 4 while pregnant and had a baby in December of that year, but I would start out slowly this year with the twins and dd3 in LHTH. I would start out doing a M,W,F plan and adding in the extras (handwriting, phonics...)for the twins on Tuesday and Thursdays. That way when you have the baby and are adjusting to the new baby's schedule you can not stress over schooling. Doing it M,W,F you have some leeway. Like when I had ds2 and ds6 was pre-k...if I didn't get to school on Monday for whatever reason (nursing issues, dr.'s appt., or just plain tired) then I knew I still had Tuesday or Thursday to make it up and sometimes we did things on Saturday. The Tuesday and Thursday extras are just gravy and if you need to drop them for a while after the baby is born it isn't a big deal b/c they will pick back up in time and if not, you will do them in LHFHG anyway.
Doing a M,W,F schedule, would draw LHTH out to 56-57 weeks instead of 34. I don't know if you were planning to year round or break in the summer, but the year my last son was born we went into the summer to finish pre-k b/c of all the breaks and sporadic schedule when he was born. I would just continue LHTH until finished, then break for a month or a few months whenever that time falls (great thing about hs'ing you don't have to make summer break in the summer). If you did it that way your now 3 yr old would be 4 1/2 almost 5 and your 4 1/2 twins would be 6 or so going into LHFHG. I would do LHFHG 4 days a week which would make LHFHG 43 weeks instead of 34 giving your younger dd more time to grow with the program. Then by the time you got to BLHFHG, you could do it as written with all 3 of them and they would all fit in the age range well.
This is really what I would do in your shoes. With the new baby, there will be a lot of family adjustments to go through with the kids that I wouldn't want to feel pressured to move quickly through a curriculum, but would choose to take it slow and maybe speed up later on down the road.


Re: combine or not to combine...

Post by Mom4Him » Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:32 pm

Thank-you, ladies, for sharing with me about what works for your families!! It is so very helpful! :D
Thank-you, also, Val, for taking the time to respond with such a thoughtful reply(even looking back to my previous posts :D ). I appreciate all that you had to say... and am definitely leaning more towards combining my kiddos. It's helpful to hear of a plan that could work well for all of my children! I am so very thankful to this board for helping me work out all of the things I didn't even realize I'd be thinking about when it comes to homeschooling. What a blessing!!
I look forward to hearing from others as well to see how things have worked for their families.

Sheila in OK
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Re: combine or not to combine...

Post by Sheila in OK » Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:08 am

It is so hard to decide, isn't it? I will be doing Bigger next year with an 11yo (5/6 grade level) and an 8yo (3rd grade). The main reasons I decided to combine are:
- I want them to have a bit more American History. We started Sonlight's Core 3 last year and didn't finish it.
- Bigger fits my ds 'perfectly' as written and the extensions look to be plenty for my dd.
- My dd is so NOT ready to for the independence that CTC requires. If I split them up, she would place in Preparing and I understand it is generally not recommended to do Preparing and Bigger the same year as they are both pretty full programs.

Having said that, I did order the Preparing guide to use for LA plans for my dd (and possibly the Psalms study). If I think she is ready, she will go into CTC on her own the next year while her brother does Preparing in full. If not, I will keep them together another year and see how it goes.

Hope this helps a bit. :)

09/10 School year:
DD 11 Bigger w/Extensions
DS 8 Bigger as written

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Re: combine or not to combine...

Post by my3sons » Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:41 pm

Oh, this is such a great topic! Many thanks to all who have shared. :D This is a very personal decision, and there really isn't one right answer because each family's goals differ so much. We have chosen not to combine, and we've been very happy with that decision for our family. My 3 sons are all each 3 years apart, and that makes for a pretty wide spread between them. My oldest (9 yo) is a very independent learner who is mature for his age. My middle (6 yo) is a very busy boy who likes school very much but who still likes to (and needs to) play a LOT. My 6 yo is an excellent reader and also writes well, so that is not the reason I am not combining.

A few of the less important reasons I am not combining... My oldest ds does not handle waiting for middle ds well, and my middle ds is far too quick to let older ds do all of the "work" - say all of the answers, etc. Both middle ds and older ds are excellent readers, but middle ds corrects older ds when he mispronounces things (slight speech problem lingers sometimes), and this is tough. Older ds likes to point out when younger ds makes a mistake and middle ds cries easily and gets frustrated quickly. Middle ds is great at coloring/art projects; older ds is not.

All of this could be worked out to combine, I am sure, but the main reason I do not want to combine is I am leery of dragging younger ds along, always expecting him to do things that are not at his level and making him feel like he is not very good at school, probably at the expense of his 3 R's over time. I have someone close to me who has done this with her dc, and always teaching to the oldest made the youngest feel like she was not good at school, like she was not as bright as her siblings because everything was harder for her. Because there are many years between our dc, I like keeping them separate. I like cuddling up and reading appropriately aged books for my younger ds that fit his age and attention span, and I like putting my arm around my older ds, and digging in to read harder more mature books that he and I can enjoy together without younger ds's attention wandering or without him making noises, etc.

I especially love our individual Bible times. I can really tailor our talks to each of our dc's individual needs and maturity. My older ds and I have grown incredibly close and share our faith with one another easily because of the long, mature talks we've had together during HOD's Bible times. I share things with him I would not share yet with my 6 yo. I also love the childlike faith I see blossoming in my younger ds, and how he is willing to share what makes him sad and his faults with me more easily than if big brother were listening in. For example, one day he started crying saying he didn't like the way older brother told him to shut the door. This was confusing to me, until I had him say it for me like older brother says it - then it made total sense. We had a great talk about that, and how he could share how he felt with older brother. He also shared he had been tempted to eat big marshmallows from the bag :shock: (what can I say, he is definitely MY son :lol: ). He would not have shared such a simple thing with older brother listening, but he did with just me, and I figured out why the big marshmallows were disappearing. :D He shared how he's afraid of the Heffalumps in Winnie the Pooh shows, and how he wants to take things apart and put them back together for a living when he gets older.

In comparison to these talks, my older ds and I have talked about how it is tempting to be friends with people just to fit in. How I have done that in the past, and then done some things I am not proud of now. We've talked about why my dh's family doesn't attend church very much, why they don't pray before meals, and how too much alcohol makes a person do things he wouldn't normally do. We've talked about saving his first kiss for someone special and how boys' and girls' bodies are different. We've talked about the power of prayer and prayed for each other's needs, and we've talked about we're not sure Great Grandpa is in heaven. I would have NEVER had these talks with my middle ds present, and they are talks I need to have with my oldest ds. I'm time conscious teaching HOD with everything except Bible - Bible time can go longer and deeper than planned, and I'm always alright with that. :wink:

I also like teaching each CM skills at the proper introductory level to my younger ds as they are included in each HOD guide. I like how he's been able to grow into these skills and that the lessons are tailored to fit him. I like that the CM skills in the older guides fit my older ds to a "t". I know I could alter these as needed, but I probably wouldn't.

I love that we are done with school in 4 to 4 1/2 hours (though my middle ds is done much earlier), all of our dc's needs have been met, and I'm not having to tweak anything to make it happen. I also love that our sons look forward to playing with each other after school is done because they have not already been together all morning. They love to share what they did during school with each other at lunch time, and then they love to go play together the rest of the day. They are each other's best friends.

I just want to open the guides and teach. I love teaching, not planning, so not combining is perfect for me. I also am somewhat of a perfectionist - so making sure each of my dc is individually placed is important to me. If I combined, I know the end result for us would probably be it was either too hard for my younger or too easy for my older - which would bother me (the perfectionist thing again :D ). If I did combine, I would never blame the program for this by saying it was too easy or too hard, or my dc struggled too much or found it way too easy - that would be the risk of combining ages that are too wide to combine, not placing dc correctly, or choosing to use HOD beyond the suggested age ranges HOD gives for combining for each guide. I would combine if my dc were close in age and in academics; if I was going to be teaching 2 guides back to back all of the time, I would probably combine for the left side of the page and separate for the right. I also think that once dc have their 3 R's down solidly, a whole new world of possibly combining opens up easily - so combining later (like around the Bigger Hearts range) makes more sense to me. :D

I do think that combining can work, and work well. I think that the way HOD writes guides makes the most sense if you do want to combine. Writing the bulk of the guide for the younger ages in a very meaty way, and writing independent extensions for the olders makes total sense to me. I think once dc are at the Bigger Hearts stage, where the target age ranges are 7-9 and extensions 10-11 - that makes for a great way to combine! My dc are not there yet. I know there are moms who are great at tweaking, even younger guides like Beyond, etc. and making that work well for combining - I would not be diligent about that. I think each family has to look at their overall goals and needs. This can be so different for each family! If your dream is to combine and you are making it work well, then by all means, continue! That is the beauty of HOD - it can be made to fit what YOU need. I hope I explained why we are choosing not to combine in a way that shows why it works for our family - not in a way that makes combining seem wrong for everyone. Combining is sometimes the very best choice for a family, and not combining is sometimes the very best choice for a family. I pray each family carefully weighs what is best for them and finds the best answer possible. :D

In Christ,
Julie :)
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie


Re: combine or not to combine...

Post by Mom4Him » Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:52 pm

Thank-you again! Your comments are so helpful. Reading through what many of you have said has been eye-opening and encouraging. :D
Julie, the wonderful explanation was so well thought out- I appreciate it, & it gives me more things to consider. :wink:
In some ways what you had to say made me think I should definitely not combine- what a wonderful time you spend with each of your children individually! And I do have the fear of one being too bored or others not being pushed enough. Yet, I also appreciated what you had to say about when you would combine... and that seems to fit my situation exactly. My twins will already be combined and their younger sister is only 18 months younger- because of that, they fit nicely into the age range that HOD provides for each guide. They have not gotten to the stage of trying to race to see who is done first, or who can come up with the answer the fastest (although if/when that comes- we will definitely have to deal with it)- it would seem doing the left side together could work very well & then I could have the olders to the right side of the the next guide in line- this, I think would keep the younger from getting pulled too fast & the olders from getting behind or bored. And it keeps us from doing programs back-to-back... Once a week (I wish it was more often) each of my children has "special time" with mommy- we read a devotional & do a special activity together (tea party, paint nails, play a game, etc.)- these times have been so special for us, & from what you have said, they are going to be a must as I begin homeschooling my children (especially if we do combine)... and maybe we could use the devotionals from in the HOD guides??
Does my thinking sound "right"? I am going to continue to pray!

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Re: combine or not to combine...

Post by my3sons » Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:39 am

It does sound like your thinking makes total sense! I think your dc are close in age, they fit the target ages of HOD guides, and they get along well - so I do think you can combine them together. You would challenge your olders by doing the right side of the next guide in line, and you could always challenge them further by using any supplemental titles you wanted from the Appendix, and starting with Bigger Hearts - you could add in the extension package if you really wanted to challenge them. I do think it's nice to have a year between teaching guides.

For the other readers of this post who may not have dc the same ages or the same situation, I should mention that I would still very much enjoy teaching LHTH, LHFHG, and BLHFHG back to back, and would still probably choose to do so if that was definitely where my dc fell in the placement chart. For example, if I had a 5 yo that did not know his letters, sounds, or numbers and could not write any letters yet - I would still have him do all of LHTH, even if I had taught it the year before to an older sibling. So, if I had a 5 yo that needed LHTH, and a 6 or 7 yo child that was totally ready for LHFHG, even though the dc would only be a year or 2 apart, I'd still teach them separately until my little one's 3 R's caught up more with the HOD's guides and older sibling's. Once dc are in Bigger Hearts or higher though, they can be more easily combined because of the extensions, and at that point I'd try not to teach those guides (or higher) back to back each year. Clear as mud?!? I hope that makes sense. This is exactly why we have this board - so we can weigh each person's individual situation and give customized advice to each, while still leaving the final decision up to mom - who truly always does know best! :D

So, back to you, Mom4Him - your plan sounds great for you and your dc, and I think you are in for a wonderful year doing HOD with your dc! :D :D :D

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie


Re: combine or not to combine...

Post by Mom4Him » Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:59 pm

Julie, thank-you for your wisdom!! I love how you encouraged me with my decision(s), yet also took into account so many others out there that have similar or not so similar situations! That is one reason I am growing to like HOD more & more- you look at each situation individually & try to come up with what will work BEST for each individual family. Thank-you!! :D
Now, I have some more questions... (sorry- it seems the more I "think" I have everything figured out- the more uncertain I get about thinngs :? ) I am thinking I will probably combine my three oldest dds... if I choose NOT to, how could I get the younger one caught up in a guide like Bigger? Do you slow the oldest down at that point, or have to skip a guide with younger (which would be sad for her to miss out)??
Do you have your children do certain subjects at the same time (everyone does math or handwriting, etc. at their own level)- or does it seem easier to stagger- where each child is doing something different?
Do you read from both storytimes individually, or combine them somehow?
Thank-you again!

Alison in KY
Posts: 181
Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:00 pm

Re: combine or not to combine...

Post by Alison in KY » Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:20 am

(slight hijack here)

Julie how do you actually do this? I'm all about combining my kids and they are all 2 years apart and definitely apart academically. I read what you wrote and I can't figure out how you could do three seperate programs with 3 kids and be finished at lunchtime. Can you share a day in the life of Julie to explain this and maybe it will help the OP see what her day might be like? Are you planning on reading three different storytime books to each of your kids in that time? I really want to understand how you pull this off :mrgreen: .

To the OP, your original description of having the kids all snuggled together studying the same time frame sounds great. If you want to combine, you will obviously have to tweak. Also, keep in mind that your twins are really young yet. They don't have to officially do school until next year when they are six (at least in my state). At this level, I am combining my kids. I plan on combining them until they are in high school, and then we'll see. I love my HOD Beyond guide and that's what I'm using currently with my 3. I still don't do everything as written. A day in our lives would be where my 3 (10, 8, 6) all sit down after chores and breakfast and I go over the HOD Bible, poetry, and storytime. I do not make them memorize the poetry, but we do read over it daily, as written in the guide. I also will cover some kind of memorization that I want for them...we all worked on the Books of Old Testament last year, plus some Veritas Press history cards (not to memorize). So I plan on doing the New Testament books next, then I'll prob. cover states. Then I usually have to break them up. My oldest needs quite to do his work, plus unfortunately he focuses alot better with mom right there. So at this point (and I'd love this to change some) I will tag team them. My son will run off and work on reading his Bible, math facts online (mathusee website), and typing, while my youngest plays and my middle one and I go over her phonics, Bible, etc (things she is louder with, which messed the oldest up). I basically get the middle ones basics finished then I sit my son down for awhile. We'll go over his hardest stuff (math AND English :roll: ) then I'll bring my youngest one in there to do her seatwork (she's usually been assigned to do a short time of computer school during this time). Then when everyone's basics are finished, I'll bring them all back together for history, science, art, etc. I usually get the history and other stuff going right after lunch. All told this is 4 to 5 hours, but kids are moving around in there, so no one is sitting down straight for that time.

This basically schedule does change sometimes. Like I might end up starting off with my youngest and have her finish while my other two are just requires me to try it like that for awhile and see if it works out better. I use all of the left side of Beyond, plus I do the storytime. We have our own English, math, and electives. My son is the only person in the house who is doing extra's at the moment, and that's just typing and Latin. Oh, and I guess you can say that we do a bit of doubling up on Bible, because we do HOD Bible, but my older two also read daily from a Bible.

If my kids personalities were different then I might not combine, but I'm not sure. I hate the idea of being on multiple time frames in history, but if my kids were doing most of it independently then it would be different. My kids don't love math, grammar, etc...some kids actually enjoy this (or so I hear :mrgreen: ). My kids aren't really independent types either. I've been thinking that my son might be a candidate for ADD, but I probably won't go any further than saying that here...I'll just keep sitting with him and trying to keep him focused on what he has to do. I think that you have to do what works for the family as a whole, and for us that means combining even though they would each enjoying doing their own guides all alone with mom....I just don't think I'd ever be able to pull it off and still have a bit of laundry done, plus food on the table :D .

You will figure this out, and even if you think you have it figured out this year, something might change for next year :lol: . It's just the way it is. What you can do is start off combining and if you see it isn't working then you can break them up...but I'd also give it a month or so to work. That way if it doesn't work out as you had hoped, then you just buy another program...vs buying alot of programs up front then possibly pulling your hair out between all of the little ones and having spent to much money up front on something that doesn't work. Also, keep in mind that kids can be all over the place academically. My youngest, who is almost six, can tell you way more about our history then her 8 yr old bigger sister (who isn't much of an auditory learner). so you might be going okay in English on one child, but behind for the next and way ahead on the next. You will just have to adapt and that's the beauty (and hard work) of homeschooling.


Alison in KY
Posts: 181
Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:00 pm

Re: combine or not to combine...

Post by Alison in KY » Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:48 pm

bumping up

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Re: combine or not to combine...

Post by my3sons » Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:42 pm

Hi Alison! Carrie and I are gone for our "planning research" right now, but we are trying to be on the board off and on. I have not done 3 programs as of yet, but will be soon. We've done 2 programs for several years though, and once we're in the second month, are done by 12:30 PM. Here's a link to my schedule, as well as to Carrie's:

It is very manageable to do 2 HOD programs, and I am looking forward to doing 3 soon with my youngest soon beginning LHTH. HTH!
In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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