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Post by MommyInTraining » Fri May 15, 2009 6:20 pm


Could you please share your views on mythology in light of the scriptures that say to "make no mention of the names of other gods" in Exodus 23:13 and Joshua 23:7?

I am just wondering how deep HOD goes in the study of mythology.

Thanks so much!


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Re: Mythology

Post by lmercon » Fri May 15, 2009 7:38 pm

I think it is very important to understand the context of such scriptures. These commands were given to the Israelites who were surrounded by pagan nations and had, in fact, been living among pagans before the exodus. They were very susceptible to slipping back into idol worship. In fact, they did just that after Moses took too long to come down from the mountain. They were not to "invoke" the names of the gods. The Joshua passage is very clearly a warning for them not to stray from the commands given to them and not to associate with other nations. They were warned not to serve other gods or bow down to them. They were vulnerable to this temptation and could easily be led astray if they did not hold rigorously to the commandments and laws given to them through Moses and Joshua by God.

I think we live in a very different context. Speaking to our children about the false gods that ancient peoples worshiped is not a dangerous temptation that will lead us to serving those gods. You are merely teaching it as an historical fact and part of the flow of history. In my opinion, it is not the purpose of the text to keep us from teaching our children today. In fact, I think that teaching children about false gods and how meaningless they are, contrasted with the glorious, creator God we worship, is a fabulous opportunity.

I hope this was helpful as a viewpoint to consider.
God bless,
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Re: Mythology

Post by my3sons » Sat May 16, 2009 8:30 am

lmercon wrote:I think it is very important to understand the context of such scriptures. These commands were given to the Israelites who were surrounded by pagan nations and had, in fact, been living among pagans before the exodus. They were very susceptible to slipping back into idol worship. In fact, they did just that after Moses took too long to come down from the mountain. They were not to "invoke" the names of the gods. The Joshua passage is very clearly a warning for them not to stray from the commands given to them and not to associate with other nations. They were warned not to serve other gods or bow down to them. They were vulnerable to this temptation and could easily be led astray if they did not hold rigorously to the commandments and laws given to them through Moses and Joshua by God.

I think we live in a very different context. Speaking to our children about the false gods that ancient peoples worshiped is not a dangerous temptation that will lead us to serving those gods. You are merely teaching it as an historical fact and part of the flow of history. In my opinion, it is not the purpose of the text to keep us from teaching our children today. In fact, I think that teaching children about false gods and how meaningless they are, contrasted with the glorious, creator God we worship, is a fabulous opportunity.

I hope this was helpful as a viewpoint to consider.
God bless,

I agree with what you've written here 100%! I know Carrie was very selective in choosing books especially for the Creation to Christ guide since that covers the Ancients time period. I believe that it is necessary to study history in such a way that shows choosing any other thing to worship - whether it be a pretend god/goddess, another person, an object, or elements of nature - worshiping anything other than the Living God is a sin and ultimately leads to depravity. The names of many of the planets, the months of the year, the days of the week, etc. have been derived from mythology - so I believe it is a key part of history worth studying (for many other reasons as well) :wink: . I have looked extensively at just about everything available for the ancients time period, and feel that the selections HOD has made paired with the CTC plans do the best job of accurately describing the time period, but also keeping God in His rightful place as the center of all Creation. The plans in CTC have SO MUCH Biblical content woven in virtually every single part of them and discussions related to the time period and faith in God, that I am very excited to go through this with my ds! :D In our culture, we may not have as much of a problem with worshiping mythological gods/goddesses today, but we were created to worship - and since we were created to worship, we will worship something or someone - whether that be God or something else. I am really looking forward to conversations along that line with my ds as we go through CTC. :D Just take a look at the first week of plans for CTC, and you'll see, God is the spine of HOD!

I am enjoying reading through the Bible again myself, and there are so many verses that tell about gods, idols, idol worship, sacrifice, etc. - countless verses. The Bible is written to be studied extensively, and daily. So, if the Lord has included in His writing of history so much information about this, I feel that it is my job to read that, study it, and equip our dc to see the errors of praising anything other than God - which is shown soooooo sooooo well in the study of the Ancients along with the study of the Bible in CTC. :wink:

In Christ,
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Re: Mythology

Post by Carrie » Sun May 17, 2009 2:47 pm


You have received two wonderful responses that are both in the vein of how we answer that question as well. We feel it is so important not to glorify other gods or to fully immerse kiddos in the study of myths or legends focusing on other gods as the hero. So, you will see that thinking reflected throughout our book choices. :D

You will not see a Greek Myths book in our selections and the wording of any books containing mention of other gods is looked at with great care in order to be sure that kiddos understand these gods were held up as gods by the people (much like the golden calf in the Bible), yet they are not really God. As a matter of historical record and in order to understand how pagan the cultures surrounding the Israelites and other religions around the world often are, you will see gods mentioned in our book choices in that context (just as other gods are mentioned often in that context within the Bible). The Bible is our guide in all things. :wink:

In our newest program CTC, we had an incredibly difficult time finding books that fit with the standard that I outlined above. We feel that we have stayed as true to that standard as possible, while still including books that give a feeling for the time period. Knowing that all families have a different level as to what is acceptable to be read (due to the depravity of the pagan religions and the violence that was prevalent in the ancient time period), we have also included a Boy Interest and a Girl Interest Set to be used in place of the History Interest Set in CTC if desired. And, in the case of the Extension Package, we have given the choice of using the gentler History Interest Set in its place or omitting it altogether if desired. This is our way to leave each parent in the driver's seat as to the best material to choose for his/her family. :D


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Re: Mythology

Post by MommyInTraining » Sun May 17, 2009 3:01 pm

Once again, I am impressed with HOD.

Thank you and.....

PLEASE write a high school program!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

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Re: Mythology

Post by annaz » Sun May 17, 2009 6:25 pm

MommyInTraining wrote:Once again, I am impressed with HOD.

Thank you and.....

PLEASE write a high school program!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

Exactly my thoughts as I read Carrie's answer!
And if you don't write a HS program, we'll have to know what you'll be using.
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Re: Mythology

Post by Carrie » Tue May 19, 2009 10:21 am

No pressure, right ladies! :lol: Just lots of prayer for us to be in God's will for our lives. :wink:


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Re: Mythology

Post by DHT1999 » Tue May 19, 2009 3:28 pm

Carrie, I really appreciate that you acknowledge that these false gods were objects of devotion to many people and not just literature. So often, the pagan myths are presented as fascinating, entertaining stories and barely even considered to be foundational to false religion. A few years ago, I brought this up on a board and lots of responders stated that they were just stories and since no one worships these gods today it was silly to even think of them as religious in nature. Then, that very week, I came across a lengthy news article about the resurgence of the worship of Zeus that was then occurring throughout Europe. The article contained descriptions of various temples that had been built and detailed the religious practices of the worshipers! This was Zeus worship that is even now occurring today!

You just never know what the future holds. God has to be exalted in every generation.
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Re: Mythology

Post by MommyInTraining » Wed May 20, 2009 12:09 am

DHT1999 wrote: So often, the pagan myths are presented as fascinating, entertaining stories and barely even considered to be foundational to false religion.

Yes, I am so glad to hear that HOD does not approach mythology in this way!

Mommy to 6 beautiful blessings:

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Re: Mythology

Post by Carrie » Thu May 21, 2009 10:14 pm

I agree ladies! We've run across the same mentality! :wink:


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