Door-to-door witnessing

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Door-to-door witnessing

Post by inHistiming » Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:48 am

I just had some ladies from a certain 'church' come to my door. I am wondering how you all handle this? I always try to be kind and I felt bad for them because there is 4-5 inches of snow on the ground and it's about 30 degrees out. But, I wasn't going to invite them in. For one, I don't know these people. I can't invite anyone in when I have 3 vulnerable children to take care of. It's not smart for safety reasons, and how could we talk with three little ones around? Two, I have a church and am steadfast in my beliefs, so I don't need to be convinced to be saved or to visit their church. My question, I guess, is what do you all do? What do you say to these people? Do you try to witness to them and show them what your Bible says? Do you send them on their way quickly with a smile? I've never been comfortable with this situation, and I'm curious how you feel. :? I want to be a good example for my kids, and I don't know what that really is in this instance.


Re: Door-to-door witnessing

Post by netpea » Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:04 am

inHistiming wrote:I am wondering how you all handle this?
I want to be a good example for my kids, and I don't know what that really is in this instance.
In college we had people knocking on our apartment door every Saturday and Sunday morning. Their particular faith was anti-Military and I was in Army ROTC so I took to sleeping in my Army t=shirt and camo pants. After answering the door dressed that way, they quit coming.

Nowdays I don't know how I would handle it. It hasn't happened once since college. I too wouldn't want to invite them in yet I wonder, are we called to show hospitality to these strangers? My husband would certainly tell me no way. I'm curious to see what the others have to say here.

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Post by water2wine » Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:14 am

I sent you a private message. :wink:
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
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Post by joyfulheart » Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:05 am

I just put a note on the door when I see them coming-- do not knock, do not ring bell.

If I don't see them coming, I just wave through the window and shake my head no.

If they catch me out front of my home, I say I am strong in my faith and not willing to discuss anything at all with them. And I do refuse to discuss anything with them at all, until they move on.

And please dont think I am anti-religion. I'm not! You need to understand that the one's here are VERY VERY agressive, and it gets to the point where they refuse to leave until they convince you of their faith. That's not the way to win hearts.

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Post by Tansy » Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:29 pm

well since we are missionaries. I tend to hand them our books Living in The Light of Eternity or The book The Road to Reality. They always refuse my materials. :wink: So I have every reason to refuse theirs.

If they are really persistant I tell them about Tim one of my friends in H.S. who's parents turned toward xx religion and is now blind due to his parents kicking him out of the house. I won't go into the gory details. But I do with them. All told in a nice matter of fact way. After I told this story the last time I haven't seen them since.

I do not let them into my home. It is their choice to go out in freezing snow to knock on doors.
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Post by my3sons » Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:36 pm

Last time, I agreed to take their information and look it over, and then I explained that I am a Christian already. I did not take more than 5 min. with them at the door.

Then I hi-light the portion of the information that does not match up with Christianity and share that portion with our children to show why we don't believe in what they do. For example, for the Mormans, we believe Jesus was present at Creation as part of the trinity, and we believe He is our Saviour. Their literature shows they do not believe this. I show in the Bible the portion they are "leaving out" of their faith to my children. I had a good talk with my oldest about this.
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Post by water2wine » Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:18 pm

I agree these are key moments for teaching your kids. We have taken a lot of time to teach about the religions that at face value seem similar and that members call similar to ours but biblically are far off. I think it is huge to giving your children the tools they need later on in life. Something that hit me hard one day was that as we train our children, they train their children and one day our kids will be teenagers and young adults looking for mates at the same age. I want my kids to know well what being equally yoked means. I think a lot of Christian parents miss that training in the young years and then try to fix it in the older years when it is really too late. :roll:
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
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Post by 6timeboymom » Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:35 pm

well, since I'm in Iowa, I've had plenty of people knocking on my door for the last twelve months or so. :lol:

If they are religiously affiliated, we tell them thanks for stopping but we are comfortable with our faith and they generally leave. I try very hard to be cordial, but I never open the screen door. We do talk then about why we don't have the same beliefs that they do.
If they are politically affiliated I will usually stand on the deck and listen a bit. Especially if it's someone I don't support; I can learn something from everyone. :-) However, after dh put a big ole "so and so" for Pres sign in the yard everyone quit knocking. :wink: :lol: I told him that would become our sure fire no soliciting sign from now on. :lol:
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Post by Tansy » Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:40 pm

I was actually thinking about a new type of no soliciting sign kinda like those you find in amusement parks. If you are taller than this sign "No Soliciting" and make it 60 inches high and in the shape of a giraffe. That way I can still support the kids in the community and get my Girl Scout cookies..

I did see a really funny no soliciting sign " it said

We gave at the office.
We love Jesus.
and we mow our own lawn.
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Post by 6timeboymom » Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:00 pm

Tansy wrote:
We gave at the office.
We love Jesus.
and we mow our own lawn.
I so want to make one of those!!!!
I would add, "And I've decided who to vote for"

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Post by kerby » Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:11 pm

This is hard. I don't want to be rude, and I don't think the Lord would like that either. But, I'm not going to waste my time or theirs. I am polite and talk through the door. I won't have them come in because I have young dc and I won't put them at risk, you never can be sure when they are strangers. I use it as an opportunity to teach my dc about how God would love them but not let them give us false info. If material is left on our door, we use it as a tool, too. I think most of the people that would be coming to our door are either Mormon or Jehovah's Witnesses. Dh and I both have connections w/ both churches and we use these to talk w/ our dc about our beliefs and theirs.


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Post by inHistiming » Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:53 am

Water2wine makes a great point about teaching our kids to be equally yoked. There are so many issues that come into play in a marriage, and that contribute to divorce, and just in life in general. If we can teach our children what God's Word says about these issues, then they will have strong convictions and will be less likey to be swayed by someone who does not have a relationship with Jesus. I did not have a strong foundation and did not know the value God places on us as individuals; His deep love for us. That's what I want for my kids so much, so they will know who they are in Him! Thanks everyone for your input. :wink:

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Post by Melanie » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:27 am

Just so you IS scriptural to NOT invite them into your home!
2 John 10-11 (NKJV) "If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not recieve him into your house nor greet him; for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds."

Simply hanging the American flag at your home will also turn away many so-called "religions".
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