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Post by MamaMary » Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:30 pm

I was wondering if anyone knew (Carrie :wink: ) why there is not the possibility of highschool HOD? Since I have a tenth grader I often wish there was something out there w/ the biblical worldview like HOD. Just curious, not complaining :)
Mary, Mama to 4 amazing sons and wife to one incredible husband! Come check us out on the blog: http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/MamaMary/

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Post by mom2boys030507 » Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:37 pm

I think I saw a post about this a while ago. At this point I think Carrie is just looking at what she has on her plate and that writing takes alot out of one. Also every state has different requirements for High School.

If all goes as I am seeing it at this point I will still be homeschooling when my kids get to High School age and I too pray that there will be a wonderful curriculum to use with them, at the same time I can only imagine how taxing the writing process is for Carrie while she is also homeschooling her 4 boys. I pray that Carrie will follow God's leading for writing all the curriculum and how far to go.
Karen - mom to Bryce 02/03, Micah 03/05, and Matthew 05/07

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Post by 6timeboymom » Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:20 pm

*insert drama queen icon here*
I would LOVE for the high school stuff to be ready...NOW! :lol: We are facing high school next year with my oldest and I would love someone to be holding my hand through this! (well, I really just need someone to pat me on the head and say, "there, there!" :lol:)
I think Carrie said it's part of the long-term goals of hers to make higher-grade guides.
mom to 6 great boys-"they've got me surrounded!!"
using: as much HOD as possible! :wink:

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Post by Carrie » Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:56 pm

Hey girls! You are so sweet to ask about high school. :lol:

Truth be told, we are just glad to have a plan to write guides through grade 8. By the time we have our guides written through 8th grade, my oldest son will be heading into 11th grade. So, I will be doing high school along with the rest of you.

I honestly can't foresee us writing high school guides, but I can foresee us possibly listing out recommendations for options we've tried and enjoyed that follow the HOD philosophy for high school. Of course that would be after we finish writing our other guides, so it's a long way off.

I know that does nothing to help those of us getting close to having high schoolers (and those who already have high schoolers now) but there is only so much time, and at our house we must continue to make homeschooling our own kiddos our priority.

Thanks for the vote of confidence though. It is MUCH appreciated! :wink:


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Post by water2wine » Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:58 am

I'm actually really excited to get the recommendations! That will help a lot on my end. So I really hope that you guys do decide to do that. The more I am looking into high school them more I am thinking of it as preparation for college which is a course by course event and then the student on their own bringing each course together. So as much as I want HOD for high school and I am on board if God convinces them of it, I am also thinking it is a time to teach them how to bring things together on their own. I remember graduating from college and having that feeling of why are we stopping now I am just finally starting to put things together. Then that was followed by how different the real world application of college was in a job. So I really want my kids to have that skill of bringing things together and applying to other systems. I am praying that I find tools to help me with that but maybe that will happen on a subject by subject basis, and one thing I know for sure is the time they spent with HOD will set the stage for them learning how to weave things together on their own. But I am still praying that the material will be there before we get there. I think HOD would be awesome for high school but I do understand that it is a different ball game with the states being different and even that it is in itself a time that kids specialize for their future. So if there is not a HOD for high school I would be really excited to see the recommendations! 8)
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
We LOVED LHFHG/Beyond/Bigger/Preparing/CTC/RTR/Rev to Rev (HS)

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