Emergent vs Independent Reader and DITHOR Placement

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Emergent vs Independent Reader and DITHOR Placement

Post by 1shortmomof4 » Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:03 pm

I haven't posted here much lately (unlike last year :( ) but I'm preparing to return to HOD in the fall and will be using Bigger for my 4th grader. He has been a struggling reader but slowly and surely finally progressing. We've been working through the emergent reader books (and then some) but wondering. If he gets through those books, will (or would) he be ready for DITHOR 2 books? I can see how the books in the emergent level continue to get more challenging which is great and very helpful but wondering what happens next. I've been so challenged in helping him succeed in reading that I'm not sure I'll know when he is finally flying with his own wings when it comes to reading.


P.S. While I've been upset that my dd wouldn't be able to use any HOD programs this coming year - she is going to be an 8th grader - since we covered Ancients this year, she is actually thinking about doing the new program anyways. It would be such a great fit for her but I worry about 2 years of Ancient history in a row! Ugh! The other option, I suppose would be Preparing but not sure how I could really add some meat to that one at this point. I want to use HOD! I want to use HOD! .... can you see my feet stomping like an old fashioned mommy tantrum? Where there is a will, there is a way!
Heidi - LEO wife for over 21 years
Mom to 4 - ds 21 (college), ds (RTR), ds (visual-spatial learner who needs to see the big picture first) and future educator dd 18 (college)

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Re: Emergent vs Independent Reader and DITHOR Placement

Post by tiffanieh » Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:40 am

Welcome back to the boards! :)

From what I understand once your child completes the emerging reader schedule he should be ready for Dithor level 2. If he struggles with the reader schedule, perhaps you can continue on with whatever level he is struggling on your own. Once he has more fluency, you can then begin Dithor?

I'm sure other ladies will be able to chime in and help you a lot better. Best wishes!!!
Enjoyed LHFHG, BLHFHG, 1/2 of BHFHG and now doing PHFHG
Mommy to Ethan (10) and Ashton (9)

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Re: Emergent vs Independent Reader and DITHOR Placement

Post by sharonb » Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:37 am

I just got my Beyond guide today, and along with the Emerging Reader schedule in the appendix, it also includes a list of easy chapter books if you still need something else before continuing. So, you could look into that if you feel like your child isn't ready for DITHOR level 2.

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