Website Confusion

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Website Confusion

Post by joyfulheart » Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:00 am

Ok, don't attack me for saying this, but I have looked at the DITHOR for my son and the site is totally confusing me, so I didn't even consider it.

Please understand, I'm new to HS'ing, so things that probably make sense to EVERYONE doesn't make sense to me at all. LOL

BUT, here's my confusion issues: (in case anyone can clarify??)

1---- It says "Designed for use as your entire reading program or as a supplement to an existing program for students in grades 2 - 8."
Cool. I have one of those! LOL

BUT when you click on the link for book packs, it says this:

Range of Reading Levels 3.0 – 4.1

Range of Reading Levels 3.5 – 5.1

While my son might be at 3rd grade, his reading level is BARELY 2nd grade. But the book lists, or packs have that way above the 2nd grade level. It's very confusing when the fist thing lists it at 2nd grade and up??

And why are they called LEVEL 2? It makes me think that's 2nd grade???

2.----- The book list that's seperate for $5?? What level or grade is that? And do the levels/grades match up?

3------ Ok, this one is a dumb question, even for ME. (LOL) but, I'm gonna ask anyway.... on this page , it has a "LOOK INSIDE" little thing with little boxes and words inside the boxes. When you look at the LOOK INSIDE it looks like the format that the other books are in. But when you click it, it's not. Where are the boxes with words? Am I doing something wrong here? I know it's a dumb question, but it has me wondering....

4---- Do I need BOTH the teacher's manual AND workbook? Or is one optional?

Can you help me understand better?

Oh, and no biggie, but I found a typo on this page:

I bolded the typo
(Click on the links to view titles in each pack.) Each pack contains nine read-aloud titles, one for each type of literature in Bigger Hearts for His Glory. These optional book packs are for use with the storytime part of the plans. Choose one book packor use your own. Please feel free to use your own book selections or your library in order to economize.


Post by paliz » Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:43 am

Well I'm no expert with this book by any means but here's what I've gathered from other posts and what not.
I can't help with your first question about the book levels.
The book list, is suggested books by genre for each grade level. It comes from grades 2-8.
I do believe the book is laid out differently from the other guides but since I don't have it I can't be sure.
You do need the teacher's guide and workbook but you can copy the workbook for other kids if you remember not to write in.
That's all I know. I'm sure someone else can fill you in better.

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Post by Tansy » Mon Feb 11, 2008 12:48 pm

I use DITHOR It is set up as a repeating program. It is broken down by grade lvl. and genre. It is meant to be used for many years.

on the day before. I look at the pre reading activities. And we have a kickoff day. I usually only pick one thing. Like a scavanger hunt. And talk about what Adventure means.
On day One we fill out the student guide and figure out how much for the book or books to read each day. Then it starts with another pre reading activity. These vary from genre to genre.
Each day your child reads to you and you have questions in the book appropriate to each child's lvl.
Some days you will have a worksheet to work with, some days you may need to look though the book and find vocabulary worlds to study. or you may have a biblical character comparison, story moods or character maps, or I call it discussion of virtues. AKA, being trustworthy.
at the end of each genre Carrie suggests projects. for you to do.

Ok sorry got a phone call from social worker had to stop. Yes you really do need the work books. but since you may copy them for your family you need not consume them. You do not need to buy books for this program if he is not up to the emerging reader set, you still can do the program just get all your books from the Easy reader section of your library. the book list helps as you can us that to look up books in your library that have ben vetted by Carrie and are good and fun to read.

I hope that helps.

This program works with books you can buy or get from the library.
Last edited by Tansy on Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mom2boys030507 » Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:11 pm

I can't answer most of your questions but will say that if the level 2 books are to hard for your child you might want to look at the emerging reader set to help your child gain confidence in their reading.
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Re: Website Confusion

Post by 6timeboymom » Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:05 pm

joyfulheart wrote: 1---- It says "Designed for use as your entire reading program or as a supplement to an existing program for students in grades 2 - 8."
Cool. I have one of those! LOL

BUT when you click on the link for book packs, it says this:

Range of Reading Levels 3.0 – 4.1

Range of Reading Levels 3.5 – 5.1

While my son might be at 3rd grade, his reading level is BARELY 2nd grade. But the book lists, or packs have that way above the 2nd grade level. It's very confusing when the fist thing lists it at 2nd grade and up??

And why are they called LEVEL 2? It makes me think that's 2nd grade???

2.----- The book list that's seperate for $5?? What level or grade is that? And do the levels/grades match up?

3------ Ok, this one is a dumb question, even for ME. (LOL) but, I'm gonna ask anyway.... on this page , it has a "LOOK INSIDE" little thing with little boxes and words inside the boxes. When you look at the LOOK INSIDE it looks like the format that the other books are in. But when you click it, it's not. Where are the boxes with words? Am I doing something wrong here? I know it's a dumb question, but it has me wondering....

4---- Do I need BOTH the teacher's manual AND workbook? Or is one optional?

Can you help me understand better?
The book is set up differently but the same; so the pages look different, but the flexibility is there. Each genre is listed by days, too, so you can go day one, day two, etc through the book. It's the same book, but the student book is what makes the grade level differences. So yeah, you have to have both.
Each genre takes us about a month to go through, give or take, and we pick a book on our own. I like that the book packs are available, but I think they are a recent addition. We've used the program for about 6 or 7 years without a book pack :wink: But I would definitely get the list. It has books listed by genre and grade level. It's worth a lot more then just five bucks! (shhh! don't tell Carrie! :lol:)
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Post by Carrie » Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:44 pm

joyful heart,

I'll help clear up some of your confusion here. I know our layout can be confusing at times, it's hard to know how to give a lot of information and samples without it being overwhelming. :D

First off, the little icon you click on to see inside DITHR is the same icon used throughout our website for all see inside views, so you are right, it does not match the layout of DITHR (which is our only program laid out differently from the others).

You do need both Teacher's Guide and corresponding student book for each level. The Teacher's Guide is divided each day into 3 levels of instruction (level 2/3, level 4/5, and level 6/7/8 ). These loosely correspond to grade level but not exactly for all people!

DITHR has 9 genres (types of literature) it studies for 20 days each. This equals 180 days of plans which can be spread out over 2 years or done in one year as you choose. The genres can be taught in any order and work with any books you choose.

But, because our customers often lack good libraries or the time to locate books on their children's reading levels, we have gathered optional book packs you could use (if you choose to do so) for Level 2 or 3 in the program. You could, instead, also use your own books. We do not have book packs put together for the other levels of the program at this time, since it's easier to find good reading material once kiddos are reading well. The Sample Book List does help give suggestions for upper levels too if you're stuck for ideas.

If your kiddo cannot read the books in the level 2 book pack, then he or she probably isn't ready for DITHR yet. Then, you would be better off spending a year strengthening reading skills using our Emerging Reader Pack and Schedule and moving into DITHR the next year.

Here is the link to the Emerging Reader Pack:

I hope this helps with your questions. Post away, if you're still stuck! :wink:


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