I've been praying and seeking counsel and getting great feedback about whether or not to bump up to Beyond or to go ahead and do "Little Hearts" with him since we own it for everything except math. (we were using Beyond just for Math and LA)
The Lords timing was perfect. Because my friend Niki came over today. (She will be a Hoodie next year

She is a former teacher and has great problem solving skills. I had e-mailed Carrie and got her feedback and Nik was able to read it and think it through.
She suggested going to CBD to look at the books from Beyond and then to look closely at the books I bought for Little "hearts". This REALLY helped. I could see that we should bump Seth up to Beyond. One thing I don't think I shared was that though he is 7 he turns 8 in March, so I think that makes a big difference! He is an older 7

THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP!!! I should get my "Little Hands Monday or Tuesday and I'll place my order for Beyond. I should be set