Looking ahead to next year
Looking ahead to next year
I hope this is the right place, if not please move it. Anyways, I'm working on deciding what we will use this fall. The obvious choice would be Preparing Hearts as we will be finishing up Bigger hearts. I've looked at the first week that you can pull up and I've looked at the helpful tips on ordering but I'm still confused. In the week pages it shows using Draw and Write but that is in the deluxe package. I guess my question comes down to how was what's in the basic package and what's in the deluxe package decided? And if you have to choose between the 2 is there one that gets more use than the other? I think that's all my questions for now but don't be surprised if there's more.
Re: Looking ahead to next year
I think I found my anwers.
Re: Looking ahead to next year
I'll move this post over to the main board. That is where all new posts begin. If you have more questions, ask away.
I'll move this post over to the main board. That is where all new posts begin. If you have more questions, ask away.