Sarah Whitcher's Story - BEYOND

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Sarah Whitcher's Story - BEYOND

Post by Dorla » Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:28 pm

Do you sit down beforehand and divide the book into 20 portions for the 4 units? If you do, would you mind sharing? :mrgreen:


Re: Sarah Whitcher's Story - BEYOND

Post by annaz » Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:20 pm

I used to take the books and divide the number of pages by the days we read. Sometimes you have to start and stop at a good time in the book, but that was my guide. I don't do it anymore. I keep reading till she tells me to stop and if we finish the book early, depending on the time left, we just start another book.

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Re: Sarah Whitcher's Story - BEYOND

Post by Dorla » Sun Oct 05, 2008 7:05 pm

What an excellent idea, Ann. Thanks. We will begin tomorrow by reading until he wants to stop!
Now, why did I not think about that?

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Re: Sarah Whitcher's Story - BEYOND

Post by inHistiming » Sun Oct 05, 2008 7:18 pm

I usually just divide the number of pages by 20 to come up with how many pages to read per day. One great thing about this program, though, is that you can adjust it to your own needs, and keep reading if you want to! :D

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Re: Sarah Whitcher's Story - BEYOND

Post by MamaMary » Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:04 am

I love listening to how every family does things differently. We read one chapter a day, unless my children beg me to read more. When we finished Toliver's Secret we read a chapter a day until the last day and they had me finish the book because they just couldn't wait and that day we did THREE CHAPTERS :shock: I love though how we still talk about that book! Enjoy your book! I can't wait to hear about it in the Week In Review!
Mary, Mama to 4 amazing sons and wife to one incredible husband! Come check us out on the blog:

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Re: Sarah Whitcher's Story - BEYOND

Post by Carrie » Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:54 pm


I love seeing how the ladies make the guide fit their unique families! :D I usually divide by 20 to see how much I'm typically supposed to read daily. Then, I adjust as needed due to the time I have on hand for the day. It just gives me a loose goal as I'm reading. 8)


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Re: Sarah Whitcher's Story - BEYOND

Post by Dorla » Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:12 pm

I looooove all the books you have chosen for storytime! So, I purchased all 3 sets (boy, girl and classics and please don't tell my husband...). So maybe if we finish way ahead of time we will get to read another in the same genre. That way I will get to share the books with my 6 year old isntead of reading them just for myself!!

I must add that I went to school (elementary through college) in Latin America so all of these books are new to me. Very exciting!
Thanks again,


Re: Sarah Whitcher's Story - BEYOND

Post by netpea » Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:11 pm

If there are 20 chapters or less, we just read one chapter a day. If there are more than 20 chapters, I read 1 1/2 to 2 chapters a day.
But if the chapters are very long as in the case of "Come On Seabiscuit", we might only read 1/2 chapter a day and do it on the weekends too. Just depends on the book.

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Re: Sarah Whitcher's Story - BEYOND

Post by Carrie » Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:07 pm

Great ideas ladies! :D

Dorla, I'm so glad you're getting a chance to read all the sets! I am a book-lover at heart and can't stand to pass up on good books either! :D :D


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