Should we push to Bigger next year?
Should we push to Bigger next year?
All right, here goes. We've done LHFHG and are almost through BLHFHG. My question is this, my kiddos are 7 and almost 6. We've been teaching to the older and having the younger follow along, but I'm not sure he will be able to keep up next year if we try Bigger. DD, 7 is finishing emerging readers pack this year, and I think DS, almost 6 will be ready by next year. We have done the full McRuffy K and started McRuffy 1st for him. Oh brother, what should we do ?! Can you "lighten" Bigger or should we spend another year doing something else so they can both do Bigger together the following year. Does this make any sense at all?
Mom to DD-12 and DS-11
Daddy taught using LHFHG & BLHFHG waaaayyy back when
Mom to DD-12 and DS-11
Daddy taught using LHFHG & BLHFHG waaaayyy back when

I would take a good look at the Placement Chart to see the skills listed for "Bigger..." and where your kiddos fall. Here is the link:
If it looks like your 7 year old will be ready for "Bigger...", I would probably go forward in "Bigger..." with that child for sure. If your younger child is a pretty good listener during read-alouds, I think you could combine them for the history portion of "Bigger", the Storytime, and the Science. You would need to teach separate language arts and math to your 6 year old and just follow all of the plans for "Bigger..." for your 7 year old.
You're at a time where the two of your kiddos, though close in age, are going to vary quite a bit in their skill level, simply because of the growth needed from phonics to reading independently, learning to write and copy, and maturing as a listener to handle more difficult concepts. Once kiddos can read and write and have matured as listeners they can be grouped more easily again.
So, during this growing phase, you will have a harder time combining them easily no matter whether you use our program or someone elses. Yet, you don't want to hold back your 7 year old to wait for your 6 year old to catch up. That's why I would advise to keep going forward with "Bigger... if that is where your 7 year old places, adjusting the language arts and writing skills for your younger child as needed.
You can certainly take your time with "Bigger..." possibly doing it 4 days a week leaving the 5th day to do your family focused projects.
I'd love to hear what you think after looking over the placement chart.
Hopefully some other moms will chime in here once you've gotten a chance to give us a little more information!
I would take a good look at the Placement Chart to see the skills listed for "Bigger..." and where your kiddos fall. Here is the link:
If it looks like your 7 year old will be ready for "Bigger...", I would probably go forward in "Bigger..." with that child for sure. If your younger child is a pretty good listener during read-alouds, I think you could combine them for the history portion of "Bigger", the Storytime, and the Science. You would need to teach separate language arts and math to your 6 year old and just follow all of the plans for "Bigger..." for your 7 year old.
You're at a time where the two of your kiddos, though close in age, are going to vary quite a bit in their skill level, simply because of the growth needed from phonics to reading independently, learning to write and copy, and maturing as a listener to handle more difficult concepts. Once kiddos can read and write and have matured as listeners they can be grouped more easily again.
So, during this growing phase, you will have a harder time combining them easily no matter whether you use our program or someone elses. Yet, you don't want to hold back your 7 year old to wait for your 6 year old to catch up. That's why I would advise to keep going forward with "Bigger... if that is where your 7 year old places, adjusting the language arts and writing skills for your younger child as needed.
You can certainly take your time with "Bigger..." possibly doing it 4 days a week leaving the 5th day to do your family focused projects.
I'd love to hear what you think after looking over the placement chart.
Hopefully some other moms will chime in here once you've gotten a chance to give us a little more information!
Hi Lori Jo! I am a Julie Jo, so I must say I like your name! We've done each of the HOD programs, and this year we are doing Bigger... I think Carrie gave some good advice. You'd probably be fine just doing Bigger... and making the adjustments for your younger one in language arts, math, and the writing portion. If you are just finishing Beyond... you must have that guide as well, so you could easily use the Appendix to help with your younger child's work. Just doing the handwriting, spelling list, emerging reader's set questions, and even the math from there in Beyond... would help with the younger child.
I think you could easily take longer to do Bigger as well, especially since your 7 year old will be on the younger end of it already anyway. We've taken 1 1/2 years or up to 2 years to do HOD curriculums before when in this situation, and had a very enjoyable time with that pace. What are you thinking now, after reading these couple posts, and maybe checking out Bigger... on the placement chart? I know other ladies will chime in too then. It's very nice to meet you, Lorijo! And keep us "in the know"!
I think you could easily take longer to do Bigger as well, especially since your 7 year old will be on the younger end of it already anyway. We've taken 1 1/2 years or up to 2 years to do HOD curriculums before when in this situation, and had a very enjoyable time with that pace. What are you thinking now, after reading these couple posts, and maybe checking out Bigger... on the placement chart? I know other ladies will chime in too then. It's very nice to meet you, Lorijo! And keep us "in the know"!
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Here's a recent thread in a similar vein that might help too!
Here's a recent thread in a similar vein that might help too!
Thanks, everyone
I've been over the placement charts, and honestly the younger one would probably fit into the Beyond placement chart better, but since he's been there and done that with his sister, I'll probably just forge on with Bigger and decrease some of the more intensive writing stuff. We've been so happy with HOD, and I am really hoping that God will open doors so that I can be the one at home teaching next fall. I am really jealous of all the cool stuff that they are learning and doing together.
Anyway, I love that the board over here is becoming more active and that the word is getting out about this awesome set of materials! Thanks, Carrie for all your work. Lori

Mom to DD-12 and DS-11
Daddy taught using LHFHG & BLHFHG waaaayyy back when
Mom to DD-12 and DS-11
Daddy taught using LHFHG & BLHFHG waaaayyy back when

- Posts: 2743
- Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:24 pm
- Location: GA
That is so great that your husband is willing to teach! I can understand how you feel but I just wanted to say what an awesome man you have. That is wonderful! 

All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
We LOVED LHFHG/Beyond/Bigger/Preparing/CTC/RTR/Rev to Rev (HS)
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
We LOVED LHFHG/Beyond/Bigger/Preparing/CTC/RTR/Rev to Rev (HS)
I think since you've made it this far with your kiddos together, I'd just keep on going. I'm impressed with the way you and your husband are working together to teach your children! What a blessing for your children to see how important it is to both of you that they be home for their school time as well as their family time. God honors those that strive to serve Him!
I'm so glad you've had a chance to enjoy "Little Hearts..." and "Beyond...". As I mentioned in a previous thread, if your kiddos have been through our previous programs, they'll be ready earlier for the next program than those transferring in from something else.
I think since you've made it this far with your kiddos together, I'd just keep on going. I'm impressed with the way you and your husband are working together to teach your children! What a blessing for your children to see how important it is to both of you that they be home for their school time as well as their family time. God honors those that strive to serve Him!
I'm so glad you've had a chance to enjoy "Little Hearts..." and "Beyond...". As I mentioned in a previous thread, if your kiddos have been through our previous programs, they'll be ready earlier for the next program than those transferring in from something else.
Glad to hear you've decided Lori! That's the half of it... now the fun can begin! I've just said a prayer for you and your family. I know it must be hard not being the one to teach your honeys when you want to, but I know God's timing is good and often makes sense later to me. I had a tough start to homeschooling with my home situation, but I can look back and understand a bit better why it had to go the way that it did... not that I'd want to do it over necessarily! Maybe you'll have a similar experience, either way, your children are so blessed to have their 2 parents working together for them. Enjoy Bigger..., I know it will be a good year!
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie