Spelling Helps

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Spelling Helps

Post by inHistiming » Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:02 pm

I have been a HUGE advocate for the spelling methods used in Beyond..and Bigger...and I still am because my daughter couldn't spell anything before we began using Beyond..2 years ago. However, I am finding that she is still struggling. She is doing well during the week when we study the words and then she takes the 'practice test' each week on day 4. It's her retention I am concerned about. She cannot seem to remember how to spell words that I know she has studied previously...granted, it may have been last year. Words like once, there, when...she's had all those. So, I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for games or other things I could do to improve her memory with these words, any words, she's struggling with. I don't really want to have to buy a different program, but I will if you all think that would be best. Carrie, any specific suggestions from you? I already have Spelling Power that I bought from our used curriculum sale, thinking I may need it with my oldest ds if dictation did not work for us. I could try that, but I really want to do what is going to work for her. Also, I have noticed she still reverses several of her letters in her writing...d, b, p, q...is this an indication that there is more wrong than just a delay in reading due to her vision issues? She can read well now, but has a lot of trouble spelling words...she's sitting here right now asking me how to spell words she needs to use in a creative writing assignment for co-op. I know there will be many words she can't spell yet..I'm more worried about the common words I feel she should already know. Any thoughts, advice, suggestions, encouragement would be appreciated. Thanks so much! :o

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Re: Spelling Helps

Post by Tansy » Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:04 pm

As a frustrated dyslexic growing up... I had lots of stuff tossed at me.
My Dad played a version of scrabble or you could use upwords. Where you give her letters that spell specific words. Then tell her to spell the word and as she gets better stop telling her the word. Then she does the same for you.. hands you letters for your turn. If she give the the wrong letters she gets no points. you take all the letters out of the bag and spread them out.

also making word pictures like picture this " a hen wandering around the chicken coop wearing a big W as a hat... wondering when the party is. or once on the sea, I fell on a raft made of C and E. word plays and puns. always helped me.

hope that helps...
Dyslexics of the world Untie!
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Re: Spelling Helps

Post by Carrie » Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:02 pm


As far as spelling goes, from my 11 years as a public school teacher prior to homeschooling the last 8 years with my own kiddos, I'll tell you that being a good speller is often a natural ability. For those that have it, any curriculum will do, for those that struggle, they will most likely always struggle with spelling to some extent. I don't say that to make you feel down-trodden, I say it, to let you know that steady progress forward is worth celebrating! :D

The methods of visualizing the correct spelling in the kiddo's minds is the best way to help kiddos learn to be a better speller. Careful copywork and dictation done steadily over time will also make a huge difference. So, at this point, I would have you check a couple of things:

1. Are you having your child do copywork 3-5 days a week? If not, you will want to start doing this. Less than 3 days of copywork a week won't do much for propelling your daughter toward the habit of correct spelling. Set the timer for 10 mintues of copywork and make sure that the copywork is done correctly. All words must be spelled correctly and all punctuation and capital letters must be correct as well. I make my boys do copywork in pencil and correct anything that is not right. Less done better is the key. :wink:

2. Are you doing the spelling or dictation lessons as written in Beyond or Bigger at least 3 days each week? If not, you'll want to make sure that you are consistent in that area as well. The Charlotte-Mason method of learning correct spelling takes time, but the good news is your child will progress steadily with consistent practice. It may not be as quick as we moms would like, but in truth, it may be one of the few things that really does make a difference.

3. To make yourself feel better, I would give your child the Spelling Power placement test. Just file the test away, and don't worry about actually doing Spelling Power. Then, do what I listed in numbers 1 and 2 above. If you're already doing numbers 1 and 2 above, just keep going. :D It takes time to see real progress. At the end of this year, test your child in Spelling Power placement again, and see if your child has gained. This will give you a great gage as to whether your child is progressing or not. We did this with my own oldest son, when I wasn't sure about jumping off into CM-style spelling/copywork/dictation. I was so surprised that he tested higher than I thought to begin with, and then by year end how much he had gained, even though we didn't use a "traditional spelling program". :D

Just some suggestions that may help you tweak your methods and put your fears at rest. :wink:

I know the other moms will be along to give you great advice (like Tansy's has already done), but I just wanted to give you some specific things to check and ponder too! :D


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Re: Spelling Helps

Post by mansmom » Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:54 pm


My dd8 was REALLY struggling last year with spelling...using a "list and study" approach. Like you said, she could do it that week and had basically ZERO retention. She also really started to have a terrible attitude and feeling toward spelling....which as you can imagine was NOT what I was going for. We looked at a lot of different ideas...and I should put here that we are currently only using LHTH...(greatly anticipating ordering the upper levels for my girls!!!!! Come ON money tree!!!)....so I haven't used the approach that the HOD programs use...that said, we are using Sequential Spelling this year and she is FLOURISHING...they take a list of words that have parts that go together and you work on them...it's a strange thing to me honestly but she is really really doing well. The day she remembered how to spell "wouldn't" she did a happy dance right there in the school room!!! All I can say is it is working for us right now...



Mary '00 Preparing w/ LLATL orange & Horizons math
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Re: Spelling Helps

Post by momof2n2 » Wed Sep 17, 2008 3:15 pm

I'll tell you that being a good speller is often a natural ability. For those that have it, any curriculum will do, for those that struggle, they will most likely always struggle with spelling to some extent.
I totally, totally, totally believe this.
I think a lot has to do with photographia, etc.
Not to discourage you at all! But some kids just have that gene, I think.
And tha wrest of us nede gaymes and trix to help us ramembour.

Fall 2015
DS 17 -gr.12 full time college student
DS 15- gr. 10 favorites from World Geo and World Hx.
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Re: Spelling Helps

Post by inHistiming » Wed Sep 17, 2008 3:37 pm

It's hard, because I'm one of those that just spells easily...so I struggle with how to help her best. My husband is one who has terrible spelling...and he really doesn't worry about it. He did get a bit concerned when he recently had to take an entrance exam for a college he's attending online to get his Master's. :lol: But it is important for good communication as she gets older. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement, ladies. And Carrie, I will definitely make sure we are being more consistent with our copywork and days we do spelling. I have some ETC books too that were given to me...I may have her do those as well a couple days a week. Any more tips would be appreciated too. Thanks! :wink:

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Re: Spelling Helps

Post by anointedhsmom » Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:48 pm

I am a bit late replying to this because I was out of town. I just got back in town and I'm trying to catch up on posts as I can. My son is 9 and has had a tough time learning to read so we are using the emergent readers from Bigger and All About Spelling. All About Spelling is based on the Orten Gillingham method for reading and spelling. We are also using All About Spelling to help my son with phonics because the OG method really goes hand in hand with learning to read and to spell. If you would like to learn more about it you check out the AAS web site at http://www.allaboutspelling.com/miracle There is also a great yahoo group for users and people that want to learn more about AAS. Feel free to come over and ask questions. all_about_spelling_group@yahoogroups.com

We are really loving AAS and my son is learning how to spell at the same time he learns to read. Can't recommend AAS enough.

Paige in TN
Joshua 14 & Jacob 7

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Re: Spelling Helps

Post by inHistiming » Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:42 am

I just wanted to update on my daughter. We have made more of an effort to do all the things suggested by Carrie in her post (thanks Carrie!), and it seems to have helped. She still has some simple words that she mispells, but I've started paying closer attention and there are words she can spell that are more difficult. The words she tends to spell incorrectly are things like what, would, when, etc. However, in her writing I have seen her spell sprouted, weakness, being, etc. correctly on her own. So, I am encouraged by this. It seems as though we may just need more practice with her sight words? I'm not sure. She is taking a writing class through our co-op so I help her correct her spelling in that each week. Though there are many she misspells, there are also many that she gets right. So, I feel good about her progress. I did have her take the placement test for Spelling Power, and she is on a 2nd grade level...a year behind her grade level. However, with her reading issues, I was not surprised. Anyway, I feel better overall, and we're just going to continue working hard in this area. Thanks for all the advice! :D

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Re: Spelling Helps

Post by my3sons » Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:16 pm

inHistiming - I'm so glad to hear about your dd's progress! :D Way to go, Mom! :D One thing that helps my ds (who struggled with speech initially) is for me to underline each incorrect word in his writing, write it in pencil in the margin of the line it was in, have him erase the incorrect spelling, and fix it using mine as a model. Or, I also often write words in black marker on a marker board for him to use as a model to fix words he spelled incorrectly. This step of him fixing it seems to make him try his very best to get it right first, and it doesn't bother him to fix them. When I explained to him that his mind is like a camera, snapping mental pictures of the words he spells, he better understood the need to "erase" the mental picture of the wrong "picture" of the spelling of a word and replace it with the "right" mental picture. If he asks me if something is spelled right, I always ask the question, "Hmmmm, I don't know; does it look right?" This really helps my ds. He can usually see if it doesn't look right, and if he tries to write a word several different ways on a markerboard or on a piece of paper, that helps him pick the correct way sometimes too (This is usually what I do if I am not sure how to spell something too :D ). These ideas are not my own - they are CM's. :) I also believe that spelling is a natural ability. Great progress can be made though with all the CM methods described.

In Christ,
Julie :D
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Re: Spelling Helps

Post by Carrie » Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:02 pm


Thanks so much for the update. That is good news that your daughter is spelling some difficult words correctly. Many times the incorrect spelling of short words (sight words) comes out of the habit of spelling them incorrectly for so long. It takes time to undo those old habits (as I know from personal experience! :lol:)

Keep plugging away with the CM-style spelling and be consistent with the things I listed. Over the course of the year, I know you'll see more progress. 8) Then, you can retest her as far as Spelling Power goes at the end of the year. Testing one grade below level is not that large of a gap. Many, many kids I taught in public school had a 3 year gap or more coming in for spelling. I know it's hard to understand how spelling can be difficult when you're a good/natural speller. I just want to encourage you to keep plugging away! :wink:


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