New Products Coming...

This is where new posts begin. All questions or discussions about any of Heart of Dakota's curriculums start here. If you wish to share a one-time post about your family's experience with our curriculum, you may post under the specific curriculum title (found beneath this "Main Board" heading).
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Location: South Dakota, United States

Re: New Products Coming...

Post by RookieAce » Fri Mar 15, 2024 10:17 am

Revival to Revolution Inventor Study

Meet some of history’s most innovative minds in our newly-renovated inventor study! This study for Revival to Revolution integrates interesting readings with exciting visual entries to help students discover inventors who changed the world. As students delve into these scientific biographies, they will discover the inspiration and ideas behind each invention. Our companion full-color Collector’s Gallery of Innovation provides a brand-new way for students to interact with their reading. It will be available for preorder during our Spring Sale. We can’t wait for you to see what we’ve been creating!


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Re: New Products Coming...

Post by RookieAce » Fri Mar 15, 2024 10:18 am

Visual History Set for Little Hearts for His Glory

Picture the past with our new Little Hearts for His Glory “Visual History” set! Designed to round out the history study in Little Hearts for His Glory, this collection of 30 engaging books provides a gorgeous visualization of the people, places, and events students are learning about in history. Explore the Garden of Eden, watch over baby Moses in the Nile, witness Jericho’s fall, share in the first Christmas, spread the gospel with the apostles, preach reform with Luther, guide Lewis and Clark with Sacajawea, change farming with George Washington Carver, illuminate the world with Edison, and create America’s first parks with Teddy Roosevelt - all just a sampling of what awaits you! By bringing history vividly to life, this set makes an excellent addition to Little Hearts for His Glory. This set will be scheduled in the new edition of Little Hearts for His Glory.


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Re: New Products Coming...

Post by RookieAce » Fri Mar 15, 2024 10:21 am

Revival to Revolution Composer Study

Revival to Revolution's new "Composer Study" provides an unforgettable look at the legacy of classical music, and hymns, inviting students to discover what makes each period of music unique. As students journey through time, they will listen to enduring music, learn about the instruments, and study famous composers to see what makes their work so timeless. The unique combination of resources in our new study will help your children love music!

Along with A Young Scholar's Guide to Composers, delve into the world of classical music through The Story of Classical Music, an audio that provides a glimpse of the lives of more than 90 colorful composers, along with facts from history. Also enjoy Classical Kids' audios Mr. Bach Comes to Call, Beethoven Lives Upstairs, Mozart's Magnificent Voyage, Tchaikovsky Discovers America, and Gershwin's Magic Key. Each Classical Kids' audio is a unique combination of music, history and dramatic story-telling, designed to introduce students to composers and their music. Each story includes at least one child interacting with the composer. Last, learn about classic hymns and their writers - including Luther, Watts, Wesley, Newton, and Crosby - through Color the Classics Hymn Writers. The accompanying fully orchestrated CD is a joy to sing along with and to hear!


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Location: South Dakota, United States

Re: New Products Coming...

Post by RookieAce » Fri Mar 15, 2024 10:24 am

Finally, we are excited to announce the return of our Spring Sale! From Thursday, March 21 to midnight Monday, March 25, you can use coupon code SPRING24 to save 10% on your entire order.


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Re: New Products Coming...

Post by CookFamilyHomeschool » Sat Mar 16, 2024 4:47 pm

I was going to hop on here and ask if all these new resources meant new guide books, but I see that that question has been asked and answered already.

But I still want to say that I am so, so excited about the new additions to LHFHG! I literally just started this guide book for the forth time last week with two of my littles combined! They are especially excited about the coloring book! I am excited about all the fun new story books! I realize that we won’t have them for the next several months, but I plan to pre-order them anyway 🙂

I have a few questions about the new things for the middle school guides. My older boys with be in Rev2Rev and MTMM next fall.

I already have both the map trek CDs from R2R and Rev2Rev. It seems as if the main benefit of getting the new version is I don’t have to print it myself, is that correct? Or is there new material? Also, does this new Map Trek cover the maps for MTMM? Or do I still need to get the CD for that?

Does the new composer series still include the lap book activities? My older son is currently very much enjoying that this year?

I would be curious to know more of the reason for switching writing curriculum in the middle school guides? I also realize that these next few weeks are very busy so I understand if an answer to this question needs to wait! It doesn’t affect the guides we are using this year. We have enjoyed the old programs, but the new ones look fantastic as well.

Not entirely sure I will be updating Rev2Rev this year just for cost factor as I have all the books and consumables on my shelf waiting for my second son already. But I will likely do so for my next kiddos coming up. The updated state, inventor and music studies look like so much fun!

Thank you Carrie for all the hard work you put into these Heart of Dakota guide books and book selections. I can’t even begin to imagine the many hours you have poured into creating this wonderful curriculum. We started in 2016 with LHTH with our oldest, and we have never looked back! I can’t believe I’m now about to order his 8th grade year!

Blessings to you and your family!

Bethany Cook :)
Married to my best friend & Mommy to 8 happy kiddos!
Caleb 13 - Rev2Rev
Walter 11.5 - Preparing with Extensions
Josiah 10 - Bigger
Johannah 8 - Bigger
Joseph 6.5 - LHFHG
Hattie 5 - LHFHG
Wyatt 3.5
John 18 months

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Re: New Products Coming...

Post by my3sons » Tue Apr 02, 2024 3:05 pm

Bethany, we are so glad you are excited about all of the new and amazing resources Carrie has chosen! Her plans for them are equally wonderful - I so wish I had a little one to homeschool, so I too could enjoy the new resources and plans! She is currently hard at work writing, but I'd be happy to answer your questions...

Yes, the main benefit of getting the Map Trek Atlas (full-color, one per family) and the Map Trek Outlines (consumable - one for each child, or copyright says you can reproduce it for you family) is you don't have to print all of the maps yourself. Another benefit is you don't have to worry about the CD getting scratched/not working for some reason the next time you go to print (Carrie and I have 7 boys between us, so we've had our own share of scratched CDs). The new Map Trek Atlas and Map Trek Outlines are part of the updated RTR and RevtoRev guides' plans. They will eventually be part of the MTMM plans, but not until that guide is reprinted and our CD inventory is gone. The MTMM guide that utilizes the CDs states the name of each of the maps in the plans though, so I think it would work fine to use the new resources anyway. So, these two resources could be utilized for RTR, RevtoRev, and MTMM - and no more standing over the copier and compiling them anymore. Carrie and I decided we would have loved them!!!

The new composer study will not contain the lapbook, though I am glad to hear your son is enjoying it! Since you already own it, you certainly could have your next children use it, following the MTMM plans you already have! We enjoyed it too, but we found the lapbook very time consuming and somewhat cumbersome to put together. We heard this from a fair share of other families as well. So, we wanted the new composer study to be less prep, more independent, and truly a celebration of beautiful music!

Writing... ahhh. Carrie and I could 'write' volumes on that! :wink: For now, I will just say we felt it was time for a change. New writing resources that are excellent became available, and Carrie loved them! Families using Writing and Rhetoric in CTC (which was the first change Carrie made) loved that change. As far as MTMM, we loved the idea of a boy and a girl option, as teens tend to enjoy writing about topics they can best relate to, and boys and girls are often quite different in that regard! Also, Carrie just immediately loved Writer's Gold Mine and Writer's Roundup. Something totally new that was done well! Here is a link to another post I just made explaining the other guides' writing changes...

I hope this helps answer your questions! Thank you, Bethany, for all the years you have homeschooled your kiddos with HOD! You are such a blessing to us, and we thank the Lord for His leading you to HOD!!! We have loved interacting with you and your family and consider it an honor that you have invited HOD into your home for 'school' these many years. May the Lord richly bless you and your family!!!

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Re: New Products Coming...

Post by gracefulrain » Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:22 am

If we continue to use the older guides, will the notebook pages still work with the old guides?

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Location: South Dakota, United States

Re: New Products Coming...

Post by RookieAce » Fri Mar 07, 2025 1:12 pm

We are excited to announce some of our new products for 2025! First, we have a fascinating new geography resource for Preparing Hearts for His Glory. Pack your bags for an atlas adventure through seven continents, over 50 countries, and some of the world’s most extraordinary ecosystems!

Second, we are thrilled to announce a new version of A Child's Geography: Explore the Holy Land in Creation to Christ. This full-color, updated volume will take you and your growing geographer through the Middle East. Learn about three of the world’s major religions and why Christianity is the only true religion with the One true God.

Third, we are excited to introduce a tremendous update to Map Trek! Both the full-color Map Trek Atlas and the black and white Map Trek Outlines will be replacing the printable Map Trek CDs in Missions to Modern Marvels. By purchasing the 2-book set, you will have all the maps you need for this guide!

Take a look below to learn more about each new product – and be sure to keep an eye out here and our email list, where we’ll be announcing another round of amazing new products!

New Indescribable Atlas Adventures

From the top of the highest peak on Mount Everest to the lowest point in the Great Barrier Reef, Indescribable Atlas Adventures will help children experience the evidence of God’s handiwork all around them! On this tour of all seven continents, students will learn new facts about more than 50 incredible countries – including their awesome landforms, amazing wild animals, and the fascinating people who live there. But, most importantly, readers will learn to see God’s fingerprints on everything!


New Version of A Child’s Geography: Explore the Holy Lands

We've always loved Ann Voskamp's way of bringing the study of geography to life. Now, a new, fully-updated version of A Child's Geography: Explore the Holy Lands makes the study of the Middle East in Creation to Christ even better. This new edition features beautiful photography and illustrations, a worktext format with additional activities, new narration prompts, and the living feel of the previous edition. Your student will love this new way of exploring the Bible lands!


New Map Trek Set for Missions to Modern Marvels

We are excited to introduce a time-saving update to the geography in Missions to Modern Marvels! Following the pattern established in Resurrection to Reformation and Revival to Revolution, both the full-color Map Trek Atlas and the black and white Map Trek Outlines are replacing the printable Map Trek CDs in Missions to Modern Marvels. By purchasing the 2-book set, you will have all the maps you need for all three of these guides!

Designed to accompany the "Learning Through History" plans in our guides, the Map Trek Atlas includes high resolution, historically accurate maps in full-color already printed for you! Map Trek Outlines provide printed student outline maps that correspond directly to the historical maps in Map Trek Atlas. You are allowed to reproduce these maps for home use only. Resurrection to Reformation and Revival to Revolution already have been updated to reflect these changes, and an updated version of Missions to Modern Marvels will be arriving soon!


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Re: New Products Coming...

Post by Jaimejac » Fri Mar 07, 2025 6:16 pm

These look so fun! And I can't wait to see what else is coming for Preparing! I wonder if you might want to start a new thread for the new products for so that it's visible and easy to find for everyone? Just a thought!
Christ Alone Homeschool
DD10 - Res to Ref
DS7 - Bigger
DS6- Little Hearts
4 babies in heaven

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Location: South Dakota, United States

Re: New Products Coming...

Post by RookieAce » Tue Mar 18, 2025 9:53 am

Today, we have a lot of big news to cover! We’ve been hard at work looking at ways to make our guides even better. Over the next few weeks, we will announce new Heart of Dakota selections, which will be available during our Spring Sale. (On that note, an announcement for the sale dates will be coming via this email list in the next few weeks – so stay tuned! :D )

Take a look below to get a sneak peek of some of our newest products!

New Scripture Copywork: Verses from Proverbs for Bigger Hearts for His Glory

Commit key Scripture verses to memory with our beautiful, full-color Scripture Copywork notebook! Designed to accompany the “Bible Study” plans in Bigger Hearts for His Glory, each unit of the notebook is organized in a two-page spread. The left page features a Godly character trait and a verse from Proverbs. The right page provides dotted lines for students to copy the featured verse in their own handwriting. Students will love using these vibrant copywork pages as they memorize God’s Word!


Updated Student Notebook for Bigger Hearts for His Glory

Our stunning, full-color Bigger Hearts for His Glory: Student Notebook is a special portfolio showcasing what students learn on their journey through American history. As students work through Bigger Hearts for His Glory, they’ll complete beautiful pages filled with colorful pictures, engaging maps, historic facts, copywork, sketches, and a creative timeline – a keepsake to treasure for years to come. The new 2025 edition of this notebook also includes a brand-new, color-coded vocabulary section, making this amazing resource even better!


New Bible Study for Preparing Hearts for His Glory

We are excited to announce an all-new Bible Study for Preparing Hearts for His Glory! This new study combines two beautiful resources - Pilgrim’s Progress: A Poetic Retelling and The Long Road Home: A Tale of Two Sons and a Father’s Never-Ending Love. To accompany these readings and bring them to life, Heart of Dakota is designing a host of beautiful resources – including “Quest” progress charts with stickers, colorful character sheets, and corresponding Scripture cards! This study will also include the popular Hymns for a Kids’ Heart: Volume II.


New Bible Study for Missions to Modern Marvels

Finally, we are also announcing the creation of an entirely new Bible Study for the new edition of Missions to Modern Marvels! This new study combines The Best News Ever: Your 100 Day Guide to the Gospel of Mark, along with The Really Radical Book for Kids, and our brand-new Scripture Cards: Passages from Mark. As students answer questions, pray heartfelt prayers, and memorize passages from Mark, they will encounter Jesus and the Gospel like never before!


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Joined: Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:13 pm
Location: South Dakota, United States

Re: New Products Coming...

Post by RookieAce » Fri Mar 21, 2025 10:02 am

Today, we have a lot of big news to cover! We’ve been hard at work looking at ways to make our guides even better. Over the next few weeks, we will announce new Heart of Dakota selections, which will be available during our Spring Sale. (On that note, an announcement for the sale dates will be coming via this email list in the next few weeks – so stay tuned! :D )

Take a look below to get a sneak peek of some of our newest products!

New Life Science Study for Creation to Christ

In our all-new life science program for Creation to Christ, explore some of the earth’s most interesting biomes - including temperate forests, deserts, seashores, grasslands, and wetlands. Learn about the amazing animals who live there and their adaptations for survival. Investigate extraordinary ecosystems, discover the role of predators and prey, and learn about life cycles, climate, landscape, and more! End the year with a tour of the human body, exploring the bodies’ amazing systems and how they work. This new science study for Creation to Christ integrates eye-catching, full-color readings with exciting visual follow-ups to help students interact with their reading in a brand-new way. As part of the study, students will complete beautifully designed Creature Cards created by Heart of Dakota to coordinate with the readings.


New Creature Crew Kit for Creation to Christ

We are thrilled to introduce a one-of-a-kind science kit from Creature Crew that coordinates with our life science study in Creation to Christ! This unique kit covers a host of topics, including deciduous forests, reptiles, the savanna, the ocean, and animals with fascinating eyes. With full-color animal cards, a color-coded “Habitats of the World” map with animal footprint stickers, plus a handy binder to store your cards, this kit is packed with fun resources! Vibrant mini-magazines direct you through the kit with creature-themed recipes, activity pages, creature collectibles, craft ideas, experiments, and hands-on projects.

From dissecting an owl pellet to digging for a shark tooth, from making a savanna diorama to creating an edible underwater ocean scene, from experimenting with optical illusions and simulating the layers of the ocean, your kiddos will love the activities included in this kit! Five exciting creature collectible surprises are also included. Science has never been this much fun!

(This kit is included in our new Life Science Package for Creation to Christ.)


New Human Body Kit for Creation to Christ

In this award-winning Human Body: Anatomy Adventure Kit, you will find 8 amazing activities to take you deep inside the human body! Explore all the important organs in the torso and how they work, construct a model of the human body, examine your teeth up-close, discover how your taste buds work, test your eyes, simulate air flow through the lungs, build a DNA strand and more. Get ready to discover the human body and its magnificent design!

(This kit is included in our new Life Science Package for Creation to Christ.)


New Second Grade Math Schedule

Introducing our new Daily Math Plans: Singapore Math 2A/2B! This full-color resource is a year-long schedule featuring 5 days of plans for each week. The schedule works in tandem with the workbooks Singapore Primary Math 2A/2B. These workbooks provide a text connection for each tactile math lesson in this schedule. The included activities in these plans use concrete objects and hands-on experiences to introduce mathematical concepts through guided exploration.


New Visual History Set for Bigger Hearts for His Glory

Picture the past with our new Bigger Hearts for His Glory “Visual History” Set! Designed to round out the history study in Bigger Hearts for His Glory, this collection of 26 engaging books provides a gorgeous visualization of the people, places, and events students are learning about in history. Discover America with intrepid explorers, write poetry with Phillis Wheatley, ride through the night with Paul Revere, cross the icy Delaware with Washington, brave the frontier with Daniel Boone, float down the impossible Erie Canal, join the Pony Express with Bronco Charlie, travel the Underground Railroad with Harriet Tubman, learn about Mr. Ferris’ magnificent wheel, and paint America’s landscapes with Thomas Cole – all just a sampling of what awaits you! By bringing history vividly to life, this set makes an excellent addition to Bigger Hearts for His Glory. This set will be scheduled in the new edition of Bigger Hearts for His Glory.


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