Questions about using revival to revolution(MTMM-10th) for 9th grade

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Questions about using revival to revolution(MTMM-10th) for 9th grade

Post by schuttelbugs » Fri Mar 15, 2024 4:59 pm

I am trying to add in the subjects needed for beefing up revival to revolution for 9th grade. Question 1: Does the World Geography guide have instructions for the boy literature set or is it just read and discuss? Should I buy the guide just for literature and Spanish directions? Question 2: Will the Rev to Rev and MTMM notebooking pages work with older guides? Question 3: Is the new watercolor unit easy enough to figure out how to use without buying an updated guide for that? (Such as one lesson/chapter a week)

Also wanting some guidance..... Looking ahead to which HS guides to skip.... Huge US history lovers here and not as much World history. But my 8th grade son struggles with writing and definitely not ready for HS level work yet... He is starting English 6, On the end of dictation level 4, we use IEW structure and style video class (he is finishing level 1B) and just began the level 7/8 books with Dithor. We will have 7-8 weeks of res to ref left to pick up in August before starting Rev to Rev. Is there a particular subject that he should try to get back on track to do a little summer work to be more ready to potentially skip world geography guide (pulling the subjects needed from that to add to Rev to Rev next year) Note: We got behind when we were moving and adopting our youngest, finished Preparing and then skipped C to C. My 6th grader does res to ref with us as well , enjoys working with brother and is on his heels skill wise but skipping WG would mean doing 3 guides, which seems too much for our family ( 3rd grader is starting Bigger soon and have a 3y.o. too!) But fear of missing out on all that awesome resources we see in the US 1/2 makes for tough decisions! Note: Not sure if son will be taking a college path or a trade school path just yet so still want to aim for being ready if needed.

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Re: Questions about using revival to revolution(MTMM-10th) for 9th grade

Post by my3sons » Tue Apr 02, 2024 1:45 pm

I am sorry I am just responding - things have been a little crazy around here with the spring sale! Thanks so much for your patience! I'll start by just answering your 3 questions...:

1: English credit in high school includes literature, composition, and grammar. Each of these should be completed to earn the 1 credit in English I. The literature component utilizes Bob Jones Fundamentals of Literature and the Boy or Girl Literature books. You would definitely need the WG guide to complete the work for this credit. The guide is less needed for the Getting Started with Spanish half-credit in Spanish I, as your son could double up on the first lessons (which are shorter) doing 2 a day and then switching to 1 lesson a day to complete it by the end of the year.

2: Revival to Revolution has new notebook pages to match Renewal, which replaces Hearts and Hands (which is out of print). However, only one page in the whole set was updated from the previous version. We've officially run out of the old versions and are expecting the new versions back from the printer in late May. You can purchase the one book Renewal to have the entire notebook match. Here is a link for that: ... s-outward/

Missions to Modern Marvels has new notebook pages to match Christian Heroes Just Like You and Christian Heroines Just Like You, which together replace Rescue and Redeem (which is out of print). We currently have old shrink-wrapped notebook pages with one additional front/back page for the updated resources. You can purchase the two books Christian Heroes Just Like You and Christian Heroines Just Like You to have the entire notebook match. Here are links for those: ... ike-you-2/ ... ike-you-2/

3: The Nature Study is completely new and beautiful! You would want the plans to be able to do the study. The plans integrate the two resources and tell what to do each day.

High school is really a time to look at placement for kiddos individually, especially if that student may be moving on to college upon graduation. He must be a good reader if he is doing the 7/8 DITHOR set and on track for grammar if he's doing R & S English 6! Where would your 8th grader place if you looked at him individually? Is he going into 8th grade or 9th grade this coming homeschool year? Is your other son going into 6th grade or 7th grade this coming year? Revival to Revolution is tougher to make count for high school credit than MTMM. Skipping WG would be tough to do, as that is the first guide in high school and there is much training skill-wise there. I've always taught 3 guides, and if kiddos are accurately placed, I think it is easier than combining kiddos in a guide that maybe doesn't fit either one well. If you could share a little more about where each of your two oldest kiddos place with a fresh look at the placement chart for each of them, I think we could figure out an awesome plan!

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Re: Questions about using revival to revolution(MTMM-10th) for 9th grade

Post by schuttelbugs » Fri Jun 21, 2024 11:20 pm

My oldest will be beginning 9th in the fall and next oldest will be 7th. Skill wise, my oldest is a struggling writer and a slower reader. After buying and looking it over I feel the BJU lit is way too much work for him just yet. I found a middle school generations curriculum that dives deep into only a few classics that seems at his level that may be a good bridge. Dithor sometimes takes him an hour or more on top of his independent history reading.He could probably do a 10-12 sentence narration....His seem to be about 5-7 sentences naturally without enforcing any sentence counts. His verbal ones are usually longer. He still has to repeat most of the dictation in level 4 at least twice and struggles with spelling and legible work as well. He is a hard worker most of the time. My almost 7th grader is pretty much at the same level if not edging ahead of my oldest because spelling/reading come easier for him and is one level behind him in dithor and math, same writing and just started dictation level 4, but struggles to stay motivated to complete his work for the day. They both seem perfectly placed in the resurrection to reformation currently as it does usually take us all day to complete the work but not frustrated at the level and not 4-5 hours that is supposed to be. (It's always taken us longer than stated in guide to finish even back in Beyond!)The added IEW is a little bit of that but not much. We will finish the last 8 weeks of res to ref in the fall. Perhaps you're suggesting to skip Rev to Rev, and use MTMM so my oldest can get 3 of the highschool guides in? Planned on doing the Spanish and Logic for electives next year for my 9th grader in addition to Rev to Rev with inventor, state study and extension books.But looks like we may need to plan one more subject to add in to get the needed credits in? Also, any recommended resources for high school record keeping?

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Re: Questions about using revival to revolution(MTMM-10th) for 9th grade

Post by gracefulrain » Thu Jun 27, 2024 4:45 am

I’m in a similar boat for various reasons. My oldest is doing res to ref in 8th, I’m not concerned at all. My plan is to focus on math and writing and then cover what we need to through various means (in addition to the guide). There is so much available. You don’t need to add ‘subjects’. Find alternative ways to count things as credits. My oldest doesn’t like hands on history projects so we swap that out with something he does like. He doesn’t enjoy me reading aloud (prefers reading it on his own) so I’m reading from a unit study during lunch and having thought provoking conversations. Use audiobooks, field trips, documentaries, board games, etc. I’m using Dithor 4/5 with higher level books for him this year and will likely do 6/7/8 next year with some books from a highschool living library set. Use whatever you feel is his level, it’s enough. The only thing I remember from highschool English is how boring my teacher was and a vague recollection of some black and white movie (great expectations). If he’s a slow reader can you use an audiobook for Dithor? The main point is to do some literary analysis.

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