Rev2Rev (or MtMM) for 9th Grade boy - questions

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Rev2Rev (or MtMM) for 9th Grade boy - questions

Post by abrightmom » Fri Apr 05, 2024 2:17 pm

I am placing my rising 9th grade son in Rev2Rev (or MtMM) with some substitutions. I've wrestled with placement and consulted the guides and samples. I've been bathing things in prayer. I think/hope/pray we have arrived at a reasonable plan but I admit I'm wavering between Rev2Rev and MtMM. At the moment I'm choosing Rev2Rev so my questions pertain to it with some side comments about MtMM. Please check my thinking and questions:

He'll do a mix/match language arts in 9th including a live writing course (maybe only in 9th; we'll see ;) ), grammar and DITHR 7/8 boy selections or WG Lit. I'm leaning toward WG Lit. He has a strong foundation to build on in this area. Moving forward we will always have to use lit from the upper guides; writing is TBD.

Bible will pull down from the high school guides: OT and NT surveys in Rev and MTMM and then do WG Bible with WG. In 12th we'll do US2 Bible.

** If we opt to start in MtMM for 9th then I'd choose to either use the Bible as scheduled in MtMM OR pull down the NT survey from US 1 because I'd prefer to use the Bible from US 2 in his senior year.

I think I'll omit the Music Appreciation box and pursue a half credit in Logic (WG) in its place with AofA (we've done Fallacy in 8th). :) Should I consider the Music box for a 9th grader? In MtMM I'd keep the Nature Study & Poetry. So, would likely save Logic for the WG guide in 10th in this case.

Exploration Education Advanced is perfect for this son. Would you recommend the Inventor Study for a 9th grade boy? It looks SO fun and interesting; I'm not sure about the reading level or assignments though. Would this component add too much time to the science block for the Advanced track student? If using MtMM I think we'd still opt for EE Advanced due to its popularity and "perfect fit" for 9th. I suppose we'd have to forego the Inventor Study in this situation.

My son does not write in cursive. He's a lefty. We labored over cursive and at some point I waved the white flag. Is there ANY reason I should attempt to remediate this? I believe cursive is superior to printing but in his case it was a major stumbling block. I didn't know what to do. He is NOT dysgraphic. He's somewhat set in his printing ways; his penmanship is mostly readable in his personal style.

Drawing is also difficult; he'll balk at sketching and drawing. We'll work at it. I have strategies in my "tool box" to help. ANY advice on helping with this for a pre-high school teen boy? I know drawing is a skill that can be improved upon.

Thanks for your thoughtful advice. :D
Katrina 8) Wife to Ben, husband extraordinaire! God is so good!
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Re: Rev2Rev (or MtMM) for 9th Grade boy - questions

Post by christianmom » Sun Apr 07, 2024 11:21 am

My first thought was that you are pulling so much down from the High School guides, and you stated that he is ready for the literature in WG: Are you sure he isn’t ready for WG?

My son found the EIW, CLE (he did in place of R&S), BJU literature study, and Carrie’s literature study to be the most time consuming part of WG. Second most time consuming was the science which was about the same level as the science in MTMM.

I just wonder if he is actually more WG level since his reading and literature understanding are WG level?

You know your son best, but it is just a thought.

I have read that MTMM is easier to apply to High School credit than Rev2Rev so that would be a thought too. MTMM would make it easier on you for the transcript.

I wouldn’t worry about cursive for these ages as long as he can sign his name in cursive or italic for documents. I let my kids start typing their narrations at the WG level, and then they would cut them out and paste them into the notebook. If you look at Julie’s old posts, you will see her sons printing in their notebooks for High School. Cursive is beautiful, but it isn’t needed today except for a signature.

I hope someone else also chimes in for you!

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Re: Rev2Rev (or MtMM) for 9th Grade boy - questions

Post by abrightmom » Sun Apr 07, 2024 5:18 pm

Thanks christianmom :D .

I appreciate you taking the time to read and consider my thoughts and questions. I do think he's not ready for World Geography. :D He HAS successfully used BJU Literature in middle school and so I am comfortable using the WG Lit with him although we may not do all of the novels. It really depends on how he handles the pace of that lit. I think I've read that DITHOR would work with the WG novels; I am open to doing the DITHOR 6/7/8 with him in 9th and saving WG lit for 10th. His struggles are in working independently, writing across the curriculum and length of school day. He also struggles if books are too difficult or readings are too long. I want to be sure that he enjoys the books (and that the readings are shorter) so that he can also give his full attention to the follow up skills. He's going to have to work a little harder to get narrations up to speed as well. I think shorter readings that are a little easier to understand will help him learn to write those history narrations. Using Rev SEEMS to be a better starting point for training him in the HOD way :D even though I'd prefer to use MtMM in 9th. My husband, bless his heart, spent hours working through the placements and course plans with me. After we did that work together, MtMM in 9th is more desirable but I'm going to think and pray on it some more. I will be available to fully train him and work through all of the boxes with him as he gets to know the guide and expectations. Even if we do some of the 'I' boxes together initially I've no doubt he can grow into using them independently. I won't be juggling another student. I need to look at books samples for history for both guides and then do the assigned readings from Unit 1 along with the follow-ups. That may help me evaluate his placement. I am also considering a call to HOD for some placement advice. :D Oh, thanks for your thoughts on cursive. My thinking somewhat mirrors yours at this point.
Katrina 8) Wife to Ben, husband extraordinaire! God is so good!
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Re: Rev2Rev (or MtMM) for 9th Grade boy - questions

Post by StephanieU » Sun Apr 07, 2024 5:32 pm

The inventor study isn't childish at all. Is is similar to the history portion of the guide - reading, notebooking, timeline, and narrations.

If you go with Rev2Rev, I would do the science as written (advanced version). If you go with MtMM, I would figure out a way to do the evolution study (at the end of MtMM). I personally think it is very helpful and something I wouldn't want my kids to miss. I think it is scheduled for about 40 days in MtMM, so you could do it 1-2 days each unit.
Mom to
DD16 (completed LHFHG-WH, parts of US1 and 2)
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Re: Rev2Rev (or MtMM) for 9th Grade boy - questions

Post by abrightmom » Sun Apr 07, 2024 5:51 pm

I love all that you shared Stephanie. I actually REALLY love the science plans (including Inventor study) from Rev and MtMM. I want to do Rev Science in 9th, MtMM in 10th, Biology in 11th and US 2's science in 12th (Astronomy/Geo/Paleo I think). I think that science path would delight my son and play to his interests and strengths! If at some point he suddenly thinks he'll need science in college we can adjust/adapt. My oldest son used and LOVED IPC but I wouldn't have time for that. I want my son to enjoy school as much as I want him to grow in his skills. I guess I don't know where to start. No matter what we do we'll mix and match from HOD guides which I'm totally fine doing! I did that with my oldest son who, due to special needs, could not use HOD "as written". He's in college now and doing well. God is faithful. We do what we can and we do our best. :D But I also want to choose wisely and lay out a sensible plan with some flex built in for my youngest child. I DO intend to lay out a HOD path for him....
Katrina 8) Wife to Ben, husband extraordinaire! God is so good!
DS21, DS20, DD18
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Re: Rev2Rev (or MtMM) for 9th Grade boy - questions

Post by gracefulrain » Thu Jun 13, 2024 2:59 am

My oldest will be doing res to ref in 8th and likely part of 9th. I don’t plan on mixing and matching from the guides. I used to be of a classical mindset.. rigor rigor rigor. my how things can change 😂. When it comes to highschool transcripts I don’t understand the stress over it. As someone who graduated at the top of my class and spent very little time actually doing any school (I skipped classes most of my senior year and did nearly zero homework), I’m not sure why homeschoolers worry about squeezing in all these hours for a transcript. Public school transcripts are not proof of anything. Half the time I napped during history and English class (it was so boring!). If my children complete MTMM they will have done more than I ever did in high school. I want my children to enjoy school, enjoy family, have time to work on needed skills, and have time to work on their talents. Maybe that means their transcripts include hours that are not HOD related.

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Re: Rev2Rev (or MtMM) for 9th Grade boy - questions

Post by daybreaking » Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:38 am

gracefulrain wrote:
Thu Jun 13, 2024 2:59 am
I used to be of a classical mindset.. rigor rigor rigor. my how things can change 😂 ... I want my children to enjoy school, enjoy family, have time to work on needed skills, and have time to work on their talents.

Amen, amen, and amen!!!!!

I started my poor boy on Greek when he was just 4 years old. We soon added in Latin. At one point, we were doing two math programs at the same time, not to mention Heart of Dakota history along with another history. Oh, my!! I am glad I saw the big picture before it was too late. I still feel my children have had plenty of rigor through HOD, but in a balanced way. By backing off on my "over-zealous" plans, my children were able to enjoy their schooling so much more and have been able to devote extensive time to their talents and interests. As a result, my son was offered a full-tuition scholarship to pursue a bachelor's in music performance at a local college. This fall will be his senior year and so far he's maintained a 4.0. I truly credit HOD with preparing him academically, while also allowing him to pursue his interests.

I have two years left with my daughter and I want to cherish each and every moment we have left. I am so thankful to HOD for helping me do just that. :)

Wife to one amazing husband and mother to two precious blessings from above:
ds21 & dd17

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Re: Rev2Rev (or MtMM) for 9th Grade boy - questions

Post by gracefulrain » Sun Jun 16, 2024 7:47 pm

daybreaking wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:38 am
I have two years left with my daughter and I want to cherish each and every moment we have left. I am so thankful to HOD for helping me do just that. :)
I can totally see where you are coming from. Having a larger family though makes it hard to cherish the time. It becomes a lot about checking the boxes off. The guides are so rich which is wonderful. But rich x3 or more gets to be overwhelming and anxiety producing. The OP though doesn’t have to worry about that, just about placement which is great.

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