I've always tried to do a sentence at a time, as per CM recommendations, stretching their memory, but as we got into higher levels, that was sometimes too difficult, even for my advanced kiddo, so I sometimes went down to just a phrase or two (especially if needing a second, third or fourth day for that passage!).
I have never done more than one sentence at a time, as I've never read that was a CM recommendation. If the sentences happen to be short, that is a bonus.
I think the idea of switching it up so the ends of sentences aren't so obvious is intriguing, but have never done that myself, nor read that that was recommended by those "in the know" of CM methods. This is one subject that's fairly easy to follow her guidelines.
FWIW, I had my first guy (14yo, not the oldest) finish Level 8 today! I have one that is DONE narration! Woo hoo!