Sneak Peek #6: New US2 History Guide

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Sneak Peek #6: New US2 History Guide

Post by Carrie » Fri Jul 15, 2016 6:55 pm


I had grand plans to keep on schedule sharing sneak peeks for the new US2 Guide regularly, and then somehow between convention season and the end of school my best-laid plans for the sneak peeks had to be put on the back burner. The good news is that I now have some time to continue sharing glimpses into the new guide, and I am so excited to share today's sneak peek in particular! :D

The sneak peek I am sharing today has to do with the science in our last high school guide. After having my oldest son do physics for his last year of high school science, I had pretty much always thought that we would schedule physics as the science for our final year of high school. However, I have yet to find a physics program - Christian or secular - that I loved enough to include as a choice for science. After time spent researching and looking over endless physics program again, even though I did this same thing when my oldest son was headed into physics for his senior year several years ago, I came to the conclusion that physics may not be the course we absolutely had to schedule for our final year of science.

For those students who come up through the science that HOD schedules within the guides, there has already been solid coverage of general physics principles in the materials the students have already been through (especially when considering the Physical Science with lab combined with the inventor biographies in Rev2Rev, the physics wound within the biographies of Fermi and Einstein in MTMM, and the full year of Integrated Physics and Chemistry with lab that the students complete in World Geography. :D

As we looked at the high school path through science in HOD, I could see that there might be room in this last year for two half-credit sciences that I have always wanted to include at the high school level. These sciences are a half-credit in Astronomy and a half-credit in Geology/Paleontology.

Studying these areas of science has the benefit of providing students with two differing areas of study from the sciences that have already been studied during the rest of high school. These sciences have the added benefit of being able to function as lab sciences (and we will schedule labs to coordinate with the readings). When presented in a Christian, Scripture-focused way, these areas of study can also provide students with some wonderful resources to refer back to and share with others who might never have approached the study of these areas except in a secular way. :D As our students get ready to graduate and head into college or out into the workplace, this may be one of the few opportunities they have to study astronomy and geology/paleontology in a way that helps them defend what they believe and why when it comes to Scripture and science. :D While we could easily have scheduled a physics textbook-type course, we wanted to offer something different from what is easily and readily available elsewhere. Amazingly, the resources we were able to integrate have come together in a way that makes me excited about what the students will be learning in astronomy and geology/paleontology.

So, with these thoughts in mind, I will share with you the terrific resources we are scheduling for science in the final high school guide. :D Publisher's descriptions follow each resource below.

Evolution's Achilles' Heels DVD :D
Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels directly demolishes the very pillars of the belief system that underpins our now-secular culture—evolutionary naturalism. Visually stunning animations and dramatic footage help to show how the theory’s supposed strengths are, in fact, its fatal flaws—Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels. Like no other work that we are aware of, fifteen Ph.D. scientists colaborated to produce a coordinated, coherent, powerful argument. All of the contributors received their doctorates from similar secular universities as their evolutionary counterparts. Each is a specialist in a field relevant to the subject: Natural selection, origin of life, geology, genetics, radiometric dating, the fossil record, cosmology, and ethics. The fifteen Ph.D. scientists include Donald Batten, Robert Carter, David Catchpoole, John Hartnett, Mark Harwood, Jim Mason, Jonathan Sarfati, Emil Silvestru and Tasman Walker. Sample DVD segments to view located here:

Survey of Astronomy :D
This Parent Lesson Planner for science from Masterbooks includes student worksheets, quizzes, and answer keys for a "Survey of Astronomy Course." We will be using only two of the resources scheduled within this guide, Our Created Moon and Taking Back Astronomy, along with their corresponding student worksheets. This allow us to also include several other books and DVDs in our study of astronomy that we also desire to coordinate with the study of Astronomy. Link: ... my_plp.pdf

Our Created Moon :D
For eons the moon has intrigued humanity. From its creation through the current issues of space exploration the moon has been both a light in the night and a protective shield of earth placed perfectly by God, regulating our seasons and keeping our atmosphere purified. Billions of dollars have been spent to reach its surface and discover its secrets; open these pages and discover those secrets for yourself. Now completely revised and expanded, Our Created Moon is filled with the most current full-color images, facts and figures, and innovative teaching resources:
*Developed as an educational resource for use in classroom study, independent learning, and homeschool settings.
*Filled with clearly-stated objectives built upon basic learning as a foundation for more developed learning skills.
*Loaded with provocative questions about the moon's history, purpose, record in Scripture, as well as a clear response to critics.
*Discover unique and fascinating facts and insights on the moon found throughout the text.

The New Astronomy Book :D
If you watch the stars at night, you will see how they change. This speaks to the enormity and intricacy of design in the universe. While the stars appear timeless, they instead reflect an all–powerful Creator who speaks of them in the Bible. Many ancient pagan cultures taught that the changing stars caused the seasons to change, but unlike these pagan teachings, the Book of Job gives credit to God for both changing stars and seasons (Job 38:31-33). When Job looked at Orion, he saw about what we see today, even though he may have lived as much as 4,000 years ago. The universe is an amazing declaration of the glory and power of God! Beautiful and breathtaking in its scale, the vast expanse of the universe is one that we struggle to study, understand, or even comprehend in terms of its purpose and size. Now take an incredible look at the mysteries and marvels of space in The New Astronomy Book!
*Discover the best ways to observe the heavens, along with up-to-date astronomical data and concepts
*Learn about the dynamics of planets, stars, galaxies, and models for the cosmology of the universe
*Consider what we know and are still trying to discover about planets, moons, and comets within our own solar system.
Link to see inside: ... y_book.pdf

What you Aren't Being Told About Astronomy DVD: Our Created Solar System :D by Spike Psarris
The best evolutionary models say that many of the planets in our solar system should not exist. Yet there they are. Did God create our Solar System less than 10,000 years ago, as the Bible says? Or did it form all by itself from a cloud of gas 4,6000,000,000 years ago, as secular astronomers claim? Which account of history is true? Recent discoveries in space have supported the Biblical account. Each planet in our Solar System defies the evolutionary model in multiple ways. Many of the planets and moons appear to be young, not billions of years old. Plus, these objects show evidence of design, not random processes. In this video, you will tour our magnificent Solar System, and explore these wonders in the heavens. Along the way, you will visit each of the planets and many of their moons, through more than 230 breath-taking photographs and graphics from NASA and other sources. You will see how each planet uniquely testifies of its Creator. Discover what you aren't being told about our Solar System. Note: Author Spike Psarris was previously an engineer in the United States’ military space program. He entered that program as an atheist and an evolutionist. He left it as a creationist and a Christian. He is dedicated to exposing the bankruptcy of the evolutionary model, especially in astronomy.

Taking Back Astronomy :D
Take a breathtaking look at the universe in this comprehensive guide to the heavens! Sit back and explore the world at your fingertips. This book explains the scale and size of the universe that is hard for our minds to imagine, yet can only indicate the Master's hand at work. Marvel at over 50 full-color, rarely seen photos of stars, nebulas, and galaxies. Study the facts that challenge secular theories and models of the universe-how it began and how it continues to amaze the scientific community. Explore numerous evidences that point to a young universe: magnetic poles of planets, the spiral shape of galaxies, comets and how long scientists think they can last, and much more. Step out among the stars and experience the truly awesome power of God through this glimpse of His vast creation. Link to see inside 2007 edition (although the edition we use is 2011): ... ronomy.pdf

What you Aren't Being Told About Astronomy DVD: Our Created Stars and Galaxies by Spike Psarris :D
We live in a Universe of overwhelming size and beauty. It contains about 100 billion galaxies, each of which contains about 100 billion stars. Did you know that according to the secular model, none of them should exist? In this video you'll see how recent discoveries contradict the naturalistic view of history. You'll hear the words of secular astronomers, as they admit that their models fail to explain the contents of the universe. You'll discover evidence for design in the heavenly bodies. And you'll see over 130 breathtaking photographs, videos, and graphics from NASA and other sources, revealing some of the most beautiful objects in the Universe. The Bible tells us that God created the heavens for His own purposes. Viewing the Universe in the light of Scripture gives us tremendous insight into His majesty, His character, and what He has done for us. Discover how stars and galaxies proclaim the glory of the Creator!

What you Aren't Being Told About Astronomy DVD: Our Created Universe by Spike Psarris :D
Our Universe: What is its origin? Did it come from a Big Bang event billions of years ago? Or are the heavens consistent with the Biblical account of creation instead? The Big Bang is a popular creation myth within Western culture today. Secular cosmologists claim that the idea is a valid scientific theory, well-supported by the evidence. These claims are false. Not only is there abundant scientific evidence against the Big Bang, the model contradicts itself, and has absurd implications. An objective evaluation of the evidence does not support a self-creation of the cosmos -- instead, the heavens declare the glory of God. Watch a sample segment at the following link:

Fossils, Dinosaurs, and Cave Men :D
This book is a study of the differences between the Biblical and secular views of fossils, dinosaurs and cave men. The lessons are designed to help the student understand the philosophy behind the Geologic Time Table, how dinosaurs fit into a Biblical perspective, and the Biblical view of the Tower of Babel event and how it influenced the development of man and civilization. In addition the student will learn how to "read" the rock layers through a Biblical view of Earth history. 180 page soft cover, color textbook for high school. Designed to be a semester study covering the following topics:
*Two Contrasting View of Origin
*Life on the Early Earth: The Biblical Classification of Livings Things
*The Genesis Flood, Part I: The Cause of the Flood
*The Genesis Flood, Part II: The Mechanisms for a Global Flood and the Fossil Evidence
*Understanding the Geologic Time Table
*Dinosaurs and the Geologic Time
*Transitional Fossils: The Keys to Evolution
*The Two Contrasting Views of Man: The Influence of the Enlightenment
*The Fossil Evidence and the Evolution of Man
*The Biblical History of Man: A Short Overview
*Fossil Anomalies

Censored Science: The Suppressed Evidence :D
Censored Science is a stunningly designed, full-color book showcasing the fifty best evidences for a biblical creation worldview. Each two-page spread lays out the evidence for creation and then provides a rebuttal to the most common evolutionist objections to the evidence. Updated and expanded in 2014, the volume contains both the most recent cutting-edge evidence for creation and time-tested evidence which have never been answered by those rejecting Biblical truth. The book is divided into three major sections - Censored Biological Evidence, Censored Geological Evidence, and Censored Cosmological Evidence. Each section starts with a description of how an assumption of naturalism prevents our educational system from exposing students to any evidence which contradicts the presuppositions of evolution. Every page is a visual masterpiece, mating original photography or graphic designs with compelling text. Rather than a simple presentation of facts, Censored Science draws the reader into each subject using stories, analogies, and illustrations of the relevance for each of the evidences for creation. This coffee table quality hardback is the kind of book anyone would be proud to give to others. It has been technically reviewed and endorsed by some of the top scientists involved in creation research - including Dr. Steve Austin, Dr. John Baumgardner, and Dr. John Sanford.

Quality Labs Astronomy and Geology/Paleontology Lab Manual and Lab Kit :D
The experiments in the lab kit and lab manual are laid out with the following features:
*The goals or learning objectives
*The materials and equipment included and commonly available items that you may need to be supply
*An introduction of the science concept(s)
*A Bible devotional relating the science concept to God or to life
*Step-by-step instructions
*Data collection and questions
*A Lab Manual in which to record findings
Included lab topics are as follows: 8)
* Star Viewing 1
* Star Viewing 2
* Variation in Sunrise and Sunset Times
* Retrograde Motion of Mars
* Telescopes
* Counting the Visible Stars
* Diameter of the Sun
* Sunspots Cycles
* Planetary Orbits
* Orbit of Mercury
* Orbital Speeds
* Moon Viewing
* Moon Cycles
* Rotation of the Moon
* Earth’s Density
* Determining the Age of an Object
* Properties of Minerals
* Determining the Specific Gravity of Minerals
* Rock Identification
* Earthquake Locations
* The Steepness of a Volcano
* Ocean Water, Salinity and Density
* Wave Depth, Wave Velocity and Tsunamis
* Glacial Dynamics
Note: We will also include fossil related activities that are still being developed.

Students who complete the science in US2 will earn 1/2 credit in Astronomy (with lab) and 1/2 credit in Geology/Paleontology (with lab). These sciences will likely be elective sciences in most states but can count toward needed credits in science and can be used to fulfill science lab requirements. Colleges are increasingly interested in seeing science studies that target specific areas of interest and in seeing a diverse science path on a student's high school transcript. The path for science in the high school HOD Guides is as follows: 8)
Hearts for Him Through High School: World Geography - Integrated Physics and Chemistry (with lab)
Hearts for Him Through High School: World History - Biology with Anatomy and Physiology (with lab)
Hearts for Him Through High School: US History I - Chemistry (with lab)
Hearts for Him Through High School: US History II - Astronomy (with lab) 1/2 credit; Geology/Paleontology (with lab) 1/2 credit

*Colleges count Anatomy and Physiology as a science, which is why we specifically chose ACE for Biology as it is one of the few Biology courses that includes a strong Anatomy and Physiology component as part of the course (rather than as a separate course).
*Some colleges also count Health as a science, and if so then the Health for 1/2 credit from the World History Guide can be listed under science. Otherwise, it is listed as an either an elective or a social science on the transcript.

Of course, as always you may choose to use a different science than what is scheduled within the guide if desired.


Allison TX
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Re: Sneak Peek #6: New US2 History Guide

Post by Allison TX » Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:53 pm

Carrie, this looks wonderful! I'm so excited that you chose something other than physics for the final science. I can't wait to see how you tie it all together. We are so excited about using the last guide this year. Thanks for all your hard work! :D :D :D


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Re: Sneak Peek #6: New US2 History Guide

Post by bethelmommy » Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:49 am

Where's the "like" button??? I'm so excited about these picks! :D Thanks Carrie!
Grace and peace,
DS 14 MTMM, DITHOR 6/7/8
DD 13 Rev2Rev, DITHOR 4/5
DS 10 Bigger, DITHOR 2/3
DD 8 Beyond, Level 2 Book Pack
(Previously completed LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, RTR, Rev2Rev, and DITHOR 2/3, 4/5)

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Re: Sneak Peek #6: New US2 History Guide

Post by LynnH » Sat Jul 16, 2016 6:27 am

This looks fascinating! My son will probably have to do something different for science his senior year that will relate to his post high school path, but I am seriously considering getting this and doing it myself. My dh works with geologists that come at things from a non-christian viewpoint so I am sure he would watch the DVD's with me also.
Mom to:
dd 22 college graduate and employed as an Intervention Specialist
ds 18 US2, Loved Preparing, CTC , RTR , Rev to Rev, MTMM ,WG, WH and US1

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Re: Sneak Peek #6: New US2 History Guide

Post by Gwenny » Sat Jul 16, 2016 6:45 am

Looks fantastic!!! I love that you have thought outside the box and spent so much time reviewing and finding such incredible resources.

Did you mean to say,

"Studying these areas of science has the benefit of providing students with two differing areas of study from the sciences that have NOT already been studied during the rest of high school.", ?
Dd29 married (w/2 sons 1/2/14, 5/24/16), ds27, dd25 married (w/dd born 8/9/16), dd25, dd22
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Re: Sneak Peek #6: New US2 History Guide

Post by dianeh47 » Sat Jul 16, 2016 7:20 am

My state recommends Physics and Joel will be going to college. You said they have previously done enough physics to be counted.
How would I put that on his transcript?

Began HOD in 8/2008
Joel -18 US2 History

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Re: Sneak Peek #6: New US2 History Guide

Post by Carrie » Sat Jul 16, 2016 10:13 am


I am so glad that you are excited too about the science in the upcoming guide! :D In looking over state requirements for graduation from high school in science, for most states the science sequence in our high school guides prior to US2 already fulfills their requirements. Many states require Biology and Chemistry with lab along with physical science or physics for graduation. Some states require chemistry or physics but not both. Many states require only 2-3 sciences with 2-3 of them being lab sciences for graduation from high school. A few states require earth science, so we will now also reach those state requirements for graduation as well with these final specialty science picks in US2. :D Our high school science path will include 4 years of science with lab.

As far as entrance requirements for college go, the path that we have through high school science works well in preparation for students to apply to most colleges and universities. However, It is always wise to check the specific entrance requirements for any college or university that your student may be considering. :D

For students who are pursuing a field of interest after high school that is specifically physics-related, it makes sense to take a more math-based physics for their senior year. Also, for students who will be vying for college scholarships and are majoring in a physics-related field, it makes sense to take physics their senior year.

For students who plan on applying to highly selective colleges, it would make sense to take either physics or an advanced science related to their field of interest their senior year. For example, for students who are applying to a highly selective college or university in medicine, it would be good to take Advanced Biology or Advanced Chemistry their senior year. Anatomy and Physiology would be another good choice for senior year for those students headed into a medical field, however students who have completed the World History Guide with HOD already have anatomy and physiology on their transcript.

As you can see, a student's senior year of high school science can vary from student to student quite a bit. Also, a student's post-high school plans really affects the student's needed science path as well. :D If your student has little to no idea of what he/she is going to do after high school, do not get terribly concerned about figuring it all out right now. Simply following the science path that we have laid out within the HOD high school guides is a good idea. If you read the article from the College Board website that I posted later in this thread, and pay special attention to the recommendations in the area of science, you will see why. 8) For the bulk of students using HOD, the plan for science that we include in US2 will be a terrific plan whether they are college-bound or not. In thinking back, I would have much preferred to have my oldest son take the Geology/Paleontology course and the Astronomy course that we have planned for US2 instead of taking physics his senior year.

Another option to consider is that often students who are going into a specific science-related field choose to take double sciences their senior year of high school, simply because they love science. So that is definitely another possibility for science-loving students to consider. With the 4-day plan that we have scheduled within HOD even if a student desired to take physics or advanced biology or advanced chemistry, he/she could potentially complete the science within US2 as well. It truly will be a fascinating course!

As you think about possible colleges, be sure to check their specific entrance and scholarship requirements as you make decisions for your child's final year of high school. I think as you look at the entrance requirements for college, you will be pleasantly surprised at how well HOD has prepared your child to meet those requirements. :D


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Re: Sneak Peek #6: New US2 History Guide

Post by daybreaking » Sat Jul 16, 2016 10:38 am

Gwenny wrote:Looks fantastic!!! I love that you have thought outside the box and spent so much time reviewing and finding such incredible resources.

Did you mean to say,

"Studying these areas of science has the benefit of providing students with two differing areas of study from the sciences that have NOT already been studied during the rest of high school.", ?
Actually, I think Carrie's original sentence was written as intended. I took it to mean students would be studying two new areas that differ from the sciences already studied.

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Re: Sneak Peek #6: New US2 History Guide

Post by Carrie » Sat Jul 16, 2016 10:47 am

To give you a bit more information about college entrance requirements, here is a article excerpted from the College Board website that may be helpful. In parentheses behind each course area, I have added whether HOD fulfills each requirement. :D

High School Classes Colleges Look For...
If you’re in high school and you’re thinking about college — and you should be — you should know that the courses you take now matter. That’s because college admission officers want to see a solid foundation of learning that you can build on in college.

The courses listed below should prepare you for success in college and beyond. :D

English (Language Arts)
Take English every year. Traditional courses, such as American and English literature, help improve your writing skills, reading comprehension and vocabulary. (Note: HOD fulfills this requirement with four years of English, including a year each of American and English/British literature.)

Algebra and geometry help you succeed on college entrance exams and in college math classes. Take them early, so you'll have time for advanced science and math, which will help show colleges you're ready for higher-level work. Most colleges want students with three years of high school math. The more competitive colleges prefer four years. Take some combination of the following:
*Algebra I
*Algebra II
(Note: HOD covers this sequence in our math selections.)

Science teaches you how to think analytically and how to apply theories to reality. Colleges want to see that you’ve taken at least three years of laboratory science classes. A good combination includes a year of each of the following:
*Chemistry or physics
*Earth/space science
Schools that are more competitive expect four years of lab science courses, which you may be able to get by taking advanced classes in these same areas. (Note: HOD fulfills this recommendation with our four year, lab-based high school science sequence of Integrated Physics and Chemistry, Biology, Chemistry, and Geology which is an earth science, and Astronomy which is a space science.)

Social Studies
Improve your understanding of local and world events by studying the cultures and history that helped shape them. Here is a suggested high school course plan:
*U.S. history (a full year)
*U.S. government (half a year)
*World history or geography (half a year)
*An extra half-year in the above or other areas
(Note: HOD exceeds this recommendation.)

Foreign Languages
Solid foreign language study shows that you're willing to stretch beyond the basics. Many colleges require at least two years of study in the same foreign language, and some prefer more. (Note: HOD fulfills this recommendation.)

The Arts
Research indicates that students who participate in the arts often do better in school and on standardized tests. The arts help you recognize patterns, learn to notice differences and similarities, and exercise your mind in unique ways. Many colleges require or recommend one or two semesters in the arts. Good choices include studio art, dance, music and drama. (Note: HOD fulfills this recommendation through the Fine Arts credit in World History - which includes studio art.)


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Re: Sneak Peek #6: New US2 History Guide

Post by daybreaking » Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:04 pm

Thank you, Carrie, for the College Board post. That was incredibly helpful and reassuring!! :)

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Re: Sneak Peek #6: New US2 History Guide

Post by Gwenny » Sun Jul 17, 2016 5:22 am

You are right Daybreaking! I read that sentence a few times and I don't think I'd had my coffee yet! I kept reading that it was 2 areas we already studied. :? :lol:
Dd29 married (w/2 sons 1/2/14, 5/24/16), ds27, dd25 married (w/dd born 8/9/16), dd25, dd22
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Re: Sneak Peek #6: New US2 History Guide

Post by daybreaking » Sun Jul 17, 2016 10:30 am

Gwenny wrote:You are right Daybreaking! I read that sentence a few times and I don't think I'd had my coffee yet! I kept reading that it was 2 areas we already studied. :? :lol:
Been there, done that ... too many times to count!! :lol:

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Re: Sneak Peek #6: New US2 History Guide

Post by StephanieU » Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:07 pm

When I first saw this sneak peak, I wasn't sure what to think. I was shocked at the non-traditional route, and was "certain" in my mind that we would not follow it. But then I did some thinking. I teach college level math at our community college (online). We "push" our students to not take the traditional college algebra route in math unless they have to have it (or are really good at algebra and enjoy it). Instead we recommend statistics and/or our liberal arts math class (often referred to as Survey of Math or a similar title). I think this is no different from that!
Also, if my kids want/need to take physics, there are programs out there that are easy to implement. They are pretty straight forward, so it isn't much work to schedule them. Or we can use the community college (which is already something I have considered). But if one or more of my kids isn't needing physics, having this planned will be very helpful!
Mom to
DD15 US1 (completed LHFHG-WH)
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Re: Sneak Peek #6: New US2 History Guide

Post by Nealewill » Sun Jul 17, 2016 4:33 pm

bethelmommy wrote:Where's the "like" button??? I'm so excited about these picks! :D Thanks Carrie!
I know....right???

Thanks Carrie. Looks wonderful. Can't wait till my kids get old enough to take it :-)

DD 13 WG
DS 12 R2R
DD 10 R2R

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Re: Sneak Peek #6: New US2 History Guide

Post by lmercon » Sun Jul 17, 2016 4:46 pm

I LOVE this! Actually, I'm not sure what I'll do with my son, but we've lots of time to consider that. However, when I think back to my own high school experience, this is exactly what I chose to do! I was on the honor's track and had signed up for physics. I realized that it was silly for me to take it as it would only be drudgery for this math-hating student. I added astronomy and advanced anatomy and physiology. It was my favorite year in science. I learned a lot and enjoyed it. I went on to graduate as a registered nurse and then received my master's in elementary education. I never once needed physics! This is a great path for most students!
Wife to a great guy and mommy to:
Ds(15) - using WG and loving it!
Dd(11) - using Ref and having a blast!
Ds (3) - our joy!
Two little ones in the arms of Jesus - I can't wait to hold you in Heaven!

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