I'm going to order her the first grade options for this year as we move forward. She has done both the R&S activity books, Singapore Math A (and is half-way through B so we'll continue), and she can write well. She learned her letters and how to write them very early. She loves books and has actually "written" and illustrated some of her own (I scribed some). She enjoys math. It's just this reading thing. Lol. I'm considering getting Reading Made Easy....I know, another choice...but I just want to get something and stick with it and we can start it now and just keep working. Since it is an HOD choice, I feel comfortable with the pacing and what comes next. AAR has so many levels as well. I fear we'll never get there.
Any opinions on this? By the way, I also have the old version of the LHFHG teacher's manual, but the only thing that changed is the math, right? Since we're using Singapore B we should be right on track....
Thanks ladies!