About to give up, and send to PS

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About to give up, and send to PS

Post by Mommyof7blessings30 » Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:55 pm

Tired of my children just whining, and not wanting to do nothing. The younger to are good at doing there work, but whine. The 9 year old just acts like she doesn't know anything at all. Her Primary Math 1A she does not get, but she can remember if I promise her something. Not sure what to do. I have 9 weeks to deliver our(husband n I) 7th child. I feel so overwhelmed I am thinking about taking the to PS tomorrow, so I can have a break. Cannot take it.

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Re: About to give up, and send to PS

Post by LynnH » Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:29 pm

I can tell you that ps will not help the issue. There they pick up attitudes from all their classmates and those are often not good attitudes. My kids were in ps (my son through 4th grade and my daughter thru 10th). I could tell you all kinds of stories about their attitudes and things they came home saying and knowing. You would then be dealing with making them all do their homework at night when they are tired and so are you. With your 9 year old if you are sure she truly understands then I would make expectations known to her and have consequences if she doesn't meet those expectations. If you think she truly doesn't get it then hopefully someone who has used Singapore can give you some advice for helping her understand. Maybe take a few days off and just do some fun things. Also maybe having your dh talk to your kids about their whining would help.
Mom to:
dd 22 college graduate and employed as an Intervention Specialist
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Re: About to give up, and send to PS

Post by rumkimom » Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:42 am

I agree with LynnH, taking her to ps will not help. I totally understand the frustration as I have been there. How old are all of your kids and what guides are they using? Maybe there are some suggestions that we can make that will help if we know more of your situation. :D Maybe you all need a few days break and do something fun (many fun things can still be counted towards school)? I know you probably want to save up break time for when that baby comes though.

There are days where I get so frustrated with my boys (ages 7 & 10...in LHFHG & Bigger) that I am ready so send them off to school, but them I also know that the one would end up in special ed classes for half the day (due to his learning needs) and I just do not want that for him. <sigh> Life is not always that easy.

(((BIG HUGS)))
Wendy C.
Emily (19 - graduatated from UCC spring 2018, Fashion Design Program)
Melody (17 - Rev 2 Rev-unit 21, IEW for writing, grammar, completed math)
Steven (12 - CTC, IEW for writing, grammar, spelling, TT Math)
Clarence (10 - PS)

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Re: About to give up, and send to PS

Post by Mommyof7blessings30 » Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:47 pm

They are 9, 7, 6, 4, 3, 19months, and due in less than 9 weeks. The 3 little ones go to Mdo, and I love it. It's like she knows everything, but her school work. I have the flu now, and I am so exhausted. Neither one of our family wants us to homeschool. My family in Ohio, and his 1 min from us.

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Re: About to give up, and send to PS

Post by Mommyof7blessings30 » Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:49 pm

As a Christian I know life isn't always easy, but not many people have as many as us. They are blessings, but I am tired of the whining.

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Re: About to give up, and send to PS

Post by twolittlebears » Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:54 pm

I just wanted to encourage you. I believe that most homeschooling mamas go through times of feeling as you are now. Homeschooling is a big calling. Let me rephrase that: it is a big ministry! And when I personally remember to look at it as my ministry, it truly changes my perspective. Concerning your family: God gave your children to you and your husband to raise as He leads you. If He has called you to homeschool, then He is the only one to please.

Sometimes when children are going through testing/acting out phases, I've found taking a break from school and focusing on chores and our hearts is very helpful! It's amazing what a change that can make, allowing the mom to truly focus on the heart of her child and nothing else. Maybe just read aloud the Bible and a great, fun book!

I also want to recommend a wonderful little book, it's a fast read! "Teaching From Rest" by Sarah Mackenzie and Dr. Christopher Perrin
It is not a book about curriculum or teaching styles, but about our calling to teach our children at home. It's a precious, encouraging gem!

Big hugs and please know I am praying for you, as I'm sure many others are as well!
Married to my best friend 18 years
DS 10yo CTC (finished: MFWK, SL Core A, LHFHG, Delectable Ed, PHFHG)
DS 13yo CTC w/extensions (finished: WP Animal Worlds, MFW1, SL Core B, BLHFHG, BHFHG, Delectable Ed, PHFHG)

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Re: About to give up, and send to PS

Post by quiverfull » Sat Mar 05, 2016 2:50 pm

My heart goes out to you. I've been there/ still am there at times. Home schooling is a hard road! Having a large family is a hard road! Throw in a pregnancy and it just got harder. Sometimes I think, "Lord, I'm just not cut out for this....you've got the wrong person :cry: " But I know deep down, it's what he has called me to, and that is where I always return. It is still difficult for me, and the thought of how many more years I will be doing this....well, lets just say it can really overwhelm me. Just know that you are not alone, there are many of us right there with you. I wish I could say that you get to this magical place where everything falls into place. Maybe this happens for some, but it hasn't been my experience. God has used home schooling to change me as much, or more, as my children. I am learning the true meaning of self-discipline and perseverance, and have to practice it everyday. Neither of which come easily for this mama.

I agree with everyone that ps will not help anything. Whenever I feel like that, I know it is a sign that I am burnt out and need a week (or two) off. We have to look at this as a marathon, because we are in it for a LONG time :shock: If I need a week off to keep my sanity and stay in the game; I take it. Maybe that would help you right now. Especially if you are nearing delivery and are sick with the flu. Your coping skills are all ready low. Just rest. Then jump back in when you feel a little stronger :)
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Re: About to give up, and send to PS

Post by Mumkins » Mon Mar 07, 2016 7:33 am

I quit! I sent my kids to Christian school. I have 2 back home now. I can tell you, it's great in many ways. But awful in others. But, as I said, my kids go to a Christian school. With the way the world is, please, please don't send your kids into the public system. If you'd like to PM, I'm open. I understand large family and the stress of homeschooling and kids squabbling. I can tell you, my kids in school is better for *me*, but not necessarily them. In fact, it's only been a great thing for 1, good for another. Mediocre for 1. Awful for 2. That's why 2 are at home and I'm lightly toying with bringing another home. School is not a cake walk. There's a lot of issues to deal with there too. (((Hugs))) I really do understand where you are. I felt I was drowning. School helped me to swim again. But it hasn't been without consequences to them.
7 awesome kids!

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4 at home this fall
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Re: About to give up, and send to PS

Post by Dandelion5 » Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:35 pm

You're not alone. I'm about to quit too. Not because my kids are whining, I'm the one who can't take it anymore. I think this curriculum is just not made for large families. I'm not even a Newbie to homeschooling or HOD and I don't have so many kids like you,nor am I pregnant. I've tried to make it work for too many years. Our school day is way too long and not enjoyable. Something I'd suggest and I am going to try,is to simplify our school life. We will use all workbooks or a multi age curriculum. Blessings to you!

Tidbits of Learning
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Re: About to give up, and send to PS

Post by Tidbits of Learning » Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:48 am

I have 2 in public school right now and I would tell you that it isn't a break. Academically the kids are great, sports, band...great...their hearts and confusion over right/wrong is not great. I would tell you to take a break for early summer, deliver the baby, and come back once you are rested and the baby is in a routine. It is definitely not a break to have kids in public school. It is the hardest parenting I have ever endured and the hardest test of my faith and family.
dd20, dd19 Grown and Flown :D
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Re: About to give up, and send to PS

Post by luv2homeschool » Tue Mar 15, 2016 7:30 pm

I've been re-reading Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit by Terri Maxwell. I highly recommend it, it is so encouraging. She specifically addresses this. I'll share a bit from the book:
Begin by recalling how you were led to homeschool in the first place. Keep in mind that the Lord uses difficulties in what we are doing to refine and grow us. Seldom are those struggles a signal to undo what He has called us to do! The problems should be pulling us to a greater level of seeking the Lord and depending on Him.

Remember Daniel when praying to God was outlawed. This was not a sign from God to stop his habit of daily prayer! We need to see struggles in homeschooling as a springboard to grow in our faith.
DS 12, Rev to Rev
DD 10, Preparing
Our fifth year using HOD!

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