Time off from school is hard...help!

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Time off from school is hard...help!

Post by hs.mama07 » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:01 pm

Hi everyone!

Christmas is coming and I’m hoping to make some improvements on our break time. Does anyone else find that holidays and weekends are harder than school days?

My DS5 thrives on a schedule, so this year I have stepped up the amount of structure in our school day. I have most of the day broken down into 30-minute increments with each block pre-planned, even down to what PE and table time activity they will be doing. He does have two free time blocks in the morning, one in his room and one in the basement (with me there too doing school with big brother).. and we have a couple of hours of “free time” in the afternoon, but I usually direct those (errands, park, outside, baking, etc). Even when I let the boys truly have free-time, I don’t let them do it together unsupervised. It takes a lot of energy from this sleepy mommy who doesn't sleep very well, but it's SO worth it b/c it keeps the peace and really helps him be at his best!

Up until now, weekends and holidays have been unstructured. I mean, we have outings and fun activities as a family, but mostly its spontaneous and laid back and they usually don’t take all day. My husband, other son, and I are all pretty relaxed, unscheduled people, but, my dear little five year old just doesn’t do well with that much free time. He’s very energetic and impulsive and easily over-stimulated (not to mention highly strong-willed and sensitive). He just tends to get into things, make messes, and get into trouble when he’s left to his own devices (think Dennis the Menace meets Calvin and Hobbes…usually with very little premeditation—mostly impulsive—it’s a good things he’s so full of silliness, smiles, and hugs too!!). Plus, with too much down time, he seems to get more and more hyper and ends up fighting with big brother (and he’s a very physical fighter).

It was better when he was younger…not sure what’s changing (more testosterone?!) but we definitely need to make some accommodations for him now…for all our sakes. But, the thing is, I don’t really know how. How do I balance my need to rest (and not completely preplan everything) with his need for direction? Frequent direction.

I will add, we school year round and only take short breaks…no more than a week or two at a time…but those still feel rather hard lately.

Any thoughts? :-D

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Re: Time off from school is hard...help!

Post by Jennymommy » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:23 am

Wow Liz, you just described my youngest :roll: We discovered he has an issue converting glutamate to GABA (stimulatory to calming neurotransmitters). You might look into that for diet/supplement help. And yes, we do much better with him on a schedule. We are already getting the puzzles and games together for break, and hoping to avoid the electronics as much as possible...they make it much worse for him.

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Re: Time off from school is hard...help!

Post by hs.mama07 » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:43 pm

Thanks! I'll definitely look into that! We are seeking some help for him (not sure he needs it, but we just want to make sure), but the wait is rather long. So, in the meantime, we're just doing what we can. It's a good idea to get things ready for the break--and I agree that electronics aren't good for him either! :-)

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Re: Time off from school is hard...help!

Post by StephanieU » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:31 pm

How about making cards or Popsicle sticks with all of his possible activities. Some possibilities:
"Reading" books
Outside play
Play Dough
Screen Time
Toy Cars

Then, you have two options. First, he can just draw things out as the day goes on. Or, you can make some sort of schedule the cards or sticks can go on, and he can draw them out the night before or at breakfast. You would "pencil in" things that are already planned - any errands, meals, etc - and then fill in the rest of his day. Or just fill in the morning and then draw again at lunch time. And you could use the activities other times when you need to give him something to do - just tell him to go draw something out of the bucket.
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Re: Time off from school is hard...help!

Post by hs.mama07 » Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:51 am

My ipad is spazzing out...let me try again...
Last edited by hs.mama07 on Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:21 am, edited 3 times in total.

DS 8 Bigger
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Re: Time off from school is hard...help!

Post by hs.mama07 » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:19 am

I like that idea, and he'd like it too! Thanks so much. We've been dealing with some family medical issues and I just feel like I can't think straight or brainstorm. And he's just so busy...I can't always keep up, lol. Like just now, he got a couple of sensory bags I had made (just an idea from a teacher friend of mine...bag w/soap and rice to feel, and bag with water and oil to see the bubbles/separation). He loves them. But while I was busy for, oh, maybe five minutes and he was at the table, he managed to untape them and pour the contents into a cup...then got more cups and started playing, pouring back and forth. Then he started dipping his hands in and spreading it on the table, dropping on the floor, etc. I guess I never did tell him not to open them, lol. He had a ball, but it took quite a while for us to clean it up. Stuff like that...it's pretty constant. Makes me laugh, but, whew. :? Anyway, rambling. :oops: Thanks for your ideas!

Oh, and I have to add, I am SO SO thankful for HOD! It is the most peaceful time of our days. Both boys love their school, I love that I can just open and go, and I especially love that, in the midst of what feels like a rather chaotic time in our lives, God is still central. Those daily truths I'm teaching them are reminders for me too! So thanks again HOD!! :-D

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Re: Time off from school is hard...help!

Post by LynnH » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:11 pm

As I read your description of him a few things put up flags to me as a Pediatric Physical Therapist that if you are checking things out you might want to look in to. He sounds like what we call a Sensory Seeker. The rough wrestling, the escalating easily, and the way he played with the sensory bags you made. You might do a google search for Sensory Seeking and see if he fits the checklists. There are entire books out there that will give you activities to do with him if you think this might be part of what is going on.
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Re: Time off from school is hard...help!

Post by hs.mama07 » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:31 pm

Yes, we think he has some sensory issues too, which is what led us to seek help. I've read some online, but I need to start getting some books. Other things have taken away my focus from really digging into the research, but I hope to get to it very soon. And I hadn't really thought about the books having activities which might be just the thing to help our days off! Someone else mentioned the Out of Sync Child when I was asking about his fine motor skills, so I might just start there. Thank you SO much for your feedback. Others have thought ADHD, but it really doesn't fit him. He has no trouble paying attention and really isn't hyperactive, just busy...always into things...and seems overwhelmed easily. Seems sensory related to us and your comment is just another confirmation on what we've been thinking. :-)

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Re: Time off from school is hard...help!

Post by LynnH » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:52 pm

Out of Sync Child is a very good book and the companion book is The Out of Sync Child Has Fun. She may have some other books also that have activities in them. If you can figure out what works for a sensory diet for him then you could do those activities as stations during the day.
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Re: Time off from school is hard...help!

Post by MelInKansas » Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:22 pm

Wow, I can definitely relate to elements of what you are describing, with my 3YO son and my 6YO daughter both. High energy, get in trouble, creative, make messes, can't be left unsupervised.... etc. It sounds to me like you are already dealing with him in a really good way, especially on those school days. I can totally understand you needing/wanting to have some "days off" where you don't have to plan and structure the days quite so intensely, but obviously your son really needs the structure and stimulation. Moms never get a day off, do we?

Physical activity is definitely a big issue for my son right now, with the weather getting cold and icky. But I bundle him up and send him outside whenever I possibly can. And then I just deal with the mud and mess when he comes in. He is SO much happier with a couple of hours outside.

Keep up the great work Mama!
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end"

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Re: Time off from school is hard...help!

Post by hs.mama07 » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:16 am

Yup, our weather is getting colder too and I want to be ready for the inevitable ice storms :-D As I think through this (always seems obvious in retrospect), I think my hubby and I need to seek our breaks with outside help from family and friends. When it's just our family, we really do need that structure and pre-planning, even on the days that are supposed to be "off." Having activity options to pull out of a bag, like Stephanie suggested, and even keeping a similar schedule to our school day will help him a lot. And thankfully, medical stuff seems to be improving, so that's good...and with Christmas comes new toys! lol. That'll be great for a distraction, at least for a while. I ordered a sensory book too...we'll see what I can learn from that. Thanks so much for all your help everyone...I was feeling rather overwhelmed! :-D

DS 8 Bigger
DS 5 LHTH with phonics and K math

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