The most recent ones that came up 2 days in a row and she missed them both--even after detailed instruction the first time. A box of 6 chocolate bars weighs 2 lbs. The box weighs 4 oz. how much is each chocolate bar. She draws pictures, like I've told her to do, but the pictures usually have little to do with helping because she doesn't know what to draw.

Pretty much, on the practice or review days, she misses 2/3 of the problems. On time, the question was something like, 3 hours 20 minutes x 2. She tried to do it just like a multiplication problem vertically--including the words hours and minutes!
This is not just math--she can not think through any problems and make a decision. Recently, she was supposed to wash 2 bags of grapes for me. (she asked to help, so it wasn't that she didn't want to do it) She rinsed them in a colander in the sink, then picked up the bunch and stood there trying to figure out what to do with them to wash the next bag. She asked me what she should do. She wanted to just put them on the counter but that's been drilled into her to never put food on the counter without something under it. So, she stared at me and I asked her to think what she could do with them. She started to put them back in the bag--I said no, it's dirty. I said, "what else could you do with them?" She literally could not think of anything! I was flabbergasted. I wouldn't tell her and then finally she said, "get a bowl?" I said that was a great idea but she hesitated as to what to do with the grapes. I said to put them back in the colander while she gets a bowl. --btw, a miracle was happening and I was not showing frustration with her. This is how many things go.
Anyway, I'm venting. I want to never have her do another word problem ever and just constantly work on multiplication and how to work a calculator. I know I shouldn't, but I can't imagine how she will ever move on in Singapore!