Skipping guides?

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Skipping guides?

Post by faroutback » Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:21 pm

I could use some insight to know if I am looking at things right and get some advice for the future. If I am looking at things right then we would be about two guides behind. This would mean he would not complete the HS guides until he is about 19. Ds is about to be 13 and just finished CTC this year. When he finished, this guide was a perfect fit for him skill wise and had become almost easy. He is an extensive reader, so we have always tried to get the extension package or at least part of it. We got behind during his leukemia treatment because he was not retaining the most of what we would go over. We did all we could comfortably do orally and let him read all he wanted. When the issues with retention began showing up we fell back to just the reading and Lego building. We haven't retained him "grade" wise and with HOD this has not been an issue. HOD was (and still is) a tremendous blessing through this. After two and a half years of treatment we picked back up in Preparing where we left off only going half speed through it and CTC. Only this past year were we able to pick up full days and finish CTC.

Now looking ahead...

He has been a reluctant writer but became much better by the end of the year. So I am not sure we would want to skip the next guide. I really don't think I would want to skip any of them because of the way they build not only skills but Bible knowledge and wisdom. Not only have my boys learned but I have as well. I wouldn't have a problem with ds not finishing until he is older, he on the other hand may or may not. He is a late June baby and could possibly still be 19 when he finishes completely. I like how HOD follows ability and age and while I did not really understand this when we first started I have really been able to see it now especially with both boys. The problem comes with others always asking, "What grade are you in?" and possibly cousins the exact same age finishing up before him. Though after typing it, it sounds like only comfort level concerns about those points.

My main concern at this point is will he actually get through all the guides for HS before he is 20 because when I looked at it recently I was overwhelmed thinking he was not going to get through them before then and what to do. Should we go along in order until he has growth in his abilities that would cause us to want to skip ahead? And if he doesn't then that is ok, too.

Thank you for checking in and I would welcome your thoughts. And join us in continuing to thank God for ds's healing, we recently celebrated 5 years remission which means reaching survivor status. And continue praying for all other families that find themselves in this situation.

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Re: Skipping guides?

Post by LynnH » Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:32 pm

First of all congratulations on the 5 years of remission! I would not skip a guide yet. I would go ahead and do the next guide-RTR correct? That uses IEW Medieval and that may be just what he needs to completely catch up with writing. Boys especially seem to do very well with the IEW method. I would then assess at the end of this year and see where you think he places, looking at the placement chart with fresh eyes.

My son has a late May birthday and mild Cerebral Palsy which mainly affects his physical ability to write, but he has a few other challenges as well. We did decided to delay starting high school. I talked to him quite a bit about it and he agreed to that after seeing how challenging high school level work was. So far I feel it was a very good decision. He did 9th grade this past year as a 15 year old. He showed a big increase in maturity and this helped him to tackle the WG guide and not get frustrated by the amount of work. He will turn 19 right as he graduates.
Mom to:
dd 22 college graduate and employed as an Intervention Specialist
ds 18 US2, Loved Preparing, CTC , RTR , Rev to Rev, MTMM ,WG, WH and US1

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Re: Skipping guides?

Post by shellbell » Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:56 pm

Praising the Lord for your son's healing!!!

As far as skipping guides, I think you should just go on to the next one now and then as he progresses, you can evaluate skipping.
You have several options, just depending on what you decide your goals to be, whether that be completing all the guides or his graduation date.

You could stay with HOD as planned, using the guides in order, but beef up for high school for the guides he actually uses in high school. Then, if desired he can graduate "on time". If he stays at home afterwards, you could always take a year to do the last guide (maybe not exactly as written for credit, but more as enrichment and learning, since he loves reading) if you and he wanted, before he went to college or trade school or a full time job or wherever the Lord calls him. Or he can just read the books on his own that interest him.

Or during the summers he could do some work, maybe half days or something, (and maybe just the history type stuff, but take a break from math), and school 5 days during the school year, instead of 4, and you may be able to get all the guides in. You of course wouldn't want him to burn out though!!! You know what he can handle. Some children may like that, others not so much.

Or if he is doing well skill wise in the future, and you see that skipping a guide would work, but you don't want him to miss some of the history readings or Bible in the guide, you could take the guide you plan to skip and during the summer before read some of the books, do some of the fun projects, etc. That way he won't miss it entirely.

If it helps, I understand about evaluating whether to skip a guide. I know that generally it is not looked good on to do that. And for good reason, as you know they really do build upon each other! Many years ago, when I started with HOD after taking a little break (long story), I thought it would be good to combine both my olders in Bigger, using extensions for my older. I can't remember their ages, but they were both in the age range of the guide, my older in the extension age range. It did not work well to combine them as they were so far apart academically, even though they are only 2 years apart age wise. So the next year I looked at the placement chart and really debated what to do with my oldest. I ended up having him skip both Preparing and CTC and put him in Res. to Ref. For us it worked out. Now the younger one has worked the guides in order, but has gotten "behind" a year (that is if we desire him to start WG in 9th grade), just due to needing some more time to mature and grow. He has grown dramatically. I was debating whether to have him do Rev. to Rev. (the next guide for him) or jump to Missions to Modern Marvels, this fall. I would love to have him use the HS guides starting his 9th grade year, rather than trying to beef up MTMM for high school, but I also don't want him in over his head. So while I do think he could handle MTMM this fall, I decided to just stay with going on to Rev. to Rev. (I also know he really wants to study that era of history that is in Rev. to Rev.) Then when we finish Rev. to Rev., I will again evaluate. Since I have already done the WG guide I know what is expected, and that really helps! I can adjust Rev. to Rev assignments to be a little more and see how he does. Personally, I think he will be fine to skip MTMM. He still wants to read a lot of the books (he loves to read too!) from MTMM, so he will do that on his own in the summer, if we do decide to skip the guide.

So I don't know if any of that helped. I will be praying that the Lord will show you the best course for your son! Enjoy the journey!! I have to remember that is very important, not just getting through everything! :)

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Re: Skipping guides?

Post by Tabitha » Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:20 pm

To God be the glory! How wonderful for your son and your family!

I can share about skipping guides. We skipped Rev to Rev with my oldest. While we enjoyed MTMM, looking back is bitter sweet. My dd was caught, and still is, between grades in a guide. I felt she had to do all the high school guides, so moving up to MTMM would allow for that despite it staggering 8th/9th for her. I thought I could make up that time. I haven't been able to. Life crazies happened and it is what it is.

My 13yo (May) just started RtR this week. She took 18 months to do Preparing, and almost 2 years to do CTC. She is our one with more health issues. Letting her work slowly and thoroughly has been much better for her. Due to her immaturity, and her current skills, I see us doing all the guides in order with us beefing up MTMM for 9th. Unless she zooms through her materials, I can't see her getting to the 4th high school guide. We normally do the work across 5 days and have never had just a 4 day school week. With all the dr appointments, 4 day weeks are an impossibility until that settles down for us. Anyway, with having a child that is delayed and on the immature side, I am quite comfortable beefing up the lower guides for high school vs. demanding the more intense work that would be in those later high school guides (comparing MTMM here with the 4th high school guide that isn't out yet).

I certainly recommend re-evaluating what you do as you near the end of each guide. Don't push ahead if the work is too hard. Knowing what lies ahead because my oldest is doing it now, and seeing where the middle dd is both in her work, her skills, etc., I can pretty much guarantee we won't be able, nor need to, skip a guide with her. Still, I will re-evaluate each year. God may just choose to bless her with the spark and growth she needs to surpass that path I feel she will be on. He know the future, not me! :-D

One other thing to consider is as your child ages, what occupational path interests him? Knowing that closer to those high school grades will certainly help direct you to the type of material he'd need for his education. Like, is beefing up MTMM okay or would the more 'advanced' or deeper material in the high school guide be best. I hope this is making sense.

On a personal note: please do not feel bad if your son graduates later. His heath is a huge feat! That is so much more important than being where he is at academically. My one dd asks me about being behind. She wants to call herself in 7th like other children her age, so she does. I remind her that she is doing her work well, and that is what is important. If the 'behind' aspect bothers her any, I can use that to help her do extra lessons in her math, for example, to get her up to the next grade where she will no longer be behind for her age.
17 yo dd - finishing WH, Geometry, German, Music, Media Art - filmaking, stop animation, etc.
14 yo dd - finishing RTR & TT7, Piano, Animal Shelter Volunteer.
11 yo dd - CTC, finishing up TT5, Piano.

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Re: Skipping guides?

Post by Nealewill » Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:31 pm

You have a very unique situation. If it were me, I would just take each year as it is not plan around to skip at this point. If I were to skip any guides, it would be the guides on the end. I do understand that beefing up levels for High School may not be ideal. But doing that is very effective. Since he seems so well placed in the CTC guide moving to RtR seems like a great move. Each level of HOD increases in abilities and if he is happily trodding along, I wouldn't disrupt that. What grade is he going to into next year? Eighth? If so, then I would just do RtR as is and try and do the extensions next year. This will give you a lot to think about. If your son is college bound, you can figure out what requirements are needed for his future program. If your son is not college bound, it will give you time to prepare for him the classes he will need to graduate to meet your state's requirement. Either way, I think the guides I would skip would be the ones at the end. Beefing up lower level guides might not seem ideal or glamorous but it is very effect and will prepare him the best you can prepare him while giving him a steady increase in skills and abilities.

DD 13 WG
DS 12 R2R
DD 10 R2R

Enjoyed DITHOR, Little Hearts, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, R2R, RevtoRev, MtMM


Re: Skipping guides?

Post by faroutback » Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:12 am

Thank you all for sharing your insight and for your encouragement. These were some good ideas. Thank you for your help. We will continue to RTR and reevaluate after that.

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