by MelInKansas » Sun Jun 01, 2014 3:11 pm
It sounds like from what you have described you could combine easily in Beyond. Usually they recommend you combine in the lower guide and then add on for the older one. This way the younger one won't get left behind in their skills, especially moving forward as the guides go up significantly in skills each year.
Reading, grammar, and math are easily customizable within the guide. Spelling is also included in the guide, though if you need Dictation you would need the Bigger guide for that. There are two spelling lists, so you could do one list with each child. For the copywork you would want to maybe adjust it, make your younger one do less than the older if it is really hard for her. I assume that she can already write her letters? Not too many kids "like" copywork but talk to your older son about the fact that he needs to do his best and work on attitude. Also they do copywork and add a picture they draw to it at the end of the week, and maybe he would like to display these things nicely in a notebook (this is what we have done with our kids' copywork and other assignments they complete throughout the year).
The history, storytime, science, hands-on activities will appeal and be fun learning for both of your children. Also Beyond would be a fun and easy introduction into homeschooling and I bet they will enjoy doing many things together.
Reading - HOD suggests basic phonics lessons that take most kids through 2nd grade reading level, and then just read, read, read. If you feel DITHOR and chapter books are too much for your 8YO right now maybe you could do the end of Emerging Readers to ease into it and firm up his reading skills. With you sitting next to him helping him decode and learn how to better decode he will probably pick it up quickly. Emerging Readers has supplemental books included also, so you could start him wherever he might be ready to start in ER (maybe the Christian Liberty Nature Reader, that one has some challenging words in it but is an interesting read), and use the supplemental titles so you don't get through it too quickly.
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end"
DD12 - Rev to Rev + DITHOR 6/7/8
DD10 - CTC + DITHOR 2/3
DD7 - Bigger + ERs
DD2 - ABC123
2 babies in heaven