My oldest dd 14yo, 9th Grade is doing:8arrows wrote:What did you do this year? That might help us be more specific.
All of HOD Geography (including Logic, Writing and R&S Grammar), except the Foreign Lang. and Science part - the reading is very easy for her, oral narrations and story telling is her forte, but we have had to work on her written narrations because she is too wordy (sentence structure and grammar is excellent though) and doesn't like to write things down, but she is really improving, SWR Spelling, Videotext Algebra (she is still struggling to be consistent with Math - it's easy for her, but it takes discipline and she'd rather create, or read stories and draw), supposed to have been doing Exploration Education independently (we bought that for her and oldest son to do two years ago), Latin I online with FPE, German at co-op, Piano, Guitar, Violin Ensemble, Worship Dance and Musical Theater classes at co-op, Praise Team for the H.S. at Church
My oldest ds 11yo, 5th/6th Grade:
HOD Preparing (except Singapore) w/ Extension (but he hasn't been very consistent in reading these) - including R&S Grammar, RS Math Level C-D (I have all the Singapores, but he struggles to work alone, so we've set those aside), DITHR (but many times I find that he has only read about two pages, or a small portion of what was assigned each day) and also reading BJU 3 - 4 Readers out loud to us sometimes, SWR Spelling, IEW Writing U.S. Hist. at co-op, Spanish at co-op, Heart for the Nations - Missions & World Religions at co-op, did do Apologia Land Animals first semester at co-op, but then we gave it up so he could be in the Musical Theater class this semester (he loves acting and is a gifted singer), Drama/Acting last Fall at co-op, Guitar at co-op, Piano
8 yo dd:
HOD Little Hearts Hist. (economy) w/ younger brother, HOD Spelling List 2, Emerging Readers independently or read to siblings, BJUP 1-2 Reading Program w/ Mommy, HOD Little Hearts Science (basic), RS Math Level B (w/ brother), R.A. for each genre to go w/ older brother's DITHR that I put together from HOD and Sonlight books I already had, Spanish at co-op, IEW Bible Heroes at co-op, Hands-on Science at co-op Spring, Art at co-op in Fall, Acting in Fall, Piano
6 yo ds:
HOD Little Hearts Hist. (economy) w/ sister, HOD Spelling List 1, flying through BJUP K Reading w/ Mommy (will probably start BJUP 1 Reading over summer and finish BJUP 2 next year), HOD Little Hearts Science (basic), RS Math Level B (w/ sister), R.A. (same as older sister) for each genre to go w/ older brother's DITHR, 1st Grade Geography at co-op, Hands-on Science at co-op Spring, Art at co-op in Fall, Violin at co-op, Piano
The only other activity we have been involved with this year during the day hours was a P.E. Class once a week, which they are presently doing Track and Field with a Meet coming up in April.
Let me know what your thoughts might be. Thank you so much for the time you've already graciously spent to help me out. I know it is a sacrifice.