Questions about IPC in WG

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Questions about IPC in WG

Post by Poppy » Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:25 pm

I am using IPC for my 9th grader and was considering switching my 10th grader to it too (I think he could get it done before Sept if he does some on weekends and does two lessons everyday m-f). He isn't doing well with Apologia Chemistry (he did Apologia Biology for 9th but didn't like it) and I was thinking maybe he would be ready next year. Or maybe he just needs a different chem course. The thing is, they are both wanting to go into engineering (mechanical maybe). I read Cathy Duffy's review of IPC and now I am worried. Here's the quote:

"However, students who intend to go on to college and pursue careers in the field of science might need more math-based courses in preparation for advanced science studies. Students who plan to pursue vocational training or attend community colleges, or who do not plan to pursue science careers might find this course a good option. Adding a lab component is important for any student who intends to go to college."

What do you all think of that? Does the lab course that is added makes it prep for advanced sciences? I think that is what IPC is supposed to be-prep for Chemistry and Physics, isn't it? I did read all the info on the website and in my guide about the course description but am wondering what others think of it for an engineering bound kid. I've looked at the local high school info and I don't see that the HS has a science track for college bound students and the colleges we are looking at don't either, they just have lists of accepted courses (we are in MO).

Thanks in advance for any any thoughts or advice you all can offer.

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Re: Questions about IPC in WG

Post by LynnH » Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:10 pm

I think Cathy Duffy is talking about if you use it as a Chemistry and Physics course which many people do and never do a more math based Chem or Physics course. It is written to be done over 2 years and give 1 credit for Physics and 1 for Chemistry. How HOD uses it is as a Physical Science course and adds the labs and fits it all in a year. Which makes it more rigorous. Then Carrie plans for dc to do a Chemistry Course that I am assuming will be a more typical Chemistry course and also in the last guide there will be the option of Physics. So if you put the IPC course down as Physical Science 1 credit and then next year have your dc do Chemistry and following year do Physics they would have what they need for college in a STEM field. That is of course assuming they have already done Biology.
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Re: Questions about IPC in WG

Post by chillin'inandover » Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:54 pm

I am not in WG guide yet with my youngers, but I have graduated 2. I will just comment on my experience. Perhaps you will find some advice in my experience. My older daughters have not pursued science and did not like math. We used MUS through pre-calculus and they did ok in math on SAT/ACT. My older dd did not like Apologia Chemistry and quit after about 5 units. There were too many tears, too much confusion, and too much math required. They skipped chemistry and comleted Apologia Marine Biology thoroughly loving it. They took college science Meterology and Women's Biology. They have never had chemistry. They have been doing ok without it.
My younger son loves science and I look forward to the IPC and whatever chemistry will be in future guides. The combo of IPC with lab is top notch for a physical science class. If you were desiring 1 credit for physics and 1 credit for chemistry I think it would be ok. Seems if you need more math have kiddos take more math not by taking deeper science. Our co op is using the lab only for Apologia physical science components and there are some math equations involved.
So your son for high school would have Biology credit, Physical Science, Physics, and Chemistry. There are some posts how to "beef up" for high school credit for chemistry from MTMM. The WG could be used for physics per their website. Did you use Rev to Rev advanced Exploration for physical science? Just some thoughts about science. I love science and math. HOD has wonderful plans!
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Re: Questions about IPC in WG

Post by Poppy » Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:46 pm

I think I understand it better now. Your replies were very helpful. I forgot about how IPC is supposed to be used over two years instead of one. Also, I had a chance to look over the lab and it looks really good (it even says college prep level on the box). Ds has been using it this week and says he really likes it. So he will continue to use it this year and I have a chemistry course picked out for next year. I also like that the boys can work together on the labs. They are both doing great in math so that is definitely something I can be thankful for.

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