DD2 (9) is doing Bigger. Honestly, I'm bored with it this year as I just did it last year with my oldest.
DD3 (7) is doing MFW 1st.
When we started HOD 1 1/2 years ago, I honestly could not see how to combine any of them as they were all in such different levels.
My oldest is doing super well with Preparing. She is a great listener, works quickly, and I can trust her to get the independent work done well.
I know there's lots of time before the coming fall, but I'm just not sure dd2 will be ready to go full out with Preparing.
My 3rd daughter is more like the oldest. She does a great job of sitting down, doing what needs to be done, and she's a good listener/reader too.
So, I'm thinking of taking the next year off from HOD with the middle 2 so they come back the next year and do Preparing together? They will be 9 and 11 that year.
Or do you think it's possible to do Preparing this fall 1/2 speed with the both of them and take 2 years to do it?
DD3 is a super reader, writing both upper/lower case, but no cursive yet of course. She will be in 2nd grade math here in another month or so.
Or, would it be best to just keep them in separate guides still?