Bible time is my favorite
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:20 am
My favorite part of HOD is Bible. I am doing BHFHG with extensions and narration from PHFHG. I look forward to Bible time so much...whereas before it seemed like an afterthought, lost in the shuffle of "required" academics like Grammar and math. What I love about it is how we only spend 15 minutes or less on the actual verse and singing, and yet the activities and the Godly character trait that Carrie brings out really, really have stayed with my girls. We talk about that Godly character trait throughout the seems to come up often. For instance, my 11 yo struggles with math. She hates it and will stare at her page forever just dreading it and feeling sorry for herself and not getting it done and often a little takes a really long time. I am amazed at how we have been able to talk about persistence in regards to this. I am teaching her over and over how practical the Bible is to her life...she now thinks about persistence all the time, and that brings to mind her verses. Both my girls have brought up those traits in everyday (non-school) life many we could all evidence them in this situation or that situation. But what is cool is how this has been playing out in my own life. Talking about the traits to the girls over and over serves as a reminder to me throughout the day and is so encouraging. I am growing spiritually more than ever. Thank you, Carrie!