We started "Beyond Little Hearts" this fall with my first grader. I also have a 4 and 2 year old as well as an infant at home. Our days are full to say the least, but through the grace of God (ok, my mug of mocha every morning, too) and this curriculum, we are learning the first grade standards (and then some), consistently opening our Bible to honor and live by the Word of God, and establishing habits that facilitate life long learning and critical thinking skills. My preparation time is virtually nill, really, I'm not kidding. One challenge we have faced is that my daughter is 6 years old, so she falls at the young end for this book (BLHFHG), so we have had to do some trial and error for making it just right for her skill level. Mainly, we needed to cut back some on the copywork, and we decided to focus all our energy on one pilgram book, rather than pulling stories from several. We are grateful for the word of mouth recommendation we got from a friend about Heart of Dakota, and encourage others to consider this curriculum for their family.
Re: BLHFHG Review
I'm so glad to see that you're enjoying your first year homeschooling with your daughter. What a precious time it is indeed when you get the chance to cuddle up with your 6 year old daughter for school each day!
We count ourselves blessed to have that privilege too!
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!
I'm so glad to see that you're enjoying your first year homeschooling with your daughter. What a precious time it is indeed when you get the chance to cuddle up with your 6 year old daughter for school each day!

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!