If you have PREPARING manual IN HAND can someone...
If you have PREPARING manual IN HAND can someone...
give me a rundown on the "activities" listed in the book? Not necessarily EVERYTHING but a list of the variety of stuff. My 10yo ds LOVES hands on stuff in history.... making, cooking etc......and I want to make sure there is an adequate amt in Preparing.
Also, how often are you doing the 'hands on" stuff? Once a week, twice a week, not every week???
Thanks so much
Also, how often are you doing the 'hands on" stuff? Once a week, twice a week, not every week???
Thanks so much
Re: If you have PREPARING manual IN HAND can someone...
Carrie gives a pretty good rundown of what happens each week in her intro. http://www.heartofdakota.com/pdf/PHFHG-intro.pdf
Each week the child completes a history project, which takes 3 of the 4 days. It is always something 'hands on'. Everything from original drawings, making maps, flags, wreaths, paintings, jewelry etc. The student also makes history notebook pages each week. I don't want to give more detail, for copyright reasons, and not knowing what is appropriate or not. If Carrie wants to, I'm sure she'll chime in.
Also, each week the child does a hands on science experiment, in addition to making pages for his notebook.
Each week the child completes a history project, which takes 3 of the 4 days. It is always something 'hands on'. Everything from original drawings, making maps, flags, wreaths, paintings, jewelry etc. The student also makes history notebook pages each week. I don't want to give more detail, for copyright reasons, and not knowing what is appropriate or not. If Carrie wants to, I'm sure she'll chime in.
Also, each week the child does a hands on science experiment, in addition to making pages for his notebook.
MJ, mom to 8
2015-2016 plan
*17yo is dual-enrolled after using HOD for 7 years
*11yo, 10yo, 9yo, and 7yo - CTC with modifications
*5yo, 4yo - LHTH
*3yo - playschool
Accomplished: LHTH, LHFHG, BHFHG, Beyond, PHFHG, RTR, Rev to Rev, MTMM, WG, WH
2015-2016 plan
*17yo is dual-enrolled after using HOD for 7 years
*11yo, 10yo, 9yo, and 7yo - CTC with modifications
*5yo, 4yo - LHTH
*3yo - playschool
Accomplished: LHTH, LHFHG, BHFHG, Beyond, PHFHG, RTR, Rev to Rev, MTMM, WG, WH
Re: If you have PREPARING manual IN HAND can someone...
thanks...I just finished printing that intro a bit ago...somehow I missed seeing that. Hopefully that will answer my questions..
Re: If you have PREPARING manual IN HAND can someone...
Debbie - get your son ready for some AWESOME hands-on activities because Preparing... is definitely going to deliver! Your ds will be designing a coat of arms, making maps of the Arctic tundra, painting warm/cool color collages complete with background scenery and rainbow, drawing/coloring a realistic picture of Noah's Ark (utilizing the Draw and Write.. Resource), experimenting with how he can get an ice cube to melt the fastest possible, making a cave art painting including a wild bull and mammoth, carving in clay a map of where Noah's Ark landed and where the Tower of Babel was, etc. I only looked at the first 3-4 weeks here with this list, so you can see that this will be right up your son's alley!
I can't wait to get started... 4 more weeks and counting down...
In Christ,

In Christ,

Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Re: If you have PREPARING manual IN HAND can someone...
I'll paste a post of mine from a previous thread that may help answer a few questions:
I just wanted to mention that the projects in Preparing... do switch over to being more crafty type projects and that you do actually get to make a medieval meal complete with trenchers (which were stale bread plates). We keep it low key, but for all of you who love that type of thing Preparing.... is full of it!
I'm excited to make the various history projects that are in it, and I know my boys will love them too! You also get to make denarius coins, Renaissance necklaces from air-dry clay, Egyptian pastries, a map of the Silk Road, scytale messages in cryptography, a flipbook of Elijah at Mt. Carmel, a scroll like Hezekiah had, cave-painting, use invisible ink for the writing on the wall at Belshazzar's banquet, make a Greek trireme (which is a warship), make perfume, paint the star of Bethlehem, make a Roman mosaic, design a Viking brooch, make an illuminated manuscript for a Bible verse, and design your own relic box and relic (just to name a few)!
Also, here is another post that I copied from a different thread that I answered awhile ago, which may also help:
Secondly, I think I posted a few projects earlier on the board today, but there is a weekly hands-on project in Preparing.. that is spread out over 3 days. The final day is a lesson on written narrations each week. But, on the 4th day, we do still cover hands-on by having the experiment in science scheduled on that day. At HOD we balance your days so that you have hands-on, written, visual, and audio every day (and those are scheduled proportionately to one another, so you never have TOO much of any one area on any one day)!
A few more projects in "Preparing..." include mixing colors to paint the rainbow complete with primary and secondary colored background, making a clay cartouche of Queen Hatshepsut's name, making a clay map of the river valley, creating a crook, making a 3-D paper pyramid with glistening sugar for the limestone sides (and a shadow effect), making a puzzle of the 12 tribes of Israel, making a name placard that explains the meaning of your child's name, painting a Greek amphora (vase), making a time clock of the crucifixion of Christ, making a sweet smelling Christian fish symbol, creating a laurel wreath crown, designing a stained glass window picture, making a spice chart, producing an engraving (which was used before photography), mapping the Confederate and Union states, making a zeppelin, and designing an Olympic brochure.
In addition there are weekly science experiments!
Hope that helps!
I'll paste a post of mine from a previous thread that may help answer a few questions:
I just wanted to mention that the projects in Preparing... do switch over to being more crafty type projects and that you do actually get to make a medieval meal complete with trenchers (which were stale bread plates). We keep it low key, but for all of you who love that type of thing Preparing.... is full of it!
I'm excited to make the various history projects that are in it, and I know my boys will love them too! You also get to make denarius coins, Renaissance necklaces from air-dry clay, Egyptian pastries, a map of the Silk Road, scytale messages in cryptography, a flipbook of Elijah at Mt. Carmel, a scroll like Hezekiah had, cave-painting, use invisible ink for the writing on the wall at Belshazzar's banquet, make a Greek trireme (which is a warship), make perfume, paint the star of Bethlehem, make a Roman mosaic, design a Viking brooch, make an illuminated manuscript for a Bible verse, and design your own relic box and relic (just to name a few)!
Also, here is another post that I copied from a different thread that I answered awhile ago, which may also help:
Secondly, I think I posted a few projects earlier on the board today, but there is a weekly hands-on project in Preparing.. that is spread out over 3 days. The final day is a lesson on written narrations each week. But, on the 4th day, we do still cover hands-on by having the experiment in science scheduled on that day. At HOD we balance your days so that you have hands-on, written, visual, and audio every day (and those are scheduled proportionately to one another, so you never have TOO much of any one area on any one day)!
A few more projects in "Preparing..." include mixing colors to paint the rainbow complete with primary and secondary colored background, making a clay cartouche of Queen Hatshepsut's name, making a clay map of the river valley, creating a crook, making a 3-D paper pyramid with glistening sugar for the limestone sides (and a shadow effect), making a puzzle of the 12 tribes of Israel, making a name placard that explains the meaning of your child's name, painting a Greek amphora (vase), making a time clock of the crucifixion of Christ, making a sweet smelling Christian fish symbol, creating a laurel wreath crown, designing a stained glass window picture, making a spice chart, producing an engraving (which was used before photography), mapping the Confederate and Union states, making a zeppelin, and designing an Olympic brochure.
In addition there are weekly science experiments!
Hope that helps!
Re: If you have PREPARING manual IN HAND can someone...
I just wanted to say that I ordered a copy of Preparing (though we're not even anywhere near ready to use it yet!--I just like to read ahead...
) and I've seen so many different fun things to do in this manual. I can't wait till we get there, and I know anyone using this program would have a blast and grow closer in their walk with the Lord each day. I can see the Lord's influence in Carrie's writing and how it will draw the children closer to Him through each lesson. What a program it looks to be!!

Moving along at our own pace, and very happy with it!
Re: If you have PREPARING manual IN HAND can someone...
I have been pouring over the manual the past several days and have to say how excited I am about the hands-on projects. Last year we used a different curriculum and the projects were time-consuming and used materials that I often didn't have on hand. So...we usually skipped it, much to my daughter's dismay. It was an area I felt a lot of guilt about last year. So I'm so appreciative that each day has a very manageable amount of hands-on, and that the projects seem fun, meaningful and EASY for a craft-challenged mom! So glad I found HOD!