Skills taught in Preparing in order to be ready for CTC
Skills taught in Preparing in order to be ready for CTC
Hi Everyone,
I am doing the left page portion of Bigger w/ storytime, this year with my two dc. We are using a comparable different L.A. and math. After this year, my dd will have already been through the history rotation. Instead of going into Preparing and doing an overview, I would like to move her into CTC to start the rotation over with her, while having my ds do Preparing. Her skills are so far ahead of his that I think this might be the way to go. I'm already having her do the work in Bigger independently, but I would like to have an idea of some of the skills taught in Preparing so she will be 100% ready for CTC. Ie. oral, written narrations, research, etc.
I am doing the left page portion of Bigger w/ storytime, this year with my two dc. We are using a comparable different L.A. and math. After this year, my dd will have already been through the history rotation. Instead of going into Preparing and doing an overview, I would like to move her into CTC to start the rotation over with her, while having my ds do Preparing. Her skills are so far ahead of his that I think this might be the way to go. I'm already having her do the work in Bigger independently, but I would like to have an idea of some of the skills taught in Preparing so she will be 100% ready for CTC. Ie. oral, written narrations, research, etc.
Mom of A Graduated 2017, B 12th, C 8th MTMM in 2018/2019, D 6th Res to Ref 2018/2019, E 3
Mom of A Graduated 2017, B 12th, C 8th MTMM in 2018/2019, D 6th Res to Ref 2018/2019, E 3
Re: Skills taught in Preparing in order to be ready for CTC
Here are some of the skills that are introduced in PHFHG to help dc be ready for CTC:
*guided written narration lessons (done independently in CTC)
*guided creative writing lessons, writing from the model of a poem (writing from many different classical authors' models in CTC)
*research skills utilizing at least one resource, Internet research skills are introduced this way as well (several different resources suggested in CTC)
*semi-independence taught with project directions (will be independent in CTC)
*becoming skilled in general oral narrations skills (diversified oral narrations in CTC)
*vocabulary skills fine-tuned in history (added to be independent and include science in CTC)
*following notebooking instructions to create a notebook on blank paper (more detailed, diversified directions for CTC and created on provided notebooking boxes)
These are the things that come to mind, but I'm sure others will add their opinions. I wouldn't advocate skipping an HOD guide, but if your dd places best in CTC next year and that is the best place for her to start next year, than I understand what you are saying.
In Christ,
*guided written narration lessons (done independently in CTC)
*guided creative writing lessons, writing from the model of a poem (writing from many different classical authors' models in CTC)
*research skills utilizing at least one resource, Internet research skills are introduced this way as well (several different resources suggested in CTC)
*semi-independence taught with project directions (will be independent in CTC)
*becoming skilled in general oral narrations skills (diversified oral narrations in CTC)
*vocabulary skills fine-tuned in history (added to be independent and include science in CTC)
*following notebooking instructions to create a notebook on blank paper (more detailed, diversified directions for CTC and created on provided notebooking boxes)
These are the things that come to mind, but I'm sure others will add their opinions. I wouldn't advocate skipping an HOD guide, but if your dd places best in CTC next year and that is the best place for her to start next year, than I understand what you are saying.

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Re: Skills taught in Preparing in order to be ready for CTC
Julie, thanks for your reply. Are there certain research assignments in Preparing? I'm thinking of having dd do a little more research once per quarter on one of the people or events she's read about in history or a science topic she's interested in. I'm also having her write 1-3 important things, asking the 5 w's and 1 how ?s, from the daily reading in history and having her compile it into a written paper at the end of the week on notebooking day. These will be added to the oral narrations and notebooking assignments that are already scheduled. I think we have creative writing covered, also. Does this sound like enough preparation for CTC?
Mom of A Graduated 2017, B 12th, C 8th MTMM in 2018/2019, D 6th Res to Ref 2018/2019, E 3
Mom of A Graduated 2017, B 12th, C 8th MTMM in 2018/2019, D 6th Res to Ref 2018/2019, E 3
Re: Skills taught in Preparing in order to be ready for CTC
Hi Deena!momofabcd wrote:Julie, thanks for your reply. Are there certain research assignments in Preparing? I'm thinking of having dd do a little more research once per quarter on one of the people or events she's read about in history or a science topic she's interested in. I'm also having her write 1-3 important things, asking the 5 w's and 1 how ?s, from the daily reading in history and having her compile it into a written paper at the end of the week on notebooking day. These will be added to the oral narrations and notebooking assignments that are already scheduled. I think we have creative writing covered, also. Does this sound like enough preparation for CTC?

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Re: Skills taught in Preparing in order to be ready for CTC
I have been "listening in" on this conversation, because I am in a similar situation to Deena. I have a 10 yo and an 11 yo who are doing Bigger with extensions this year along with my 8 yo who is just doing Bigger. My concern is that my daughter will be 13 when she finally gets to CTC. She will always have to do the extensions. My 10 yo ds will too, as he is advanced for his age. I mostly decided to put them all in Bigger this year for financial reasons, and to make it easier on me with my 21 mo old, and a 5 yo ds. I know what you are saying about not skipping a guide, as they build on each other, but can't I go by the placement chart?
I say all that, and yet, I know that Bigger has been good for them and me. I know the Lord led me to do this with them. They really needed this to help them work on their narration skills. Should I just forget about trying to get them "more on their level' next year, and follow the guides? I am also concerned because my 8 yo tends to zone out when we are all working together. (He wouldn't learn anything if he were in a classroom - I exaggerate, but you know what I mean
). I was thinking that it might be better for him to do Preparing alone, and let the other 2 move on to their own guide. Would love to hear your thoughts. I know that ultimately it is the Lord's leading as I saw in this year's choice of Bigger for all. I would not have sat down and planned that out. The Lord had to let me "do school" for a couple of weeks, see that things weren't clicking, and come to Him begging for wisdom. Then, He knew I was ready for what I never would have seen on my own.
Sorry this is so long
In His love,
I have been "listening in" on this conversation, because I am in a similar situation to Deena. I have a 10 yo and an 11 yo who are doing Bigger with extensions this year along with my 8 yo who is just doing Bigger. My concern is that my daughter will be 13 when she finally gets to CTC. She will always have to do the extensions. My 10 yo ds will too, as he is advanced for his age. I mostly decided to put them all in Bigger this year for financial reasons, and to make it easier on me with my 21 mo old, and a 5 yo ds. I know what you are saying about not skipping a guide, as they build on each other, but can't I go by the placement chart?
I say all that, and yet, I know that Bigger has been good for them and me. I know the Lord led me to do this with them. They really needed this to help them work on their narration skills. Should I just forget about trying to get them "more on their level' next year, and follow the guides? I am also concerned because my 8 yo tends to zone out when we are all working together. (He wouldn't learn anything if he were in a classroom - I exaggerate, but you know what I mean

Sorry this is so long
In His love,
2013 - 2014
15 yo dd -- MTMM
13 yo ds -- MTMM
12 yo ds -- finish PHFHG/CTC
9 yo ds -- finish BLHFHG/BHFHG
5.5 yo dd -- LHFHG
"Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
Matthew 6:32
15 yo dd -- MTMM
13 yo ds -- MTMM
12 yo ds -- finish PHFHG/CTC
9 yo ds -- finish BLHFHG/BHFHG
5.5 yo dd -- LHFHG
"Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
Matthew 6:32
Re: Skills taught in Preparing in order to be ready for CTC
RuthAnn (and Deena too) -
I do believe the placement chart offers the best guidance overall for choosing which HOD manuals to do with dc. I think it is important to go back to the placement chart at the conclusion of this year and see where each of your dc would fall individually. Then, the next consideration would be your thoughts on combining or not combining, what would work best for your dc's personalities as far as working together, finances, your thoughts on teaching several HOD guides at once, and your own family's goals, etc..
As a general rule of thumb, when a family is coming to HOD for the first time with dc in the BHFHG on up range, I think it's often nice to start all of the dc (if it's feasible) in one guide for the core, as you chose to do. This allowed you to get used to HOD, to see how each of your dc did with that placement, and to consider how you'd feel about continuing with them combined vs. separating them. So, what I'm trying to say is I think you both started off on the right foot and are well equipped to choose what will best fit you and your dc next year!
The reason I am hesitant to recommend skipping a guide is because I know many, many other ladies are also reading this, and for the most part, skipping HOD guides is not a good idea.
However, in your case, you have older children, have tried combining already, and can see which dc could benefit from being placed separately from their siblings. So, if your older dc place soundly in CTC rather than PHFHG next year, and you are comfortable with teaching several guides, I'd place them there with total confidence, and place your younger dc in the appropriate younger guide(s). I am currently teaching CTC and Beyond, probably adding in LHTH around January, and am very comfortable with that - in fact, I'm loving this first week of school. We just had Day 3 of it, and we thoroughly covered everything, enjoyed ourselves immensely, and finished before noon (starting at 8:15 AM). So, we like doing school this way, but I know some families prefer to combine and love doing it that way. It's extremely helpful to figure out what kind of family you are.
CTC is meant to be more independent for the child, and it will feel that way. After I'd spent my time with my oldest doing LHTH, LHFHG, BLHFHG, BHFHG, and PHFHG - he was ready and I was ready for his independence in CTC. I view it as a positive and so does he.
I say this because if you are new to HOD and starting with CTC, you may think it's pretty independent. It is.
It's meant to be - and if you spent a good deal of your time with little kiddos previously (as HOD has us do and then gradually backs that time off), then it feels just right. If, however, whatever you did prior to HOD did not have you spend a good bulk of your time establishing the 3R's, teaching CM style skills, research skills, notebooking skills, learning to love classical-type living books, etc. - then CTC may be harder for dc to do independently and you may feel the need to hover and help more than was intended. So - that is why I am reluctant to just give a definite shout out to just skip PHFHG and go to CTC
. I am envisioning some type of post later from someone saying - "I followed the placement chart, and Julie even told me to do CTC with my child, and it's just too difficult (or just too independent) for my child." Ohhhhhh, I shudder to have given improper advice when it can effect your entire year so much.
O.k. - boiling it down - here's what I think:
If your child places best in CTC...
If you are willing to spend the first month training your child to do the CTC things that are meant to be independent, independently...
If you are ready for your dc to be more independent...
If your dc are ready themselves to be more independent...
If you are ready to teach more than one HOD guide...
If you won't be tempted to put the youngers with the oldest in CTC halfway into the year...
Then YES! I DO think this is a fabulous idea, a good placement, and the ticket to a super year next year for you and your families!!!
I hope that helps some - I am not trying to be elusive in my answer here, but I truly believe you know best here. We are loving CTC - it is an outstanding study of the ancients, and it is the next level up of learning for my ds - where independence comes into the plans, and he has more control of his day. We are thrilled with our day - and I think you'd be too if your dc are ready for it - it's just not always a thing that can be determined by age. I hope something here helps - your dc are so blessed to have moms carefully and prayerfully considering what's best for them!!! I am praying for clarity for you.
In Christ,
I do believe the placement chart offers the best guidance overall for choosing which HOD manuals to do with dc. I think it is important to go back to the placement chart at the conclusion of this year and see where each of your dc would fall individually. Then, the next consideration would be your thoughts on combining or not combining, what would work best for your dc's personalities as far as working together, finances, your thoughts on teaching several HOD guides at once, and your own family's goals, etc..
As a general rule of thumb, when a family is coming to HOD for the first time with dc in the BHFHG on up range, I think it's often nice to start all of the dc (if it's feasible) in one guide for the core, as you chose to do. This allowed you to get used to HOD, to see how each of your dc did with that placement, and to consider how you'd feel about continuing with them combined vs. separating them. So, what I'm trying to say is I think you both started off on the right foot and are well equipped to choose what will best fit you and your dc next year!

The reason I am hesitant to recommend skipping a guide is because I know many, many other ladies are also reading this, and for the most part, skipping HOD guides is not a good idea.

CTC is meant to be more independent for the child, and it will feel that way. After I'd spent my time with my oldest doing LHTH, LHFHG, BLHFHG, BHFHG, and PHFHG - he was ready and I was ready for his independence in CTC. I view it as a positive and so does he.

O.k. - boiling it down - here's what I think:
If your child places best in CTC...
If you are willing to spend the first month training your child to do the CTC things that are meant to be independent, independently...
If you are ready for your dc to be more independent...
If your dc are ready themselves to be more independent...
If you are ready to teach more than one HOD guide...
If you won't be tempted to put the youngers with the oldest in CTC halfway into the year...
Then YES! I DO think this is a fabulous idea, a good placement, and the ticket to a super year next year for you and your families!!!

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Re: Skills taught in Preparing in order to be ready for CTC
Thanks, Julie!! That helps a lot!!
I definitely agree that placement needs to be based on ability and readiness, not on age. That is why I want to make sure that I put everyone in the best spot for next year. I want to make sure they have the right amount of work to challenge them, but not overwhelm them.
You mentioned that independence is a big part of CTC, and that's good to know. Independence for my older 2 is not an issue. They are doing a lot on their own already. I think the big issue for my older 2 is to work on the narration skills and the notebooking skills that we had not previously done in our homeschooling. The other skills you had mentioned - the 3 R's, research skills, and living books - I think they have a good start on. My main concern is narration and notebooking. So, knowing that those are the 2 things that we will need to work on helps me a great deal!!
Thanks so much, Julie, and I completely understand your hesitation to advise that we skip Preparing. I wish that we had started with HOD earlier so that we wouldn't have to skip any guides, but God knew when we would be ready for HOD, so I just have to trust that.
In His love,

You mentioned that independence is a big part of CTC, and that's good to know. Independence for my older 2 is not an issue. They are doing a lot on their own already. I think the big issue for my older 2 is to work on the narration skills and the notebooking skills that we had not previously done in our homeschooling. The other skills you had mentioned - the 3 R's, research skills, and living books - I think they have a good start on. My main concern is narration and notebooking. So, knowing that those are the 2 things that we will need to work on helps me a great deal!!

Thanks so much, Julie, and I completely understand your hesitation to advise that we skip Preparing. I wish that we had started with HOD earlier so that we wouldn't have to skip any guides, but God knew when we would be ready for HOD, so I just have to trust that.
In His love,
2013 - 2014
15 yo dd -- MTMM
13 yo ds -- MTMM
12 yo ds -- finish PHFHG/CTC
9 yo ds -- finish BLHFHG/BHFHG
5.5 yo dd -- LHFHG
"Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
Matthew 6:32
15 yo dd -- MTMM
13 yo ds -- MTMM
12 yo ds -- finish PHFHG/CTC
9 yo ds -- finish BLHFHG/BHFHG
5.5 yo dd -- LHFHG
"Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
Matthew 6:32
Re: Skills taught in Preparing in order to be ready for CTC
Thanks for getting back to me, RuthAnn!
I am relieved reading your post - after reading the descriptions of your dc I think you've come to some good conclusions.
I take these posts very seriously, as placement usually lasts for an entire year - and a whole year of our lives and our dc's lives deserves careful consideration. I'm so glad to read your considerations and your conclusions seem to make total sense to me. I think you will love CTC - it has been a great week for us, and it's only the first week - a very good sign.
In Christ,

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie