Normally the ladies would all be weighing in here to help you out, but with Preparing... you're just stuck with me right now as the question answerer!
First off, we're glad to have you here, just in case I haven't already welcomed you!
Secondly, there are weekly geography lessons that tie in directly with the history stories you are reading for that week. All of the lessons require the use of the globe, so kiddos can get comfortable with the places where history was happening. I have never found better understanding than when my kiddos look the places they are reading about up on the globe! I know it sounds so simple, but it gives them a frame of reference for where they are in the world compared to where the people they're reading about lived.
There is also a weekly review concept that hits the concepts kiddos need to know standards-wise. These are topics such as the names of the continents, names of the oceans, 4 cardinal directions and how to apply them, using lines of latitude and longitude, etc.