I just wanted to share our experience. I have been concentrating school on my 8yo DS for so long, and my almost 6 yo DD gets left behind....she tags along with what we do, and she has her own math, handwriting and reading books, but I have never given her the attention she deserves for schooling. I admit, embarrassingly and ashamedly, I often have treated her like she is a second class citizen with regard to schooling. Other curricula I have used encourage the little ones to 'fall in' with the older ones, and until reading more here at HOD, that is what I have done.
Well, let me tell you, I have started doing LHFHG with DD over the past couple weeks. Most days, I haven't gotten to it, as I am busy with house cleaning right now, and some other things. But today we got to our fifth lesson. Each day she and I have done it together, she has just beamed and LOVED it. She says "OH YES! Please may we do school, mommy?" So today, she and I did day 5. She just was on cloud 9 having lessons geared to HER level and interests....we played the land/water game where I named an animal and she jumped on 'land' or 'water' depending on its habitat. She was prancing and having SO MUCH FUN, I took such delight in her exuberance! And then we did the rhyme about the animals from around the globe, with the two of us hopping, clip-clopping, prancing, etc, and the joy of my daughter was just contagious. It was the most fun she and I have had together in a LONG TIME. It was just purely delightful. When we were done, she went off and was working on something in the other room. She came in and gave me two little paper hearts she had cut out and had written "I love you, mommy" on them. It was obvious to me that we had bonded in such a way, just doing school together! She was so warm and lovely toward me the rest of the day. I will never forget it!
I really and truly cannot praise this curriculum highly enough. It might sound simple, but what happened today was just amazing to me. Carrie, you have truly changed our lives here. I am incredibly thankful and grateful. This is the most wonderful curriculum I have ever seen, I am so so so glad to have the privilege of using it! My children and I feel very blessed. Thank you!!!
Praise for LHFHG!
Oh, lovetobehome! You've got me tearing up here!
I can really relate to your post, as we'd tried having my second son pulled along with my first-born, and I felt just like you! That is when I wrote LHTH, and we made the most wonderful memories. I can remember the same feeling that you are sharing and what a joy it was to see him joyfully, exuberantly sharing school-time with me. I could just tell he felt so loved.
Thanks so much for sharing your joys. Your daughter sounds precious.

I can really relate to your post, as we'd tried having my second son pulled along with my first-born, and I felt just like you! That is when I wrote LHTH, and we made the most wonderful memories. I can remember the same feeling that you are sharing and what a joy it was to see him joyfully, exuberantly sharing school-time with me. I could just tell he felt so loved.
Thanks so much for sharing your joys. Your daughter sounds precious.

That is such a beautiful testimony! Your dd sounds so precious!
I have to warn you....my kids ask to do "Leap, Leap" (that's what they call the first rhyme) everyday...EVERYDAY! In fact, we do at least 10 of the rhymes everyday. My dh came in from the barn one day to ask what was going on....it sounded like the house was coming down!
You are going to have so much fun this year!
I have to warn you....my kids ask to do "Leap, Leap" (that's what they call the first rhyme) everyday...EVERYDAY! In fact, we do at least 10 of the rhymes everyday. My dh came in from the barn one day to ask what was going on....it sounded like the house was coming down!

You are going to have so much fun this year!

Using LHFHG with
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How wonderful! Isn't it great when they beg you to do school! It is such a blessing. HOD makes me feel like such a good mommy. So glad you are loving it and it is blessing you! 

All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
We LOVED LHFHG/Beyond/Bigger/Preparing/CTC/RTR/Rev to Rev (HS)
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
We LOVED LHFHG/Beyond/Bigger/Preparing/CTC/RTR/Rev to Rev (HS)