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Preparing Testimony

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:48 pm
by Allison TX
It has been a while since I last posted. After weeks of agonizing over what to use this fall ( piecing my own thing together, which level of HOD, should I used different levels or combine kids, formal grammar or not, the list goes on....) I am happy to say that we just finished week 3 of Preparing and are LOVING it! I tried to use Bigger and Preparing but found that it was too much for me. After a few days of tweaking I settled on using only Preparing. I have been using it as written (with the exception of math) and I can't believe how much more peaceful our days have been. I kept trying to tweak, add, substitute, and change, and my husband finally told me to try Preparing ,only, using it as written. I have to say, it has been wonderful! It is a great fit for both my boys. They are learning so much, and they love all the book choices.
I had to let go of the need to control everything in a curriculum, and trust that God led me to HOD for a reason. Thank you Carrie for writing such great and God honoring programs! :D

Also, I have read on some other forums recently about HOD not being challenging enough. We have used several other pre-planned programs, and I find HOD to be the most challenging, complete, and biblically based. I think the trick is to find the right level and use it as written. Just my humble opinion. :D


Re: Preparing Testimony

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:02 pm
by Samuel'sMommy
Thanks for sharing Allison! I'm glad Preparing is working well for you.

Re: Preparing Testimony

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:50 pm
by water2wine
Allison I can so relate to what you are saying in that trusting it as it is. I am such a major curriculum tweaker it is so hard to do that. But our most peaceful and actually the deepest learning comes often when we do just that. I am so glad Preparing is working for you. It looks like such an amazing program. Enjoy! :D

Re: Preparing Testimony

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 4:49 pm
by Carrie
Allison TX wrote:Also, I have read on some other forums recently about HOD not being challenging enough. We have used several other pre-planned programs, and I find HOD to be the most challenging, complete, and biblically based. I think the trick is to find the right level and use it as written. Just my humble opinion. :D
I am blessed by this quote today! I firmly believe this too and am so glad when it works out well for a family!

We pray for each of you to find the "right level" for your families and to find the peace that we pray Heart of Dakota can bring to you when it is used as intended.


Re: Preparing Testimony

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 8:16 am
by LivinNandByHim
Thank you for your "humble opinion" regarding the sciences. I am encouraged and reassured by your post.God bless all your efforts in Him.