Preparing Hearts

If you have used "Preparing Hearts for His Glory", please share your experience with us.
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Preparing Hearts

Post by Love2Learn » Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:28 pm

I have ordered and am anxiously awaiting the teacher's guide. I recently stumbled back to the HOD website to see much to my delight the program for the olders! The more that I pour over the first week lesson plans and read the introduction notes the stronger I feel that this is the most well written curricululm I have ever seen! The structure is so well designed with a regular schedule in each of the subject areas that I can relax and easily understand the "flow". My children will thrive because they will know what to expect.

Just wanted to share my joy in answered prayer. Thank you, Carrie! I look forward to seeing what's in store next...

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Re: Preparing Hearts

Post by Carrie » Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:23 pm

Oh, I'm so glad! We are very excited to use it with our second son this year too! :D I think you'll find it has a very strong Biblical foundation woven through all of it!

The Preparing guides shipped this week, so yours should be on its way to you! :wink:


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