We purchased LHTH last spring in anticipation of our youngest son, who had just turned three, beginning Preschool in the fall of 2012. After a bumpy start, I determined that he just wasn't at the level yet. Sure, colors, numbers, alphabet, vocabulary, love of books. He had all that, but we lacked the willingness, or interest to get started on his academic path. So we settled for a couple online preschool games to use while the olders so their work.
Well here we are, 3 weeks before his 4th birthday, and it's like he just woke up Monday morning and decided he was ready for school. Plain as that. We started on unit two this week, and he is loving it so much. He is eager to listen, answers the questions, and is engaged with the fingerplay. He loves to get His bible out, and especially loves his Big thoughts book.
Little man is our last baby, and this will be my first and last time teaching preschool