My little one told him the WHOLE salvation story! From Adam and Eve, many stories "that already happened" to Jesus being born, why He needed to be born, what He did, to how He was betrayed, died and rose again. He continued to tell his cousin how we need Jesus in our hearts so we can go to heaven. My husband said he went into great detail on all of it. Then cousin asked him questions to see if he really understood what he was saying and he answered them correctly.
I have read him the stories and we have had discussions about the stories, but he has never put it ALL together like this before. I was amazed and very, very thankful!! First to God for putting all this in him. Secondly, to Carrie for putting together LHTH! God is truly in this program!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mom is so, so, so happy today!

Now back to HS graduation stuff!!