mom2boys030507 wrote:Welcome Marie,
We do a 3-4 day week here. We also school year round. What I do is keep a post it tab on that current day and when the boxes are done move to the next day. It is nice to have the unit numbers to see how far you have come through the book but you can really decide how many days per week you school. It is just that Mondays will not always be day 1 of the unit and that is okay. The books are 170 days.
Hi Karen,
Thank you so much for your reply. I am so excited. What Carrie has here is incredible as far as I am concerned. I feel so encouraged. Reading through it all, I am saying wow, I can actually do this one! I figured a 4 day week could be done, I was just curious.
So with that said, about how many days do you try do each week to round it out? I am also schooling year round. The public schools here are on a year round schedule, and I think it works. Just seems to make sense. My summer will just be 3 days instead of 4 days...ya know a lighter load.
I don't want my boys to forget everything, nor do I want them under the idea that learning ever stops. I like the year round idea as well because if you need a break you take it, there isn't pressure because you'll always have time to catch up, ya know.
So anyhoo, do you sometimes say break up day 1 and day 5 and mix them into other days or something like that?
Thank you,

May the Lord bless you in all that you do...