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Week in Review 4/1 /11 to 4/8/11

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:43 pm
by spidermansmum
Did I get the dates round the right way [We write day/month/year here :wink: ]

Ok Girls,

What was YOUR week Like?

You can post:

a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!

Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!

Re: Week in Review 4/1 /11 to 4/8/11

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:56 pm
by spidermansmum
Here is my blog For some reason this week I have loadsof pictures of Stanley -not so many of Nathan . ... lhfhg.html

I realise that many HODers are away for easter break. :wink:
We didnt finish week 19 of LHTH or Beyond
We had a busy week with a easter eggg scavenger hunt at the home educators meet up and a day out..
The highlight this week .When I first pulled out the Christian Liberty Nature Reader-he panicked ,claiming he couldnt possibly read it.I think it looked very advanced or something.Once we got started-he got over his panic and he read well.Mis read middle and spread -so we built those words with magnetic letters.Now we are on day 4 of reading this book and today I offered to read him some .He clutched the book to his chest with an emphatic NO.He was enjoying reading it so much-he did not want anyone else to take that enjoyment from him. :D
He is making good progress with Singapore 1B :D And got all his spellings right :D

Love,love,love Stanley manipulating his fingers for 1- 10


Re: Week in Review 4/1 /11 to 4/8/11

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:28 pm
by Mandy
I was very late in posting my review last week, so I'll add it to this week. We are working at half speed, so I'll have Unit 3 to post next week. I'm looking forward to reading everyone's reviews! ... nit-2.html


Re: Week in Review 4/1 /11 to 4/8/11

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:53 pm
by my3sons
Resurrection to Reformation:
My ds needs a chef's hat - because he is one! :D We have all LOVED this week's RTR history projects! MMMMMMMMMMM! That's all I can say. Wyatt made some tasty treats, and we enjoyed every bite. :) I did not help with one. bit. of. it. Can you believe it?!? He can make all sorts of things, because through doing HOD's history projects, he can follow step-by-step directions - even in the form of a recipe. Russian teacakes, Amish sugar cookies, yummy. He could have just chosen to do one, but he wanted to bake them both. :D Everyone was glad he did. :D
Amish Sugar Cookies...
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Russian Teacakes...
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Wyatt also finished his "Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons" 5 paragraph essay. I am so happy with how it turned out! He worked very hard on it, and he used all that he learned throughout the whole year to be able to write it. The skills he has learned this year have really taken his writing to the next level. He's learned to do key word outlines, catchy introductions, boldly descriptive paragraphs based on meshing several research resources, summing it up conclusions, and many, many writing techniques that have improved his writing in all areas - including written narrations. Here he is happily reading his 5 paragraph essay to me and grinningly showing me the length of it...
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Wyatt also finished the flipbook he made, and it turned out so well! I love all the Scripture verses he copied inside, and the pictures he drew on the front. With HOD, our dc will hear the Good News of the Lord every single year! They have so many opportunities to give their hearts to Him. What a blessing! :D

Another amazing week with RTR! :D
In Christ,

Re: Week in Review 4/1 /11 to 4/8/11

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:28 pm
by KristinBeth
We just began Unit 14 of LHTH - learning about David becoming king, and making our own Ark to carry the 10 commandments into Jerusalem. Our ark was made from a Huggies pull ups box covered in foil. :lol:

It's a little known fact that the ark was covered in red puffballs and pink glitter flying insects

Our 4 year old, Lily, decided all on her own that we needed two stones to "write" the 10 commandments on. A nice addition to the project!

The stone tablets

Carrying the ark, while singing "If you're happy and you know it" :lol:

My kids are getting used to the paparazzi snapping their pictures whenever they try to do a project now. Another fun activity with LHTH. :D

Re: Week in Review 4/1 /11 to 4/8/11

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:55 pm
by gazelle
Ahh! What an awesome week. We schooled for four days and the children made some great leaps in derstanding. I changed how we did "the boxes" by starting with bible study and then doing reading about history (continueing with learning the basics). This changed everyone's attitude towards God and peace. And we could see clearly how God controls our schooling when we ask Him. I have been concerned about keeping Easter as a christian holiday and did not have any direction. I asked God to show us and Wow. We began by research ideas and thought out a plan called the road to the the res. Then we started school on Monday.... Unit 16 day 4 Jesus dies. The children said" that is what we are planning to celebrate at the end of the road" I reminded them that we would celebrate the end of the road with Jesus rising again. They then got so excited about Easter, because of Jesus' victory! I could not have planned this if I carefully charted it, but our God knew what my family needed. He is awesome.
So, LHFHG Unit 16 day 4 to unit 17 day 2 (Jesus dies and rises and Jesus last days on earth)
Isa (7) My ds did so well this week with memorizing Matthew 6:9-13 (the Lord's prayer) in the KJV. It was hard yet he got it. He loved the school-life connection I mentioned above and wanted to tell all his friends about Christ's life. He started on DITHOR Level 2-3 a couple weeks ago on Adventure and is thriving with reading" stone fox" and" dolphin adventure". I have been having him do the workbook orally and he is excited to explore the books deeper. He loved" Stone Fox" and it speared a great discussion on death. What a treasured time with my son. We decide to not do the project and will start again next week with reading.
Abs (5) My dd is thriving in LHFHG. SHE LOVES IT ALL. She made huge leap and started truely reading this week. She chose to start reading "the beginners Bible" on her own and insisted I listen. What a joy to have my child reading the Bible as her first real book. She is moving slowly (one story at a time), but I am amazed at her desire to read. Horray! She is doing well at all other things and has began to really ask questions about Jesus. We are reading" the adventures of grandfather Frog" and she is so tickled with ghe adventures of all the animals.
Horray for this week! Some weeks take time and are trials, but this one was a joy.

Re: Week in Review 4/1 /11 to 4/8/11

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:44 am
by spidermansmum
Mandy-that was an enormous tower :D
Julie -Wyatts writing was amazing and I too -love having a mini chef in the house .
KristinBeth-thats the most creative and beautiful ark. It made me smile .Thankyou for sharing those pictures .
Karen -Its such a joy when we see our DC making progress and learning new things.We too have been thinking about easter.I will continue to schedule school -but we are adding Countdown to Easter book by Amy Puez .
I enjoyed reading about all your week's with HOD

Re: Week in Review 4/1 /11 to 4/8/11

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:19 pm
by my3sons
Bigger Hearts for His Glory:
We are cruising right along with Bigger Hearts and are now in the "harvest" stage of the guide. All the work we did previously is coming full circle, and Riley can now do all of the skills in the guide well. It really amazes me. I start the year thinking I'm not so sure they're going to come along, and then slowly and steadily they do, and before I know it, they're ready to move on. What a growing year this has been! :D

Riley's timeline is marching right along, and he now knows what a good timeline entry should look like. Put it in the proper column. Fill the whole box with a good sketch. Make it Colorful. Use neat writing. Use correct spelling in the caption. Check the plans to make sure you did all the entries for the day. All of those steps he had to learn to be able to independently do a good timeline entry are valuable skills he now has down pat. This has become an independent skill for him. Next year, in PHFHG, he will be able to do this on his own, and I will be teaching something new, while still enjoying seeing his PHFHG timeline grow. :D Ahhh. The value of incremental teaching. :)

The "Wright Brothers and Their Sister" has been an inspiration to Riley. He is amazed by their resourcefulness, by their sibling love for each other, and by their ability to think beyond what they see. Riley has a mind like those boys and their sister. He is always thinking about how things are put together, how they can be taken apart, how to make them more efficient, how to fix them, how to build them in a new way. He would have fit right in with the Wright brothers! I like to see HOD's plans encouraging this kind of entrepreneur spirit about learning. It spills over into life. :D Riley's been experimenting with lift, glide, air pressure, etc. with his planes, and I imagine Orvie and WIll would be right their with him, loving learning this way.

"The Pioneer Sampler" has encouraged this kind of learning as well. Practical solutions to pressing problems = some pretty scientific ways of solving things. Riley especially loved making his own ink by using black shaving from burning a candle on the back of a glass plate. He worked at it for awhile and learned which candle worked best, as well as what glass surface, which angle of holding it to the flame, and how to move the plate smoothly to gather as much as possible. This kind of science experiment teaches so much more than a canned experiment with a standard answer. It recreates a lab situation, and sets my little scientist to work at experimenting. What a neat way to learn - and I bet he'll remember it too! :D
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Riley loved his art project of coloring over different surfaces this week. He went on a search for which surfaces he would enjoy using the most, and chose his colors carefully too:
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Making an encouraging card for his cousin Greyson's b-day was fun too. He included a Bible verse and was happy with the results. I'm glad he is learning to use God's word to encourage others!

What a good week with Bigger Hearts!
In Christ,

Re: Week in Review 4/1 /11 to 4/8/11

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:34 pm
by my3sons
Little Hands to Heaven:
We read the story of the Good Samaritan this week. I am noticing Emmett is beginning to really understand the Bible stories better, and he feels real emotions for those that are hurting. He already identifies Jesus' loving kindness as amazing. He even says "Jesus" in a a whisper usually, as if in awe of Him. I love how HOD gets to the heart. What a blessing! :D Here little Emmett is scooting along the road to help the Samaritan. Incorporating gross motor skills such as moving along the ball with his feet is another good way to get in some skills while reinforcing the story.

Emmet cut out his own pictures and glued them on himself! A milestone. He was so proud!

We also read about the rich man who built bigger barns instead of sharing his wealth. Here he is comparing the 2 barns and seeing how many items will fit in each. This activity reinforced the Bible story, but taught math skills as well. What fun!
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In Christ,

Re: Week in Review 4/1 /11 to 4/8/11

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:04 pm
by spidermansmum
Julie -I had not thought before about this being the 'harvest ' time in the curriculum-but now I can see that it is.Its like at this point -the curriculum feels comfortable and fits so well..and it feels like that my children have suddenly grown into their currciulums and made leaps in their skills.
I am so excited to read about Bigger.I think Nathan will love that next year.He too is a bit of an engineer and an inventor.
I loved the pictures of little Emmet proudly showing off his work.That scooting looks like fun-Im looking forward to covering that in a few weeks.

Re: Week in Review 4/1 /11 to 4/8/11

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:27 pm
by LynnH
So interesting to see that others are seeing the "harvest" now, because that is exactly what I am seeing. Here is our week ... -4411.html

Re: Week in Review 4/1 /11 to 4/8/11

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:39 pm
by Heather4Him

Your post and blog are JUST what we needed right now! We are a week behind you in CTC, and we couldn't figure out how to make the mezuzah case. Thank you for sharing--looks great!! :D

Re: Week in Review 4/1 /11 to 4/8/11

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:38 pm
by spidermansmum
Lynn -loved the snowy scene painting.