Weekly Review 12/6 to 12/10

This forum is for sharing what your week was like with Heart of Dakota. The goal is to post on Thursdays. You can share a picture, a blog link, a written synopsis, your favorite memory, or anything you want that shares your HOD excitement.

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Weekly Review 12/6 to 12/10

Post by doubleportion » Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:16 pm

Ok Girls,

What was YOUR week Like?

You can post:

a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!

Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!

:-) Edie
dd 13 -Rev2Rev (enjoyed PHFHG, CTC, RTR)
ds 8 -Beyond
ds 6 LHFHG & ds 2 & ds 6 months
4 waiting for us with Jesus

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Re: Weekly Review 12/6 to 12/10

Post by doubleportion » Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:21 pm

So excited to get to post my first week in review. I couldn't wait for someone else to start it. :oops:

This was our first week with HOD and it was AMAZING!!! My favorite part was my dd singing Psalm 1 as she got ready for dinner and my ds making his letter A project.

Here is my blog post of my dd's first week with PHFHG.
http://quietlyrunningtheracehomeschooli ... h-air.html

I've posted for my ds w/ LHTH in another post.
http://quietlyrunningtheracehomeschooli ... -joys.html

SO HAPPY TO BE HERE I COULD SQUEAL!! (and I am NOT a squealer :shock: )

dd 13 -Rev2Rev (enjoyed PHFHG, CTC, RTR)
ds 8 -Beyond
ds 6 LHFHG & ds 2 & ds 6 months
4 waiting for us with Jesus

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Re: Weekly Review 12/6 to 12/10

Post by Samuel'sMommy » Sat Dec 11, 2010 2:33 pm

We finished up this week of school and we are now officially on Christmas break!!! We were going to go for one more week but after looking at the list of things I have to get done before we have 11 house guests :shock: for Christmas, I decided to just stop here. Plus, it was the end of a unit and the end of Danny Meadow Mouse so it seemed like a good breaking point. Looking forward to a fun, family filled Christmas and excited about starting back with HOD in January!

http://cherish-each-moment.blogspot.com ... ek-18.html
Wife to Adam for 25 years
Mom to Samuel (18 - freshman in college), Isaiah (8), and Judah (4) through the miracle of adoption
Using and loving LHTH & BLHFHG


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Re: Weekly Review 12/6 to 12/10

Post by spidermansmum » Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:10 am

Have a good christmas break[somehow rest seems the wrong word with 11 house guests !]
We hope to keep going for a while longer.I think Nathan does better with routine,christmas is not a lot of fun for Aspies.

BLHFHG week 14
This week we did an expirement based on Edward Winslow helping making the indian chief better with broth.This in turn led to Nathan helping make chicken broth for his daddy and brother who have been poorly with a flu type virus .

[img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- ... 1043_n.jpg

The memory verse was again very helpful as I continue to recover from the m/c.
[quote 1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God[a]; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? ][/quote]

Wehave read amelia Bedelia-which is avery good book-I see alot of autistic tendancies in Amelia.Its funny.I told Nathan this week that we were going to whip the cream and his response was "WHAT???? Do we even own a whip?making indianna jones whip cracking noises . :D

Stanley has been doing LHTH week 15.He has learnt M miracles :D
- Delighted to have used LHTH,LHFHG and Beyond, Bigger , Preparing and DITHOR
currently Using
LHTH slowly with my 2 year old
Starting Bigger with my 8 y/o About to add on DITHOR
Finishing Preparing with my 12year with ASD/LD

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Re: Weekly Review 12/6 to 12/10

Post by spidermansmum » Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:10 am

Have a good christmas break[somehow rest seems the wrong word with 11 house guests !]
We hope to keep going for a while longer.I think Nathan does better with routine,christmas is not a lot of fun for Aspies.

BLHFHG week 14
This week we did an expirement based on Edward Winslow helping making the indian chief better with broth.This in turn led to Nathan helping make chicken broth for his daddy and brother who have been poorly with a flu type virus .


The memory verse was again very helpful as I continue to recover from the m/c.
[quote 1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God[a]; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? ][/quote]

We have read Amelia Bedelia-which is avery good book-I see alot of autistic tendancies in Amelia.Its funny.I told Nathan this week that we were going to whip the cream and his response was "WHAT???? Do we even own a whip?making indianna jones whip cracking noises . :D

Stanley has been doing LHTH week 15.He has learnt M miracles :D He made a lovely Elijah's alter with playdough.
- Delighted to have used LHTH,LHFHG and Beyond, Bigger , Preparing and DITHOR
currently Using
LHTH slowly with my 2 year old
Starting Bigger with my 8 y/o About to add on DITHOR
Finishing Preparing with my 12year with ASD/LD

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Location: South Dakota

Re: Weekly Review 12/6 to 12/10

Post by my3sons » Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:12 am

Resurrection to Reformation:
With the hustle and bustle of Christmas, I am so thankful how easy it is for me to teach with HOD. :D If I had to do a lot of planning, prepping, gathering of materials, or trips to the library, I know school would not be getting done well around here. :shock: This is such a busy time of year - in a good way - but nonetheless, B-U-S-Y! :D

Wyatt began his "Mystery of History" book this week, and I asked him if he liked it. He said, "Yes! It's soooooo good!" :D Then, I asked him if he liked it better than his other history books, and he shook his head 'no' and said, "They've all been soooooo good, Mom!"

Honestly, I thought he might say he liked MOH better than the rest because of all of the pictures. One excellent benefit I am coming to understand and appreciate more and more with the CM living books approach HOD uses is that my dc appreciate what the words on the page have to say the most. When I used to teach ps, narrative books that were timeless and so well-written often gathered dust on the shelf, while the newest and 'greatest' :shock: "eye candy" books with flashy pictures and very little plot were snapped up and read instead. It used to make me very sad. But I can see a real difference in my dc as they use HOD. They love living books, and they can pick them out of a pile pretty quickly. The 'eye candy' books with poor plot don't stand a chance against living books. In fact, my kiddos often say, "Nothing really happens", or "The pictures are neat, but I just don't want to read it" for those less than living books. I'm so glad that HOD is fostering this love of good literature in my dc, and even more glad it's carrying over into their own reading preferences! :D

Wyatt also started his "A Child's Geography 1: Explore the Earth" for science. His notebooking turned out so neat! I am enjoying his narrations about this. My middle ds doesn't want to miss hearing big brother narrate lately, and I can tell my oldest is rising to the challenge of giving a narrative narration. :wink: He's putting his all into it to impress little brother, and they both love it. This is quite different from his fledging attempts at narrating to start with - he used to be very awkward about narrating in front of me, and positively afraid of narrating in front of others. Now, he does it all the time with poise and energy. I don't take it for granted! I remember those earlier days and am very thankful we kept working at narration until he gained confidence and ability in it. :D His notebooking turned out so nicely for science:

Art appreciation has been so fun to do together this year. The pictures are so beautiful, and they go with this part of history so well! Here Wyatt carefully colored to make this lovely replica of art he was studying:

In our rough and tumble house full of boys that love the outdoors and machines that gooooo, a little refinement by studying art is a welcome change of pace sometimes for me. I'm so glad my dc will be able to walk in an art gallery and feel at ease and have something in their education to connect timeless art pieces with - something I could not do until I learned it right along with my dc in HOD. I hope you had an excellent week homeschooling! :D

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Re: Weekly Review 12/6 to 12/10

Post by my3sons » Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:27 am

Bigger Hearts for HIs Glory:
Riley has come into his own with BHFHG now. He is taking on more independence, setting out his books, even occasionally putting things away when he finishes them. :wink: He loves to draw and enjoyed making his history map and key. He used the map in his Eggleston book along with the globe. I cannot say enough how much I love that geography/map/resource skills are linked to the history we are reading. It makes it so much more meaningful than just a map workbook would have been. I also like that often several things are used in coordination for assignments, in this case, the globe and a map in the Eggleston book. It give an "up close" view and a "global" view of the world.
Image Image

John Audubon is such a favorite of Riley's for science. He practically came unglued with exciting waiting for Cecile to open her b-day gift from Jean - a stuffed snake and a silver candlestick. His squeal sounded much like I imagine Cecile's did when she opened that gift! :lol: Acting out the 4 different ways snakes can move was so much fun that even big brother had to leave his work to try it once:
Image Image Image Image

Multiplication has clicked. I can see Riley's giving up manipulatives for the lower multiplication problems and just doing it in his head. I love Singapore math! :D

What a fun week with Riley!
In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Re: Weekly Review 12/6 to 12/10

Post by my3sons » Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:34 am

Little Hands to Heaven:
Emmett waits for me on the couch with his little Bible and snuggles in under the blankets for "school". He is getting more and more of the answers to the questions in the Bible right! A big improvement over the blank look he used to have when I asked him questions, or the proverbial "Jesus loves me!" answer he standardly gave to every single question early on. :wink: Now, he talks about the Bible characters by name, and wants to act them out with me all the time. "I'll be Ezra" he said the other day. :lol: I'm so glad HOD plans for this type of activity in the plans, as I'm not creative enough to add it in on my own. He loves the Bible Activity box in LHTH. He also loves for me to hold him while I sing the Corresponding Music. He is getting to be heavy to hold, but I sure do love that time together! :D Emmett is on "N" this week, and he is getting better at holding his marker right and writing some letters with a lot of help from me:

Finding the idols hidden in the oatmeal and saying "NO! NO! Worship only GOD!" was a big hit with Emmett! He wanted to do it over and over again. He shouted a very convincing "NO!" too. I daresay anyone would be afraid to worship idols on Emmett's watch. :D

Having a little one who has such joy about everything is such a blessing. Emmett makes me either laugh until my sides hurt or want to pull my hair out - but he is easy to love. I'm so glad we have time together each day by doing LHTH! :D

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Re: Weekly Review 12/6 to 12/10

Post by LynnH » Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:00 pm

I didn't manage to take many pictures this week, but here is the link to my blog http://graceandfur.blogspot.com/2010/12 ... 62010.html
Mom to:
dd 22 college graduate and employed as an Intervention Specialist
ds 18 US2, Loved Preparing, CTC , RTR , Rev to Rev, MTMM ,WG, WH and US1

Tree House Academy
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Re: Weekly Review 12/6 to 12/10

Post by Tree House Academy » Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:46 am

What a wonderful week we had!!! Our week included 5 days of HOD, two Christmas parties, and lots of SNOW!

First, the HOD!


Ds11 finished up the last day of week 14 and all of week 15 this week. He had some great projects and began his drawing with draw and write through History. As I imagined, he LOVED it!

Summaries are getting really long! Ds refuses to hold it to a short one and he is writing longer and longer with more and more detail because he WANTS to! That makes my momma heart jump for joy! :D We have gotten around the space issue in the student pages by just having him fold his paper in quarters when he is finished and tape or glue it to the box.


He is also doing a great job answering his Day 1 questions. He is writing in complete sentences and giving me good, well-thought out answers. :) And his handwriting is just lovely for a boy!


We started Birds of the Air this week and did something a little different with the first book page. Ds tried to do it himself and draw it out one morning while I was sleeping. He did a nice job, but he did not manage to read that it should not be WATER birds. When he had to re-do it, he cried and I understood why. So...I helped him a little and we printed out the pictures and the verse so he wouldn't have to re-do it all after working so hard the first time. :)


He loved doing the mosaic (I think this was week 14, but like I said, he finished the last day of week 14 and all of week 15 this week).


Unit 15 student pages (with another LONG summary...but probably the most well written he has done this year):


Painting for Unit 15


An his super fun Science experiment...we got a jump start on this when I read ahead in the manual so he would be able to finish it before he leaves for his Dad's for Christmas this week!

Our egg after 3 days in Vinegar:


Our egg after two days in corn syrup (we aren't finished yet)


And...his sweet hand drawing the hanging gardens in Babylon!


ds13(8th) - Rev to Rev w/ TT Pre-Algebra, R&S English 6, CLE Reading 8, Rosetta Stone French
ds9 (4th) - Preparing Hearts, TT Math 4, R&S English 3, CLE Reading 4, & Writeshop Jr.

We have completed LHFHG, BLHFHG, Bigger, CTC, & RTR.

Tree House Academy
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Re: Weekly Review 12/6 to 12/10

Post by Tree House Academy » Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:02 am

Lots of pics this week...thought I had better split the posts.


Ds7 finished week 15 in Beyond and it was so much fun. We did such neat things that I did not capture on camera - like making ice cream, seperating the curds and whey in milk, and making a cow picture. :)


We both loved the poem for this week and ds did a very good job with his copywork.


He is doing wonderfully on his spelling tests!


And he drew this little picture to go along with our fantasy book. He did it from my verbal instructions. Not too bad!


And...after all of our hard work, we took some time to PARTY!! We had two different parties with two groups of friends.

Here is my youngest son and his best friends making gingerbread houses out of graham crackers! It was YUMMY!


And here are my two boys and their good friend just giggling away!


Then we put up the tree together. The kids decorated it all by themselves. I think they did a splendid job!


And then we got snowed in! LOL



Our last week of school is this week (the 13th-17th) and we are so excited to be finishing up and getting a good break to celebrate Jesus' birthday!!

ds13(8th) - Rev to Rev w/ TT Pre-Algebra, R&S English 6, CLE Reading 8, Rosetta Stone French
ds9 (4th) - Preparing Hearts, TT Math 4, R&S English 3, CLE Reading 4, & Writeshop Jr.

We have completed LHFHG, BLHFHG, Bigger, CTC, & RTR.

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Location: NW Wisconsin

Re: Weekly Review 12/6 to 12/10

Post by birchbark » Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:54 am

CTC Unit 13 Spider week!

It's fun to read Tree House Academy's posts as we trailing them by a couple weeks. :D

Here is the watercolor. We couldn't get the white paint to work for the web so we used gray. Also noticed we used the background upside down. :D Below is the playdough map of Israel.
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Re: Weekly Review 12/6 to 12/10

Post by birchbark » Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:57 am

The science notebooking and web experiment. DS enjoyed showing it to Dad and took great delight in drinking the "fly" after it dissolved.
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Married to a wonderful man since 1995

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