This week was a great blessing, thanks to the way HOD is set up. I have not been able to do school with the kids, because of a recent surgery. I am in the 4th week of recovery. My best friend has been keeping up with school. It is a blessing that we are able to stay in the same guides so far.
For Bigger 1/2 pace: We did unit 14, first 3 days.
At co-op he drew the most beautiful bird and I was extremely proud of him!

He has made so much improvement in drawing since he is very much gross motor oriented!
We mostly enjoyed guessing how far an eagle sees and than going outside to measure. We talked about distance a bit since his guess was that an owl could probably see 100 miles. So, after explaining how far that was, he could see that the guess should be a little more thought about. So tonight after church he was explaining to Daddy how far an eagle can see! ds was able to do the measuring with just verbal instruction as I could not bend down to help him in my current condition. I can already see that he will be very disappointed when we are done reading through John Audubon,

he has very much enjoyed the science and the life of John Audubon.

Bible Study and learning about leadership was very enlightening as he is the oldest one and he decided to show more leadership when he is playing with his siblings in sharing and teaching them to share with a happy heart. We discussed the greatest attitude of a leader was to be a servant!
His narration is improving, he asks before the reading if it is a narration session and I have told him that it is good to always listen as if he has to narrate and be ready! So he did great and remembered many details about Thomas Jefferson.
Elijah has been so excited to listen to the hyms and even reading the story himself.
I was most excited that Elijah did so well finding his vocabulary word and my Mother-in-law was here helping out and was most impressed with the sentence he came up with!
For LHTH: We did unit 24
We learned about Jesus raising Lazarus from the death! We discussed the fact that when one is sick or dies that it does not mean that God does not care or does not love that person or even that it is punishment. Luke made a great connection today when he saw a resurrection picture of the stone being rolled away at Jesus's grave, that we learned about Lazarus!

He had fun making the cave and the stone out of play dough and I had a craft stick that I drew a face on and wrapped it in white tissue.
Oh the letter T was fun to make all on his own and write all on his own and jump off. He has actually gotten all of the letter sounds under his belt, but he likes to teach little sis. The kids get very excited and even my older one comes over when we get the choc. syrup out to write letters on the plate.

I guess little sis was gone with grandma so she enjoyed her writing later.

Luke has been enjoying reading his Bob Books. With my surgery I have decided to put moving on with phonics and going to the long vowels till after total recovery! So we have been reading Bob books and he finished box 1.
For Finger play I had big brother do it with them, since jumping, spinning and activities alike are not allowed for me yet!

It was rather sad, because I absolutely love getting into the finger plays with the kids (sometimes I might be the one enjoying them the most, but it gets catchy for them!).
It was also very nice to have my Mother in law around in the mornings she enjoys watching the kiddo's learn and she was summoned to do the Devotions with them the last 2 weeks, since we have both the ABC dev. and the "Small Talks about God".
At co-op Luke did his craft and his letter T decoration. For letter T they did toothpicks and tool stickers. He came home and told me all about what he did at co-op as he has gotten accustomed to the last couple of weeks, since I do not attend co-op at the moment.
Once again even while mostly in bed I was able to have the kids do school 3 times this week, because of how HOD is set up.