Preparing Hearts for His Glory Unit 2
OK, Sorry it has taken me so long to post. I learned a valuable lesson about not skipping Friday and saying "we'll do school over the weekend". We did get it done but there was a lot going on this weekend so it wasn't easy. I'm trying to remember now everything we did...
The kids had fun painting a beautiful rainbow. (learned about the flood this week)
Finished The True Story of Noah's Ark. (We thought it was a beautiful, interesting book)
We read Life in the Great Ice Age during History Reading. (ds was excited to hear the book that comes before his mammoth book in his extension pack)
Fried my hair dryer. (ds was seeing how fast he could melt an ice cube for science and stuck the hair dryer down in the glass. All I got out was, "No wait! Don't..." and it sparked and then was forever dead.)
My fault, I should have seen that one coming. Just glad he didn't get hurt.
We had a breakthrough with how long school takes.
On Thursday we were done in 4 hours!! I timed our progress on Wednesday and this gave me ideas for where I could get things tightened up a little. I was right that LA was our main problem and I was able to tweak it a little.
We used the old sign language book that I bought when I was a kid to make up some of the motions for our Bible verses. That was fun.
Part of our success with the time factor was also the fact that I separated the kids to two different tables so there was a lot less interaction between the two. No more, "Mom, she/he's wiggling the table!" Ahh, bliss.
I bought a bigger dictionary and this has made the vocabulary lesson go a lot better. It is a junior dictionary and the kids like the pictures and the fact that it's easier to find the words with larger print.
I missed the fact that dd was supposed to start Noah's Ark, Noah's Flood in Independent History this week so I read a few pages today and will catch her up tomorrow. It seems like a very informative book so far!
All in all, a great week!