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9-29 to 10-3

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:10 am
by sniz-teach
Yesterday at our homeschool co-op, some moms did a puppet show. The theme for their performance? Prov. 6:6-8, our verses for this week! I see the Lord's hand all the time as little random things like this that tie our school day with real life seem to happen frequently. The girls were awed and excited as the puppet started talking about sluggards and ants. How cool is God?

Check out my homeschooling blog for some things we did this week...

I'm sorry, but I don't know how to put a link for a specific post. :(

Re: 9-29 to 10-3

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:44 am
by tafania
This week was really tough! Not because of HOD but just as our 2nd week transitioning back into school mode! I have to say that if we were doing a program other then HOD and I would have had to do the planning, teaching and implementing we would not have done school 3 out of 5 days this week. So thanks HOD for being doable even during the hard times!

Timmy loved pretending to be the animals this week for Noah's ark. He also liked using the blocks to trace out the letter "b". I love the fact that I can combine both my kids work. Em and Tim both loved floating paper off of our overlook in the house to see if crunched or flat hits the ground first. Both kids LOVE the history. They beg for more. We save it for last everyday so that we end on a high note.

I have to tell you that HS with an 18 month old is NOT easy. This week he has cried everyday for my complete attention b/c he does not like it when I have either of the other 2 on my lap. Tim (3) and Chris(18m) both got into the food coloring yesterday and got it all over my beige carpet. Thankfully I had Sol-U-Mel on hand and it cleaned up with out any trouble at all! However my stress level was through the roof this week. Timmy will not potty train and I do not know what to do about it...he'll be 4 in November so please be in prayer for him and for me!!

Sorry, I got a little off topic. Basically we made it through the week and the highlights of it were when we were spending time in school, working together and having fun!

Hopefully next week will go better.


Re: 9-29 to 10-3

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:22 am
by Carrie

I love it when the Lord makes those connections for us! It is a wonderful moment when that happens. I'm so glad you're enjoying Bigger Hearts. We had such a good time doing it last year with Shaw too! 8)

It looks like Taffy and I were posting at the same time! :lol: I just wanted to pop back and encourage you Taffy. Potty training and 18 month olds can both be SO time-consuming! And still.... you accomplished a lot this week by moving forward. Celebrate that success! :D

By the way, my second son took forever to potty train too. We actually went back to putting him in pull-ups again at age 4 for about 3 months and just didn't talk about potty training at all during that time period. It was a relief for me not to change the sheets or clean anything up for awhile. Then, we tried again, and he was more able to do it. Your little guy will be potty-trained dear, you may just need a break from it for now. Some kiddos are just not physically as ready for it even though they should be age-wise (my second son is a day-dreamy child throughout the day and also a very deep sleeper at night). My first and third sons were nothing like that and were pretty much trained within a week or two. I'll pray for you! :D
