And while the little 2 were creating their own ocean on the kitchen floor, Grant and I enjoyed all kinds of "beach" experiments in our Bigger science. He said that his favorite experiment this week was the one on different bird beaks because it was a lot of fun looking for things in the "sand" and getting them out.
Making waves...
Experimenting with different "beaks"...
Which helps objects float better - fresh water or saltwater?
(This was my personal favorite. I've really never thought about why salt water would make things float better.
I'm learning, too.)
I love the way the science that we've done so far really encourages scientific thinking and leads them to test their "guesses".
We have still been enjoying the history readings, and Grant loves the activities that go with them!! Here he put the "continents" and "oceans" in their places on a ball.
We didn't get any pictures of our "lunar eclipse" because it was too dark
, but he liked renacting that one days after we'd done it!
Here he is making his compass on the floor.
HOD has been great for me as a teacher in many of which is these great activities that I've shown pictures of. While I'm sure that I
could have come up with something to do sometimes to add a little variety to our learning...I didn't. I LOVE the simple, meaningful, FUN activities and experiments!!!
My son does, too! This is something that I always skipped prior to HOD because it was too time-consuming or I didn't have what I needed. Thank you Carrie!!
When we 1st started Bigger, Grant was doing some major dawdling with the things he needed to write, which I expected could happen with him. We've been getting into our groove and he knows what's expected of him and things are clipping along much better. (I actually think he has to write
less this year than last as we were using some things that overdo it.) Anyway, one of the things that I decided to try was letting him write the short portion of R&S that he writes on a whiteboard. It did wonders!! (Not sure why, but he loves it!)
We are continuing to love the content of the Bible protion of Bigger focusing on character and memorizing Proverbs. But this week I have to comment on the physical activity suggested during the memory work time.
I've been joining Grant and getting up and moving with him while he does the jumping jacks or toe touches or arm circles or PUSHUPS. Sure, I could just watch him...but I don't want to be a "marshmallow Mommy"...and there's really no reason I shouldn't get that little bit of exercise...if I expect him to do it I should be willing, right? For the last month I've been back into running 4 miles early in the mornings...well "running" would be a stretch, but I'm pretty sure it's faster than walking!
So, I figured on Tuesday when we did 5 sets of 5 pushups between saying our verse with actions, it would be no problem. I found out my "pushup muscles" are not in shape!!
Guess you don't use them carrying laundry baskets or hauling around a 38 lb 2 yo! I'm really having a lot of fun actively learning with the kids!! (At least once the soreness wears off...
I just have to share one last highlight... We've been reading George Rogers Clark for storytime during breakfast. This book is such a perfect fit for our family! We are a family that loves hunting, so we've really been able to relate to George shooting his first deer. George got his own knife...Grant has been asking for a knife for at least a year, and we're holding off on it and have been telling him that his demonstrating responsibility is going to be one of the main things we consider for that privilege. And, guess what character trait we've been studying in storytime? Yep, responsibility! George's family was also told to be careful in the woods as a neighbor spotted a panther and came to warn them. Last Wednesday, our neighbor that has cattle in the pasture behind our house came to let us know that he'd just lost a calf. There are a lot of coyotes around...but he was pretty sure from the injuries there that this was a cougar.
So, we're being a little more cautious about letting Grant roam the pasture alone...which he loved to do.
We're looking forward to
many more fun adventures on our Bigger journey!!